World Art Final Part 2

    • Ark of Covenant and 2 menorahs
    • jewish catacomb
    • villa torlonia, rome, italy
    • fresco
    • 3rd century
    • Late Antiquity
    • Christ as the Good Shepherd
    • Rome, Italy
    • Marble
    • Freestanding
    • Contrapposto
    • Late Antiquity
    • Interior of Saint Apollinare Nuovo
    • Ravenna, Italy
    • Theodoric Palace - church
    • Mosaics depicting hebrew prophets
    • Late Antiquity
    • Suicide of Judas and Crucifixion
    • Ivory
    • First known representation of crucifixion
    • Late Antiquity
    • Interior of Hagia Sophia, by Anthemius of Tralles
    • Constantinople, Turkey
    • Lofty dome
    • Early Byzantine
    • San Vitale
    • Ravenna, Italy
    • Justinian captured Ravenna from the Ostrogoths
    • Early Byzantine
    • Justinian and attendents
    • mosaic on north wall of San Vitale
    • Ravenna, Italy
    • Early Byzantine
    • Theodora and attendants
    • mosaic on south wall of San Vitale
    • Ravenna, Italy
    • Early Byzantine
    • Virgin (Theotokos) and child enthroned, by Basil
    • Apse Mosaic in the Hagia Sophia
    • Constantinople, Turkey
    • Byzantium
    • Christ as Savior
    • Saint Clement, child, Macedonia
    • Tempura, Linen, Silver on Wood
    • Early 14th century
    • Byzantium
    • Mezquita (Great Mosque)
    • Cordoba, Spain
    • 8th-10th century
    • Dome of the Rock
    • Not a mosque
    • Jerusalem
    • built by And al-Malik
    • Marks triumph of Islam in Jerusalem
    • Sacred to muslims, Christians, and Jews
    • Interior of Dome of the Rock
    • Jerusalem
    • Original Mosaics still intact
    • Aerial view of Great Mosque
    • Damascus, Syria
    • Constructed by Umayvads
    • After they transferred their capital to Mecca (661)
    • Late Antique Architecture
    • Great Mosque
    • Kairouan, Tunisia
    • Hypostyle mosque
    • forecourt and columnar prayer hall
    • resembles layout of muhammad's house in Medina
    • Chi-rho-lota page (Book of Kells)
    • Probably from Iona, Scotland
    • Late 8th or 9th century
    • tempura on vellum
    • Purse cover from Sutton Hoo Ship Burial
    • Suffolk, England
    • gold, glass, and cloisonné garnets
    • hallmark of the art of the early middle ages in western Europe
    • Animal head post
    • Viking ship burial
    • Oseberg, Norway
    • Wood Carving
    • combines composition with ornamentation
    • Wooden Portal of the Stave Church
    • Urnes, Norway
    • Scandinavia = mostly Christian (by 11th century)
    • Viking artistic traditions persisted
    • Intertwining animal and plant decoration
    • Crucifixion
    • Front cover of the "Lindau gospels" (book covers)
    • Saint Gall, Switzerland
    • gold, precious stones, and pearls
    • Early Christian imagery
    • Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne
    • Aachen, Germany
    • Plan based on San Vitale
    • West Facade = distinctly Carolingian
    • Interior of Chapel of Charlemagne
    • 1st vaulted medieval structure north of Alps
    • geometric form
    • Saint Michael's, abbey church
    • Hildesheim, Germany
    • Built by Bishop Bernward
    • Ottonian Basillica design
    • entrances on both sides
    • Reliquary statue of Sainte-Foy (Saint Faith)
    • Late 10th - early 11th century
    • gold, silver gilt, jewels, and cameos over a wooden core
    • head = ancient Roman parade helmet
    • cameos = donations from pilgrims
    • Romanesque Europe
    • Saint-Serin
    • Toulouse, France
    • Stone-vaulted basilica
    • honor cities 1st bishop
    • 11th century
    • Romanesque Europe
    • Christ in Majesty
    • Mernardus Gelduinut
    • Relief
    • in Saint-Serin
    • Toulouse, France
    • marble
    • Romanesque Europe
    • South Portal of Saint Pierre
    • Moissac, France
    • Vision of 2nd coming of christ on judgment day
    • greets worshippers entering Saint-Pierre
    • Christ = door of salvation
    • Romanesque Europe
    • OT prophet
    • Jeremiah or Isaiah?
    • Right side of the trumean of the South portal
    • Moissac, France
    • scroll recounting his vision
    • pairing OT and NT
    • Romanesque Europe
    • Saint Ambrogio
    • Milan, Italy
    • late 11th-early 12th century
    • low broad proportions
    • early Christian basilica 
    • resembles Ottonian crossing towers
    • Romanesque Europe
    • Cathedral Complex
    • Pisa, Italy
    • resembles early Christian Basilica
    • Romanesque Europe
    • Baptistry of San Giovanni
    • Florence, Italy
    • domed octagon
    • descended from Roman and early Christian central plan buildings
    • Tuscan Romanesque marble panels comes from Roman wall designs
    • Romanesque Europe
    • Interior of Durham Cathedral
    • Durham, England
    • 1st example of Rib groin vault (2 story nave)
    • quadrant arches replace groin vault in tribune
    • Romanesque Europe
    • Funeral Procession to Westminster Abbey
    • detail of the Bayeux Tapestry
    • from Bayeux Cathedral
    • Bayeux, France
    • embroidered wool on linen
    • Romanesque Europe
    • Chartres Cathedral
    • Chartres, France
    • High gothic cathedral
    • four part rib vaults
    • Ambulatory and Radiating Chapels
    • Abbey Church
    • Saint Denis, France
    • Abbot Suger = remodeler
    • Stain glass windows
    • Gothic Europe
    • West facade, Chartres Cathedral
    • Chartres, France
    • All that remained after the fire
    • Much in common with Romanesque
    • Rose window = example of plate tracery
    • Early Gothic
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World Art Final Part 2