Medical Procedures- infection control, exposure control, and safety

  1. Every medical facility is required by OSHA to have an exposure control plan

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  2. the exposure control plan shall be made available to the assistant secretary and the director OSHA upon request for examination and copying

    a. true
    b. false
    a. true
  3. HIV means

    B. human immunodeficiency virus
  4. ___ means any contaminated objects that can penetrate the skin including, but not limited to needles, scalpels, broken glass, broken capillary tubes, and exposed ends of dental wires

    C. contaminated sharps
  5. reasonable anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood, or other potentially infectious materials that may result from the performance of an employees duties is called

    D. occupational exposure
  6. an individual, living or dead, whose blood, or other potentially infectious materials may be source of occupational exposure to the employee is called

    D. source individual
  7. to use a physical chemical procedure to destroy all microbial life including highly resistant bacterial endospores is to

    B. sterilize
  8. ___ is the single most important source of HIV and HBV in the workplace

    C. blood
  9. the risk of infection with HIV following one needle stick exposure to blood from a patient known to be infected with HIV is approx

    D. 0.50%
  10. general infection-control procedures are designed to prevent transmission of a wide range of ___ and to provide a wide margin of safety in the varied situations encountered in the health care environment

    A. microbiological agents
  11. "contact with blood, or other body fluids to which universal precautions apply through percutaneous inoculation, or contact with an open wound, non-intact skin, or mucous membrane during the performance of normal duties" this defination (found in the federal register) applies to

    C. human exposure
  12. all workers whose jobs involve participation in taks, or activities with exposure to blood or other body fluids to which universal precautions apply should be vaccinated with ___ vaccine

    A. hepatitis b
  13. ___ testing should be made available by the employer to all workers who maybe cocerned they have been infected with HIV through an occupational exposure

    A. serologic
  14. studies suggest that the potential for salivary transmission of HIV is

    B. remote
  15. after they are used, disposable syringes and needles scalpel blades and other sharp items should be placed in __ containers for disposal

    A. puncture-resistant
  16. broken glassware which may be contaminated shall not be picked up directly with the hands but by mechaincal means such as

    B. a brsh and dust pan
  17. contaminated laundry shall be __ where is was solied

    B. bagged or containerized at the location
  18. all spills of blood contaminated fluids should be promptly cleaned up using ____ approved germicide or a 1:10 solution of household bleach

    A. an EPA
  19. in cases of blood contamination shoe coverings and gloves should be disposed of in __ biohazard plastic bags

    D. orange- red
  20. it is recommended that protective masks and eye wear or face shields be worn by laboratory techs or housekeeping personnel

    B. when cleaning up blood or body fluids
  21. blood from all individuals should be considered

    C. infective or infectous
  22. when taking vital signs a medical assistant must wear gloves gowns and eye wear

    a. true
    b. false
    b. false
  23. a specific eye mouth other mucous membrane non intact skin or parenteral contact with blood or other potientially infectous materials that results from the performance of an employees duties is called

    A. exposure incident
  24. the term universal precautions is an

    A. overall approach to infection control
  25. vaccinations against hbv infection provide 90% protection against hepatitis b for __ or more years following vaccination

    D. seven
Card Set
Medical Procedures- infection control, exposure control, and safety
Medical Procedures- infection control, exposure control, and safety