vocabulary words

  1. fraud
    willful and purposefull misrepresentation that causes harm to a person or property
  2. common law
    court made law
  3. civil law
    private law that regulates relationships among people
  4. felony
    crime committed that can be punishable by imprisonment by state and federal penetentiary for at least a year
  5. tort
    civil wrong committed against a person or a persons property
  6. defamation of character
    an intentional tort in which one party makes derogatory remarks with intentions of diminishing the other partys reputation
  7. battery
    a committed assault carried out by touching of a person or anything attached to them
  8. malpractice
    negligence under professional personnel
  9. nurse practice acts
    laws that define a nurse's scope of practice
  10. informed consent
    a document giving permission for treatment
  11. liability
    the state of being legally responsible
  12. liability insurance
    protection against a lawsuit based on negligence
  13. patients bill of rights
    guide developed by the AHA to promote effective care with patient satisfaction
  14. good samaritant act
    laws that protect healthcare providers at the scene of an emergency
  15. assault
    threat of bodily injury or contact without consent
  16. negligence
    failure to take due care unintentionally
  17. slander
    oral defamation
  18. invasion of privacy
    disclosure of confidential info about an individual to others not involved in the individual's care
  19. false imprisonment
    unlawful restraint or detention of another person
  20. abandonment
    cessation of care
  21. advocate
    one who expresses and defends the cause of another
  22. autonomy
    the right to make one's own decisions
  23. licensure
    process by which a government give permission for an individua to engage in an occupation or profession
  24. morality
    private personcal standards of what is right and wrong in conduct, character, and attitude
  25. values
    freely chosen, enduring beliefs or attitudes about the worth of a person, object, idea, or action
  26. beliefs
    interpretations or conclusions that people accept as being true
  27. libe
    printed defamation
  28. certified letter
    physicians wish to withdraw from patients care
  29. euthanasia
    practice of terminating life
  30. accountability
    being held responsible for one's own actions
  31. communication
    exchange of information or thoughts between 2 or more people
  32. compassion
    a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another
  33. empathy
    ability to experience "as" the client rather than "how"
  34. feedback
    shared information that relates a persons performance to the patients goal
  35. non-verbal communication
    exchange of information or thoughts between 2 or more people using gestures, facial expressions, and thoughts
  36. sympathy
    harmony or agreement in feeling
  37. ascites
    excess fluid in the spaces between the cavity of the abdomen
  38. hemoptysis
    blood in the sputum
  39. diaphoresis
    profuse perspiration
  40. ecchymosis
    discoloration due to extravasation of blood
  41. edema
    presence of excess interstitial fluid in a tissue
  42. incoherent
    lacking clarity or intelligibility usually by reason of emotional stress
  43. disoriented
    loss of one's sense of direction, position, or relationship with one's surroundings
  44. jaundice
    a yellowish pigmentation of the skin tissues and certain body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments
  45. sputum
    mucous secretion from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea
  46. assessment
    collecting, validatinf, and documenting client data to manage healthcare needs
  47. nursing diagnosis
    analyzing and synthesizing data to identify client strengths and health problems
  48. planning
    determining how to prevent, reduce, or resolve identified clent problems
  49. implementation
    carrying out the planned nursing interventiona to meet clent goals
  50. evaluation
    measuring the degree to which goals/outcomes have been achieved and identifying factors that have positive and negative goal achievement
  51. assertiveness
    nurses ability to express thought and feelings confidently while respecting patient rights
  52. subjective
    not measurable data
  53. objective
    measurable data
  54. inspection
  55. percussion
  56. palpation
  57. auscultation
  58. data custering
    grouping of related information
  59. etiology
    study of causes
  60. chart
    legal documentation
  61. ethnicity
    belonging to a group differentiated by symbolic markers
  62. stereotyping
    assuming that all members of a cuture or ethnic group are alike
  63. culture
    the system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts
  64. minority group
    a group thought to be different from the larger group
  65. ethnocentrism
    the view that the beliefs and values of one's own cuture are superios to those of other cultures
  66. discrimination
    differential treatment of individuals or groups based on categories such as race, ethnicity, gender, social class
  67. values
    freely chosen, enduring beliefs or attitudes about the worth of a person, object, idea, or action
  68. apnea
    periods of no breathing
  69. arrythmia
    pulse with abnomal rhythm
  70. tachypnea
    an abnormally fast respiratory rate > 24
  71. bradycardia
    heart rate < 60 bpm
  72. dyspnea
    difficult or labored breathing
  73. diastolic pressure
    pressure when ventricles are at rest
  74. systolic pressure
    pressure of the bood as a result of contraction of the ventricles
  75. tachycardia
    increased heart rate > 100 bpm
  76. hypertension
    high blood pressure greater than 140/90 for an extended period
  77. apical pulse
    heartbeat over the apex of the heart
  78. pulse deficit
    difference between the heart rate and palpable pulse
  79. bradypnea
    abnormally slow breath < 12 respirations
  80. hyperventilation
    increase in rate and depth of breathing
  81. cheyne-stokes respiration
    gradual increase in rate and depth followe dby a gradual decrease; periods of apnea between cycles
  82. hypotension
    blood pressure < 90 systolic
  83. pulse pressure
    difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
  84. orthostatice blood pressure
    taken blood pressure at 3 readins: supine, sitting, standing
  85. sterilization
    destruction of all living microorganisms
  86. infection
    invasion and growth of microorganisms in a body tissue
  87. pathogen
    microorganisms that cause disease
  88. purulent
    full of, containing, forming, or discharging pus
  89. viruence
    microorganism ability to produce disease
  90. spore
    a walled, single to many-celled, reproductive element of an organism
  91. asepsis
    absence of disease-causing microorganisms
  92. medical asepsis
    a practice used to confine a specific microorganism to a specific area
  93. surgical asepsis
    every practie that keeps an object or an area completely free of microorganisms and spores
  94. nosocomial infection
    invasion and growth of microorganisms in a body tissue that occur as a result of healthcae delivery in a healthcare setting
  95. agent
    microorganism that invdes the body and causes an infection
  96. reservoir
    place where microorganism naturally lives, grows, and multiplies
  97. portal
    a way of leaving the reservoir
  98. method of transmission
    manner in which the microorganism gets to the host
  99. portal of entry
    site where microorganisms enter the body
  100. suseptible host
    someone who has a higher risk for getting an infection
  101. direct transmission
    immediate and direct transfer of microorganisms from person to person through touch, droplets, kissing, or sexual intercourse
  102. indirect transmission
    transfer of microorganisms from inanimate fomite objects
  103. atelectasis
    collapseof alveoli, of a lobe, or of an entire lung
  104. flexion
    decreasing the angle of a joint
  105. fowlers position
    a bed position in which the head and trunk are raised 45°-60°
  106. orthostatic hypotension
    sudden decrease in central blood pressure with position changes
  107. abduction
    movement of a body part away from the midline
  108. ROM
    maximum movement possible for that joint
  109. active ROM
    isotonic exercise in which the client moves their joint
  110. passive ROM
    when a nurse moves each of the clients joint
  111. atrophy
    unused muscles decreased in size
  112. contracture
    premanent shortening of the muscle
  113. body mechanic
    the efficient use of the body as a machine and as a means of locomotion
  114. strength and endurance exercises
    exercises that will increase the p ower of the musculoskeletal system and generally improve the who body
  115. line of gravity
    an imaginary vertical line that passes through the center of gravity
  116. foot-drop
    plantar flexion of foot with permanent contracture of calf muscle and tendon
  117. center of gravity
    the point at which a mass is centered
  118. hemiplegia
    paralysis of one-half of the body
  119. base of support
    the foundation that provides for an objects stability
  120. abduction
    movement of a body part away from the midline
  121. supination
    moving bones of forearm so the palm is upward
  122. rotation
    turning of the body part around its central axis
  123. hyperextension
    the state of exaggerated extension
  124. dorsiflexion
    movement of the ankle so the toes are pointing upward
  125. plantar flexion
    movement of the ankle so the toes are pointing downward
  126. internal rotation
    a body part turning on its axis toward the midline
  127. extension
    increasing the angle of a joint
Card Set
vocabulary words
homework packet vocabulary words