The Rhone Valley

  1. what kind of trellising is done in the Rhone Valley?
    A teepee of stakes to protect from the wind. (echalas)
  2. The Rhone Valley is devided in two. what are the 2 and their climates.
    • Northern Rhone- continental climate
    • Southern Rhone - mediterranean
  3. name two AOC's of Northern Rhone
    • Cote-Rotie
    • Hermitage
    • (condrieu and chateau-grillet are semi important too)
  4. what percentage of ____ white is aloud to be added to the syrahs of cote-rotie
    20% Viogner may be added
  5. chateau-grillet is a famous white monopole inside what AOC?
  6. in hermitage what percentage of what white can be added to their syrahs
    15% marsanne and/or roussanne
  7. what is the leading red grape of the southern rhone?
  8. what is Vin Doux Naturels?
    means naturally sweet. but it is not it is always fortified, usually made from Grenache or Muscat.
  9. What are 3 important apellation of the southern rhone?
    • **Chateauneuf-du-pape
    • Gigondas
    • Vacqueyras
  10. what is the minimum amount of grenache in a wine in the cotes-du rhone village?
    50% with a 20%minimum of syrah or mourvedre
  11. what is the most underrated area of the rhone
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The Rhone Valley
Test Prep for the Rhone Valley