Autonomic Nervous System

  1. What is the parasympathetic effect of the eye?
    Pupil constriction (myosis)
  2. What is the sympathetic effect of the eye?
    Pupil dialation (mydriasis)
  3. What is the parasympathetic effect of the glands: nasal, lacrimal, gastric, pancreas, salivary?
    Increased secretions
  4. What is the sympathetic effect of the glands: nasal, lacrimal, gastric, pancreas, salivary?
    Decreased secretions
  5. What is the parasympathetic of the sweat glands?
    No effect
  6. What is the sympathetic effect of the sweat glands?
    Increased sweat (cholinergic)
  7. What is the parasympathetic effect of the heart?
    Decreased rate; constricts coronary vessels
  8. What is the sympathetic effect of the heart?
    Increased rate and contractility (beta 1); dilates coronary vessels
  9. What is the parasympathetic effect of the peripheral blood vessels?
    Little or no effect
  10. What is the sympathetic effect of the peripheral blood vessels?
    Vasoconstriction (alpha) except vasodilation of vessels to skeletal muscles (cholinergic)
  11. What is the parasympathetic effect of the blood?
    No effect
  12. What is the sympathetic effect of the blood?
    Increased coagulation
  13. What is the parasympathetic effect of the lungs? (rate is not ANS)
  14. What is the sympathetic effect of the lungs? (rate is not ANS)
    Bronchodilation (beta 2)
  15. What is the parasympathetic effect of the GI Tract?
    Increased motility; relaxed sphincters
  16. What is the sympathetic effect of the GI Tract?
    Decreased motility; contracted sphincters
  17. What is the parasympathetic effect of the bladder?
    Contraction of bladder wall; relaxed sphincter; promotes voiding
  18. What is the sympathetic effect of the bladder?
    Relaxation of bladder wall; constrict sphincter; inhibits voiding
  19. What is the parasympathetic effect of the kidneys?
    No effect
  20. What is the sympathetic effect of the kidneys?
    Vasoconstriction of renal vessels; renin formation
  21. What is the parasympathetic effect of the uterus? (if pregnant)
  22. What is the sympathetic effect of the uterus? (if pregnant)
  23. What is the parasympathetic effect of the piloerector muscles of hair follicles?
    No effect
  24. What is the sympathetic effect of the piloerector muscles of hair follicles?
    Contraction: "goosebumps"; cholinergic
  25. What is the parasympathetic effect of the liver?
    No effect
  26. What is the sympathetic effect of the liver?
    Promotes release of glucose
  27. What is the parasympathetic effect of cellular metabolism?
    No effect
  28. What is the sympathetic effect of cellular metabolism?
    Increased metabolic rate
  29. What is the parasympathetic effect of mental activity?
    No effect
  30. What is the sympathetic effect of mental activity?
    Increased alertness
  31. What is the parasympathetic effect of the adrenal medulla?
    No effect
  32. What is the sympathetic effect of the adrenal medulla?
    Stimulated; increased release of catacholamines
Card Set
Autonomic Nervous System
Effects on the Nervous System