Skills 1

  1. 60grm K+
    60 grams Potassium
  2. A/O
    alert and oriented
  3. ac
    Before a Meal
  4. ad lib
    at liberty/as desired
  5. ADA
    America Diebetes Association
  6. ADL's
    Activities of Daily Living
  7. amb
  8. A-ROM
    Active Range of Motion
  9. B/R
    bed rest
  10. bid
    twice a day
  11. BM
    bowel movement
  12. BPR
    bathroom privilege only
  13. c
  14. CC
    chief complaint
  15. CDI
    clean dry and intact
  16. CO
    complaining of
  17. COC
    change of condition
  18. D/R
    dining room
  19. DNR
    do not resuscitate
  20. DOB
    date of birth
  21. Dx, dx
  22. F/C
  23. F/R
    fluid restriction
  24. F/R 1L/D
    fluid restriction 1 liter per day
  25. FBS
    fasting blood sugars
  26. FC
    foley catheter
  27. FC
    full code
  28. FS
    flow sheet
  29. FX
  30. GSC
    Glascow Coma Scale
  31. HOB
    head of bed
  32. HS
    hour of sleep
  33. hx
    history hospitalization
  34. I/O
  35. lo cal
    low calorie diet
  36. lo chol
    low cholesterol
  37. lo pro
    low protein
  38. LoNa+
    low sodium
  39. M/G
    mechanical ground diet
  40. M/S
    mechanical soft diet
  41. MAR
    Medication Administration Record
  42. N/C
    nasal cannula
  43. N/V
  44. NAS
    no added salt
  45. NCS
    no concentrated sweets
  46. NKA
    No Known Allergies
  47. NKDA
    No Known Drug Allergies
  48. noc
    at night
  49. NPO
    nothing by mouth
  50. O2
  51. OOB
    out of bed
  52. OOP
    out on pass
  53. OT
    occupational therapy
  54. p
  55. pc
    after meals
  56. PO
    by mouth
  57. PR
    by the way of the rectum
  58. PRN
    as needed
  59. P-ROM
    passive range of motion
  60. PT
    physical therapy
  61. QD
    every day
  62. qhs
    every hour of sleep
  63. qid
    four times a day
  64. qs
    every shift
  65. R/O
    rule out
  66. RCS
    restricted concentrated sweets
  67. ROM
    range of motion
  68. SOB
    shortness of breath
  69. ST
    speech therapy
  70. SP
    surgical procedure or Status Post
  71. TAR
    treatment admission record
  72. tid
    three times daily
  73. Tx
  74. UA
    urinary analysis
  75. y/o
    years old
Card Set
Skills 1
Acronyms 1