CISSP Cryptography - PRACTICE

  1. 1996 = Wassenaar Arrangement - terrorist countries.
  2. Chosen cipherattacks -
    • Intruder must capture large portion of cyphertext
    • chose which parts are to be decrypted
    • translation process is analyzed to identify secret key
  3. How many symmetric keys are required? Formula
  4. PGP -
    web of trust between users, users can determine how much they trust one another.
  5. IPSec Provides ...
    Integrity, confidentiality, and System authentication. NOT user authentication.
  6. Cesear cipher
    - shift in alphabet - key is # of shifts
  7. IPSec - ESP, AH
    • ESP = confidentiality, message integrity, and system authentication
    • AH = message integrity, and system authentication
  8. Lucifer -
    128 bit algorith - accepted as DES - key size went from 128 to 64 and renamed DES
  9. x.509
    standard for digital certificates
  10. Concealment cipher -
    disguise messages within the text of a body or message, using every other word to form a message
  11. Cryptovariable
    another word for key - provides secrecy
  12. Diffie Hillman Algorithm function?
    Performs Key exchange
  13. Block ciphers vs. Stream ciphers
    • Block ciphers - work better in applications - they work with blocks of data
    • Stream ciphers - work better in hardware - work with bits of data
  14. Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) ? =
    Does not perform message encryption or key exchange - the DSS dictates that SHA-1 or DSA are to be used for digital signatures
  15. El Gamal
    • Asymmectric, (public key algorithm),
    • Used for digital signatures,
    • encryption,
    • key exchange
    • calculates discrete logarithms in a finite field.
  16. A good one-way message hashing function ...
    creates a message digest from the whole message
  17. Link Encryption -
    encrypting header information - ect.
  18. True weakness of DES ...
    - key size
  19. Vernam Cipher
    - One Time Pad
  20. SHA
    • hashing algorithm developed by NASA
    • improves upon RC5
    • larger hash value of bits .. larger message digest .. more resistent to birthday attacks
  21. Symmetric algorithms are faster becuase ...
    they use substitution and transposition
  22. Confusion is carried out by ...

    Diffustion is carried out by ...
    Confusion is carried out by substitution

    Diffustion is carried out by transposition
  23. Key clustering -
    One key is used to encrypt two different messages and they both end up with the same cyphertext.
  24. MD2
    - 128 bit hash algorithm
  25. AES - encryption algorithm?
    - Rijndeal
  26. Purpose of public key
    - authenticate private key
  27. zero knowledge proof -
    you can prove you have a key without sharing private key - don't share too much information
  28. DEA -
    algorithm for DES (standard) - 16 rounds and 8 parity bits - 56 bit true key size
  29. SSL
    requires PKI - it performs authentication by using certificate authorities and certificates
  30. HTTPS vs S-HTTP
    • HTTPS - used to encrypt a channel
    • S-HTTP - used to encrypted individual messages
  31. Cryptanalysis requires
    - Access to ciphertext and algorithm source
    key management protocols that can be used by IPSec - defacto IKE - internet key exchange - NETWORK LAYER
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CISSP Cryptography - PRACTICE
CISSP Cryptography