COMM 110 -2

  1. 1. Marriage: There are 3 “official” types of marriages (not counting “Open”). They are Traditional, Separate, and Independent.

    For 1 point, describe 1 type. For 2 points, describe 2 types.
    • Traditional - the Cleavers with 2.5 kids. Husband works, wife stays home to raise family. Independent – egalitarian, both
    • take turns doing all jobs.
  2. Siblings: There are five types of sibling relationships. They are

    A. Intimate
    B. Congenial
    C. __________
    D. Apathetic
    E. __________
    Loyal and Hostile
  3. Family: The fact that family’s are…
    ---influenced by the environment,
    ---equal more than the sum of their parts, and
    ---consist of subgroups

    Refers to
    A. Traditional Family
    B. General Systems Theory
    C. Interaction Patterns
    D. Egalitarian Family Theory
    B- General Systems Theory
  4. Friends: There are several characteristics of friendship. Name 2.
    Voluntary, usually peers, governed by rules.
  5. Friends: There are 6 stages of friendship. They are
    A. ________________
    B. Friendly Relations
    C. Stepping beyond social roles
    D. _______________
    E. Stabilized Friends
    F. ______________
    Role Limited Interaction / Nascent / Waning
  6. Lovers: From the several characteristics of romantic relationships, what do we mean by Continuous Investment?

    A. The legal and financial obligations of the relationship?
    B. Our 401K Plans with each other as beneficiary?
    C. The $$ we spend on the other for presents?
    D. The time, energy, and emotion we put into the relationship?
    D – The time, energy and emotion we put into the relationship.
  7. Lovers: There are 4 ways to handle conflict.
    They are…

    Explain 1 for 1 point, 2 for 2 points
    • Validating = acceptance of issue, Volatile = open, release anger, Avoid = ignore,
    • Hostile = frequent intense personal attacks.
  8. Lovers: Privacy, as one side of a dialectic, works a couple of different ways. In 15 words or less, explain one of the
    dialectics (2 points for both ways).
    Privacy – self-disclosure, share, time – alone. Dialectic is openness – everybody knows everything.
  9. The Love Styles are…

    Describe 1 for 1 point, 2 for 2 points
    • ---Eros Passion
    • ---Storge Compassion
    • ---Ludus Manipulative
    • ---Mania Possessive
    • ---Agape selfless, altruistic
    • ---Pragma pragmatic, goal oriented
  10. Lovers: Pick 1 escalating, and 1 de-escalating stage and describe:
    Initiation > Experimentation > Intensification > Integration > Bonding

    Differentiation > Circumscribing > Stagnating > Avoiding > Terminating
    • Initiation – first meeting, talking to each other in larger group.
    • Circumscribing – Emotional distance.
  11. In 10 words or less explain Turning Points.
    • Something that happens in a relationship that causes it to either get stronger or break down. Ie: old lover shows up with renewed
    • interest.
  12. The notion of expressing positive and negative emotions as a relational skill refers to
    A. Being tolerant and showing restraint in emotions
    B. Providing at least 5 positive for every 1 negative emotion
    C. Handling Conflict Constructively
    D. Having realistic expectations about the relationship to avoid anger issues
    B - Providing at least 5 positive for every 1 negative emotions.
  13. The dimensions of intimacy include
    A. Physical Closeness
    B. Intellectual Closeness
    C. Emotional Closeness
    D. ________ _________
    shared activities
  14. There are 5 considerations for relationship quality. They are:

    E. Dialectics E. Disclosure
  15. Social Exchange – The main tenet of social exchange is
    A. We compare the relationship to the potential for other possible relationships.
    B. We compare the relationship to a perceived level of satisfaction that we believe we deserve out of the relationship.
    C. We seek the greatest amount of reward with the least amount of cost.
    D. The time and energy invested in the relationship affect the willingness to end the relationship.
    C – We seek the greatest amount of reward with the least amount of cost.
  16. Relational Dialectics---Fill in the Blanks!

    ________________ -------------------------- Autonomy

    Predictability -------------------------- ______________

    _________________------------------------- Closedness
    Connection / novelty / openness
  17. There are many ways to deal with the tensions of relational dialectics. Describe 1 for 1 point, 2 for an extra point.
    ignore – if partner says something hurtful – ignore it rather than react to it. Alternate – give and take – find middle ground.
  18. Self Disclosure: In 10 words or less, explain “Reciprocity”
    One person reveals something personal, receiver then also reveals something personal.
  19. Self Disclosure: In 10 words or less, explain “appropriateness”
    No bad jokes or arguing in the restaurant. Use common sense.
  20. Self Disclosure: The levels of self Disclosure are
    A. Cultural
    B. Sociological Information
    C. ________ Information
    D. ________ Information
    C. Psychological D. Intimate
  21. Describe any 2 of the 4 levels of self disclosure (Cultural, Sociological, psychological, Intimate
    Cultural – what you see / sociological – age, rank / Psychological – values, opinions / Intimate – deep, personal info.
  22. Match up:
    1. Whole Message
    A. Positivity, Openness, Assurances, Fairness
    2. Rules for Effective Expression
    B. Directness, Immediacy, Clearness, Supportiveness
    3. Relational Maintenance Behaviors
    C. Observations, Thoughts, Feelings, Needs
    1 = C / 2 = B / 3 = A
  23. The motivational state that causes us to think, feel, or behave positively toward someone is referred to as

    A. Motivational Needs
    B. Halo Effect
    C. Attraction Theory
    D. Short Term Initial Attraction
    Attraction Theory
  24. Proximity, Appearance, Similarity, the Situation, and the Perceived Rewards are all part of:

    A. Motivational Needs
    B. Halo Effect
    C. Attraction Theory
    D. Short Term Initial Attraction
    Short Term Attraction
  25. In 10 words or less, explain Reciprocal Attraction
    They act like they like you , you appreciate it and like them back.
  26. During the process of initial interaction, we are, in part, trying to determine whether continued interaction will be worth the effort. This is known as:
    A. Matching Hypothesis
    B. Predicted Outcome Value Theory
    C. Uncertainty Reduction Theory
    D. Reciprocal Attraction
    Predicted Outcome Value Theory
  27. There are 3 basic ways to reduce uncertainty. In 15 words or less describe all three.
    Wallflower, using a facilitator, go ahead and talk
  28. All of the basics of 1st Impressions; attraction, predicting outcomes, our initial uncertainty reduction, and more are all based
    on what?
    physical attractiveness
  29. In 10 words or less, describe how to show, physically, that you are interested (approach behaviors).
    Uncross arms, lean forward, smile
  30. The first words! What should they be? What’s your sign? or something else? In 10 words or less, what are the constitutive rules for saying those first words.
    • Hi, How are you. Keep it simple and sincere. Ask an open ended question that allows the listener the option of
    • responding.
  31. Once the conversation has started, we need to be careful of conversational narcissism and self-absorbed communicator style. Explain 1 for 1 point, both for an extra point (10 words or less, each).
    Narcissistic – it’s all about me – not other focused. Self-absorbed – don’t know when to shut up and let the other person speak.
  32. The Impersonal Interrogative Comment is
    A. Saying things that avoid any Self Disclosure (Impersonal)
    B. Asking questions for clarification (Interrogate)
    C. Making general observations in the form of a question (Comment)
    Making general observations in the form of a question. (comment)
  33. There are 4 considerations for relationships. They are
    B.Mutual Influence over each other
    C.Manage the relationship
    D.Commitment to the relationship
  34. There are 2 types of relationships. They are (name them):

    A. The ones you want to be with (Relationships of _______)
    B. The ones you have to be with (Relationships of _______)
    Choice / Quality
  35. We have 3 motivational needs to be in a relationship. They are:

    A. Affection
    B. __________
    C. Control
  36. Common elements of any relationship include

    A. Context (the physical environment)
    B. Amount of Time Together (affects quality and intensity)
    C. _______ (the key to a successful relationship)
    D. Information Sharing (Amount and degree of disclosure)
    E. ______ _____ (How we manage affection, etc.)
    trust / motivational needs
  37. CMM, or Coordinated Management of Meaning refers to 2 types of rules: Constitutive and Regulative.
    In 10 words or less, explain them.
    Norms / set limits
  38. From Coordinated Management of Meaning, one of the following defines how a relationship works. They are usually implicit, unspoken
    norms related to appropriate behavior within and around the relationship (for example, Christmas Eve with your parents, Christmas Day with your partners parents).

    D. Constitutive Rules
  39. Proximity, Appearance, Similarity, the Situation, and the Perceived Rewards are all part of:

    C. Short Term Initial Attraction
  40. The social penetration model illustrates

    D. how much information and what kind of information we reveal in various stages of a relationship
  41. An assertive communication is one in which we

    A. let our opinions and concerns be known while taking the listener’s into account
  42. In 10 words or less, define Communication Climate.
    Emotional tone
  43. When does communication climate begin to develop (10 words or less)?
    before conversation starts - 1st impression.
  44. Confirming and Disconfirming communication can lead to reciprocal self-perpetuating spirals of negative or positive communication. What does this mean?
    one type leads to another of the same type and continues
  45. Confirming communication has 3 levels of action. They are:

    C. Recognition, Acknowledgment, Endorsement
  46. Disconfirming communication has 7 broad types of action. 3 of them are:

    D. Impersonal Responses, Ambiguous Responses, Incongruous Responses
  47. Defensive communication has 3 levels of action. They are:

    B. Attacking the critic, Distorting critical information, Avoiding the conflict
  48. Anything can cause conflict. Of the million different things, they can be summed up in 3 broad categories of conflict. They are:

    B. Specific Behaviors, Relational Norms and Roles, Personal Characteristics and Attitudes
  49. There are 5 different types of conflict. They are:

    A._ _________
    B. Displaced
    C. Misattributed
    D. Latent
    E. ________
    parallel / false
  50. In 10 words or less, explain one of the types of conflict

    A. parallel, B. Displaced, C. Misattributed, D. Latent, E. False

    Explain 1 type for 1 point, 2 types for 2 points.
    • A: agree on conflict B: Aware but different understanding C. Blaming wrong thing D. There but don’t know about it yet.
    • E. argue but on same side and don’t see it.
  51. Match the stages of conflict (1/2 Point for Each Correct Answer):

    A. Distal Context
    1. Tactics, strategies, styles, and patterns
    B. Proximal Context
    2. Relational Development, Mental & Physical health
    C. Conflict Interaction
    3. Emotional State, Goals, Attributions, Relational Norms/Roles
    D. Proximal Outcomes
    4. Emotional State , Relational Satisfaction, Personal Satisfaction
    E. Distal Outcomes
    5. Personality, Relationship History, Social Construction, EQ
    A = 5 B = 3 C = 1 D= 4 E = 2
  52. In 10 words or less, explain one of the following types of conflict interaction: Tactics, Strategies, Patterns, or Conflict Rituals (note we skipped styles – that is on purpose).
    Tactics – what you do / Strategies – game plan / Patterns – how we interact / Rituals – Einstein theory
  53. There are three general strategies for handling conflict. They are:

    C. Integration, Distribution, Avoidance
  54. The Intimate—Aggressive pattern of conflict interaction is

    B. Confronting each other intensely and passionately
Card Set
COMM 110 -2
Interpersonal Communication Part 2