
  1. Moro disappears
    3-4 months
  2. Palmar Grasp disappears
    2-3 months
  3. lifts head momentarily
    1 month
  4. head to 45 degrees
    2 months
  5. head to 90 degrees
    3-4 months
  6. head lag disappears
    5 months
  7. rolls front to back
    4-5 months
  8. rolls back to front
    5-6 months
  9. sits without support
    7 months
  10. voluntary grasp (no release)
    5 months
  11. transfers objects
    6 months
  12. immature thumb grasp
    6-8 months
  13. pincer grasp
    10-12 months
  14. plays pat-a-cake
    9-10 months
  15. 2 cube tower
    13-15 months
  16. 4 cube tower
    18 months
  17. uses cup and spoon well
    15-18 months
  18. pulls to stand
    9 months
  19. cruises
    11 months
  20. walks without help
    13 months
  21. walks well
    15 months
  22. runs well
    2 years
  23. up and down stairs, 2 feet each step
    2 years
  24. up and down stairs alternating feet
    3-4 years
  25. jumps up with 2 feet
    2 1/2 years
  26. hops on 1 foot
    4 years
  27. skips
    5-6 years
  28. balances on 1 foot 2-3 seconds
    3 years
  29. balances on 1 foot 6-10 seconds
    4 years
  30. social smile
    1-2 months
  31. smiles at mirror
    5 months
  32. separation anxiety starts
    6-12 months
  33. waves bye-bye
    10 months
  34. dresses self
    3 years
  35. ties shoe laces
    5 years
  36. parallel play
    1-2 years
  37. cooperative play
    3-4 years
  38. can tell fantasy from reality
    5 years
  39. coos
    2-4 months
  40. first words
    9-12 months
  41. understands 1 step commands
    15 months
  42. vocab of 10-50 words
    13-18 months
  43. 2 words together
    18-24 months
  44. 3 word sentences
    2-3 years
  45. 4 word sentences
    3-4 years
  46. when looking at timing of milestones, correct for prematurity until what age?
    2 years
  47. copy a circle by
    3 years
  48. copy a square by
    5 years
  49. copy a cross by
    4 years
  50. copy a triangle by
    6 years
  51. copy a diamond by
    7 years
  52. 6 cube tower
    24 months
  53. 8 cube tower
    36 months
  54. draws person with 6 body parts
    5 years
  55. removes clothing
    2 years
  56. washes and dries hands
    2 years
  57. throwing a ball vs throwing a ball overhand
    18 months vs 24 months
  58. follows past midline
    2 months
  59. red flag if no babbling by
    9-12 months

    remember, deaf children coo but not interactively and they don't transition to babbling
  60. red flag if no words by
    18 months
  61. red flag if no phrases (2-word) by
    24 months
  62. red flag if speech unintelligible by
    3 years
  63. red flag if unable to use language to communicate after
    3 years
  64. red flag if difficulty with language comprehension after
    3 years
Card Set
Peds Boards Developmental Milestones