Micro II Test III

  1. Previously called Pasteurella Pestis
    Yersinia Pestis
  2. Which of the following is a member of the family enterobacteriaceae?

    B. Yersinia Pestis
  3. Which of the following was the cause of the Plague?

    C. Yersinia Pestis
  4. Which of the following is zoonotic?

    C. Yersinia Pestis
  5. True or False:

    The plague is only seen today in isolated human incidences.
    FALSE- the disease is still seen but mostly in wild animals (prairie dog)
  6. True or False:

    Yersina Pestis is a gram negative rod.
  7. True or False:

    Yersinia Pestis is not capsulated.
    False- capsulated
  8. True or False:

    The last breakout of Yersinia Pestis was in 1924 in San Francisco.
    False- LA area, killed 125,000
  9. Which of the following has killed more people than any other organism?

    E. Yersinia Pestis
  10. Which of the following drugs is used to treat the bubonic plague? (choose 2)

    • B. Streptomycin
    • E. Tetracyclin
  11. This form of the plaque has almost 100% mortality.

    A. Pneumonic
  12. True or False:

    Bubonic form of the plague is born by the circulatory system.
    False- septicemic
  13. Which of the following form of the plague causes the most hemorrhages and necrosis in all parts of the body?

    B. Septicemic
  14. When bubonic plague is not properly treated it becomes

    C. Septicemic
  15. When septicemic plague is not properly treated it becomes

    D. Pneumonic
  16. When pneumonic plague is not properly treated it becomes

    D. likely that the individual will die
  17. Which form of the plague has killed more individuals than any other disease?

    B. Pneumonic
  18. True or False:

    Pneumonic Plague travels by droplet (air borne) route.
  19. Which of the following is a diagnostic test for Yersinia Pestis?

    E. Fluorscent Antibody Test
  20. Which of the following is not responsible for the pathogenicity of Yersina Pestis?

    E. Lysogenized Phage
  21. The Murein Toxin is associated with which of the following organisms?

    B. Yersinia Pestis
  22. True or False:

    Toxin B of the murein toxin is twice the size of Toxin A.
  23. True or False:

    Toxin A of the Murein toxin is twice the size of Toxin B.
  24. Which aspect of Yersinia Pestis' pathogenicity makes it able to survive in macrophages?

    C. Fibrolytic Toxin
  25. True or False:

    Sulfas are used to treat Yersinia Pestis.
  26. The Haffkine Vaccin is used to treat what disease?

    E. Yersinia Pestis
  27. True or False:

    Primary Pneumonic plague develops from a bubo.
    False- Secondary Pneumonic plague
  28. True or False:

    Primary Pneumonic Plague doesn't go through bubo & septicemic plague phases.
  29. True or False:

    Primary Pneumonic Plague is transmitted by droplet route person to person.
  30. True or False:

    Diptheria is now one of the most feared diseases.
    False- it was one of the most feared diseases in the past.
  31. Which of the following is a gram positive, club shaped, palisading bacteria?

    A. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
    B. Mycobacterium Leprae
    C. Yersinia Pestis
    D. Clostridium Tetani
    E. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
    A. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  32. Which of the following contains metachromatic granules?

    D. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  33. Which of the following grows on tellurite media?

    B. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  34. How does Corynebacterium Diptheriae grow on media?

    C. Black shiny colonies
  35. Which of the following has a lysogenized phage?

    E. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  36. Which of the following determines the pathogenicity of C. Diphtheriae?

    D. Lysogenized Phage
  37. Which of the following is found in the URT, Urinary Tract, skin, etc?

    E. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  38. True or False:

    C. Diphtheriae infection begins 1-2 weeks after acquired.
    False- 2-4 Days (rapidly progressing)
  39. A 'pseudomembrane' is formed with an infection by which organism?

    C. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  40. Where is the psuedomembrane of C. diphtheriae found?

    C. Upper respiratory tract
  41. True or False:

    The pseudomembrane formed with a C. diphtheriae infection can block the airway and cause suffocation.
  42. True or False:

    There is a toxin that is produced with an infection by C. diphtheriae.
    True- can cause damage to heart, kidneys, & CNS
  43. The use of an antitoxin to treat an infection is called

    B. Artificial Passive Immunity
  44. True or False:

    Antibiotic therapy is primary in the treatment of C. diphtheriae.
    False- Secondary to Artificial Passive therapy
  45. Which antibiotics are used to treat C. diphtheriae? (Choose 2)

    • A. Clindamycin
    • C. Erythromycin
  46. Van Behring developed a treatment for which organism?

    A. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  47. True or False:

    The DTP vaccine gives lifelong immunity to a patient against Dipththeriae.
  48. What test is used to determine immunity status to C. diphtheriae?

    A. Schick Test
  49. Klebs-Loefler Bacilli

    C. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  50. Granules can be stained with methylene blue

    C. Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
  51. True or False:

    The endotoxin of C. Diphtheriae is made up of two components linked by a disulfide bond.
    False- EXOTOXIN
  52. No inflammation during the Schick test indicates:

    A. That the person is immune to C. diphtheriae
  53. Inflammation on the toxin side after the Schick test indicates that

    B. That the person has no immunity to C. diphtheriae
  54. Inflammation on the Antitoxin side after the Schick test indicates that

    B. That the person is hyperimmune to C. diphtheriae
  55. True or False:

    Corynebacterium is associated with the eyes.
  56. True or False:

    Tellurite Media is composed of a salt agar and Te2O3.
    False- Blood agar + Te2O3
  57. True or False:

    C. Diphtheriae & C. xerosis are NOT hemolytic.
  58. True or False:

    C. Diptheriae does nitrate reduction.
  59. True or False:

    Legionnaires disease was discovered in 1965 at the Bellvue Stratford Hotel.
    False- 1976
  60. True or False:

    Legionella pneumophila is a gram negative rod
  61. Which organism is associate with AC units?

    E. Legionella Pneumophila
  62. What was used to culture Legionella pneumophila?

    C. Chicken eggs
  63. Pontiac Fever is associated with which organism?

    C. Legionella Pneumophila
  64. True or False:

    Legionella is difficult to grow because it requires high iron and sulfates.
    False- iron & pyrophosphate
  65. True or False:

    The pathogenicity of Legionella is its lysogenized phage.
    False- Lipopolyscaccaride protein complex
  66. True or False:

    Pontiac Fever is more deadly than Legionella.
  67. True or False:

    Erythromycin and Ethambutol are used to treat Legionella.
    False- erythromycin & rifampin
  68. True or False:

    Acid Fast staining is used for Corynebacterium.
    False- Mycobacterium
  69. Which of the following are unique characteristics to Mycobacterium cell walls?

    C. All of the above
  70. Which of the following is impervious to chemicals? (2)

    • E. Mycobacterium Leprae
    • E. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
  71. True or False:

    Mycobacterium has teichoic acid in the cell wall like gram negative bacteria.
    False- lacks teichoic acid
  72. True or False:

    The cheapest test for tuberculosis is the tuberculin test.
    False- Ziehl Neelsen
  73. Which of the following are TB tests? (choose 2)

    A. Fluorscent Antibody Test
    B. Acid Fast Staining
    C. Ziehl Neelsen Test
    D. Schick Test
    E. PCR
    • B. Acid Fast Staining
    • C. Ziehl Neelsen Test
  74. Phthesis & Consumption are other names for an infection from

    A. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
  75. An infection of this causes allergic granulomas to form.

    A. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
  76. True or False:

    Tubercles have a caseous appearance on X-Ray
  77. True or False:

    TB of the brain causes fusion of the vertebrae.
    False- TB of the spinal cord
  78. True or False:

    Miliary TB affects the lungs.
    False- Pulmonary TB
  79. True or False:

    Miliary TB forms tubercles at sites such as liver, spleen, and kidney.
  80. True or False:

    TB is a major problem for AIDS victims today
  81. True or False:

    TB is genetic.
  82. True or False:

    Mycobacteria survive in macrophages better than any other organism.
  83. The tuberculin test uses what to scan a population for exposure?

    D. Purified Protein Derivate
  84. Which of the following tests would not be helpful in determining a TB diagnosis?

    D. Schick Test
  85. True or False:

    The tuberculin test is more sophisticated than the Mantoux test for TB.
  86. TB is identified by the presence of:

    E. Trahalose
  87. Cord Factor is associated with which organism?

    A. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
  88. What kind of media is TB grown on?

    D. Glycerol rich
  89. Waksman developed the first drug used to treat what?

    A. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
  90. What was the first drug used to treat TB?

    B. Streptomycin
  91. What is the first line combination therapy now used to treat TB?

    B. Ethambutol + INH
  92. What year was Streptomycin developed as an anti-tuberculous drug?

    B. 1945
  93. True or False:

    A tubercle is another name for a ragged cavity.
    False- granuloma
  94. Sanatoriums are associated with a disease caused by which organism?

    E. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
  95. True or False:

    BCG vaccine is routinely used in the US.
    False- routine in many other countries
  96. BCG vaccine is used to prevent an infection from which organism?

    C. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
  97. Which of the following organisms are NOT known for producing TB or a TB-like disease?

    C. M. fortuitum
  98. True or False:

    Mycobacterium is resistant to penicillin.
  99. True or False:

    Corynebacterium is resistant to penicillin.
  100. Hansen's Disease is another name for a disease caused by which organism?

    A. Mycobacterium Leprae
  101. What is the only known exception to Koch's postulates?

    C. Mycobacterium Leprae
  102. Which of Koch's Postulates does M. Leprae NOT follow?

    B. Must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in pure culture.
  103. Armadillos are associated with which disease?

    E. Mysobacterium Tuberculosis
  104. In what organism does M. Leprae grow most abundantly?

    E. Humans
  105. True or False:

    The incubation time for M. Leprae is very short.
    False- long (years to decades)
  106. True or False:

    M. Leprae has a long division cycle.
    True (12 days)
  107. How many forms of Leprosy are there?

    B. 2
  108. Which form of Leprosy shows granulomas that are large and disfiguring?

    A. Tuberculoid
    B. Lepromatous
    B. Lepromatous
  109. True or False:

    Another name for the lepromatous form of leprosy is anesthetic.
    False- tuberculoid form= anestetic
  110. In which form of leprosy does the victim lose pigment & sensation?

    A. Tuberculoid
    B. Lepromatous
    A. Tuberculoid
  111. What is the only organism that destroys peripheral tissue, skin, and mucous membranes?

    E. Mycobacterium Leprae
  112. True or False:

    M. Leprae has predilection for colder parts of the body.
  113. True or False:

    M. Leprae has predilection for warmer parts of the body.
    False- colder
  114. The Lazar house is associated with the disease caused by which organism?

    C. Mycobacterium Leprae
  115. Which of the following is not a test used to diagnose Leprosy?

    C. Schick Test
  116. True or False:

    A positive Lepromin test means that the patient has leprosy.
    False- just exposed
  117. Which of the following is not used to treat leprosy?

    C. Erythromycin
  118. True or False:

    Leprosy is curable.
    False- must always take drugs
  119. ENL is associated with which organism?

    D. Mycobacterium Leprae
Card Set
Micro II Test III
Y. pestis, C. diptheriae, L. pneumophila, C. tetani, m. tuberculosi, m. lepre