session 19

  1. define corporate entrepreneurship
    • the intention to engage in the creation of new products or processes and/or enter in to new markets
  2. define entrepreneurial intentions
    motivitational factors that influence individuals to pursue entrepreneurial outcomes
  3. define entrepreneurial self-efficacy
    conviction that one can successfully pursue entrepreneurial outcomes
  4. define perceived desirability
    degree to which a potential entrepreneurial outcome is evaluated as favorable or unfavorable
  5. Entrepreneurial Thinking
    An individuals mental processes of overcoming ignorance to: 1. decide whether a signal represents an opportunity .. 2. decide whether that opportunity is applicable to the individual specifically... 3. Process feedback from action steps taken
  6. How do successful entrepreneurs think?
    • - think structurally
    • - use existing resources in new combinations 
    • - effectuate (taking what you have and making something new)
    • - cognitively adapt
    • - learn from failures
  7. What are the four corporate entrepreneurial activities and describe it?
    • new business venturing - Creation of a new business within an existing organization
    • innovation- Developing new products, services, and processes
    • proactiveness- Initiative, risk-taking, competitive aggressiveness, and boldness
    • Self-Renewal- Transformation of organization through renewal of foundational ideas
  8. What are nine steps of process for establishing corporate entrepreneurship in the organization?
    • 1. Committment/Culture
    • 2. Plan & Organize
    • 3. Technology
    • 4. Training
    • 5. Customer Focus
    • 6. Resource Management
    • 7. Support Structure 
    • 8. Rewards
    • 9. Evaluation System
  9. What type of individuals should you seek?
    Seek individuals who can do things differently and better.
  10. What are some leadership characteristics of an effective corporate entrepreneur?
    • 1. understands the environment
    • 2. is visionary and flexible
    • 3. creates management options
    • 4. encourages teamwork
    • 5. encourages open discussion
    • 6. builds a coalition of supporters
    • 7. persists
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session 19