
  1. heft
    • [heft]
    • n.重量
    • Weight; heaviness; bulk.
    • v.t.To lift (something) in order to judge or estimate its weight.
    • 举起以掂重量
  2. spot
    • [spɔt]
    • n.地点,场所
    • 班点,污点,现场
  3. intimate
    • [ˈintəmit]
    • 亲密的
    • Marked by close acquaintance,association,or familiarity.
  4. musky
    • [ˈmʌski]
    • 麝香的
  5. whiff
    • [(h)wif]
    • n.淡淡的气味
  6. ecstasy
    • [ˈekstəsi]
    • n.狂喜,入迷
    • Intense joy or delight.
  7. contemplate
    • [ˈkɔntempleit]
    • v.凝视,沉思
    • 打算,企图
  8. genie
    • [ˈdʒiːni]
    • n.魔仆,魔怪
    • A supernatural creature who does one's bidding when summoned.
  9. colony
    • [ˈkɔləni]
    • n.群体
    • Ecology A group of the same kind of animals,plants,or one-celled organisms living or growing together.
  10. solarium
    • [səuˈlɛəriəm]
    • n.日光浴室
    • A room,gallery,or glassed-in porch exposed to the sun.
  11. drab
    • [dræb]
    • 褪色的,浅黄褐色的
  12. lilac
    • [ˈlailək]
    • n.紫丁香,淡紫色
    • adj.淡紫色的
  13. forbiddingly
    • [fəˈbidiŋ]
    • 令人生畏的,可畏的
  14. cornucopia
    • [ˌkɔːnjuˈkəupiə]
    • n.富裕,丰饶之角
    • Greek Mythology The horn of the goat that suckled Zeus,which broke off and became filled with fruit. In folklore,it became full of whatever its owner desired.
    • 哺乳了宙斯的山羊的角,后来脱落并装满了水果。在神话中,它装满其主人希望得到的任何东西
  15. ballad
    • [ˈbæləd]
    • n.民谣,民歌
  16. sheer
    • [ʃiə]
    • 绝对的,彻底的
    • 全然的,纯粹的
    • 透明的,峻峭的
  17. rhyme
    • [raim]
    • n.韵律,押韵
    • ,押韵的词
  18. dazzlingly
    • [ˈdæzliŋli]
    • 晃眼睛的; 光彩夺目的
  19. syncopate
    • [ˈsiŋkəpeit]
    • vt.(语)词中省略
    • 中略(省去中间字母或音节; 如将 never 省略成 ne'er)
    • (音)切分
  20. oeuvre
    • [ˈəːvr]
    • n.全集,全部作品
    • The sum of the lifework of an artist,a writer,or a composer.
  21. bouillon cube
    • [ˈbuːjɔŋ kjuːb]
    • 肉羹颗粒(由肉汁粉制成)
    • bouillon 肉汤
    • cube 立方体
  22. ponderous
    • [ˈpɔndərəs]
    • 沉重的
    • Having great weight.
  23. entice
    • [inˈtais]
    • v.诱惑
    • To attract by arousing hope or desire; lure
  24. dense
    • [dens]
    • 密实的,高密度的
  25. sonnet
    • [ˈsɔnit]
    • n.十四行诗
    • A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes.
  26. adult
    • [əˈdʌlt,æd-]
    • 成人的,成熟的
    • n.成人,成年人
  27. Caesar
    • [ˈsiːzə]
    • n.凯撒
    • Used as a title and form of address for Roman emperors.
    • 用作罗马帝王的头衔和称呼
    • A dictator or an autocrat.
    • 独裁者
  28. Twelfth Night
    • [twelfθ nait]
    • n.主显节之夜
    • January 5,the eve of Epiphany and the beginning of Carnival,celebrated as a holiday in parts of Europe and the United States and marked by feasting,merrymaking,and the lighting of bonfires.
  29. enthrall
    • [inˈθrɔːl]
    • v.迷住;吸引住
    • To hold spellbound; captivate
    • 奴役
    • To enslave.
  30. buff
    • [bʌf]
    • n.狂热爱好者
    • One that is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a subject
    • n.
    • 浅黄色,软皮
  31. fantasy
    • [ˈfæntəsi]
    • n.幻想,白日梦
  32. retarded
    • [riˈtaːdid]
    • 迟钝的,弱智的
    • Affected with mental retardation.
    • Relatively slow in mental,emotional,or physical development.
  33. scrap
    • [skræp]
    • n.小片,废料
    • adj.
    • 零碎的,废弃的
  34. porch
    • [pɔːtʃ]
    • n.门廊
    • A covered platform,usually having a separate roof,at an entrance to a building.
    • An open or enclosed gallery or room attached to the outside of a building; a verandah.
  35. screen
    • [skriːn]
    • n.屏,屏风
  36. down to
    • [daun tuː]
    • 下至
  37. scatter-brained
    • [ˈskætə ˈbreind]
    • 注意力不集中的
  38. identified with
    • [aiˈdentifaid wiθ]
    • 视...为一体,认同
  39. awkward
    • [ˈɔːkwəd]
    • 笨拙地,难看的
  40. aspiration
    • [ˌæspəˈreiʃən]
    • n.强烈愿望,雄心
    • The act of breathing in; inhalation.
  41. curl up
    • [kəːl ʌp]
    • v.卷起
  42. couch
    • [kautʃ]
    • n.睡椅
  43. Divine Comedy
    • [diˈvain ˈkɔmidi]
    • n.神曲
  44. intimate sphere
    • [ˈintimit sfiə]
    • n.私人空间
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Textbook Vocabulary