1. Depolarizing neuromuscular blocker; ultra-short acting; binds to nicotinicM receptors (and initially activates them); used to ↑ muscle relaxation (flaccid paralysis) during short procedures (e.g. endotracheal intubation, endoscopy)
    succinylcholine [Anectine]
  2. Side effects of succinylcholine
    Malignant hyperthermia; post-op muscle pain; no CNS effects (i.e. does not diminish consciousness or perception of pain)
  3. Beta1 & Beta2 adrenergic receptor antagonist (competitive) used to treat HTN, angina pectoris, dysrhythmias, MI
    propanolol [Inderal]
  4. Side effects of propanolol
    brachycardia => heart failure; bronchoconstriction; _|_ of glycogenolysis; CNS effects
  5. Alpha1 Adrenergic receptor antagonist (competitive) used to treat HTN, also for benign prostatic hyperplasia (relaxes muscles in bladder)
    prazosin [Minipress]
  6. Side effects of prazosin [Minipress]
    Orthostatic hypotension; reflex tachycardia; nasal congestion
  7. Muscarinic receptor agonist used in treatment of urinary retention (e.g. post-op & postpartum)
    bethanechol [Urecholine]
  8. Side effects of bethanechol [Urecholine]
    • ↑ sweating, gastric acid secretion, GI motility vasodilation, miosis/poor vision
    • decreased HR
  9. Competitive (non-depolarizing) neuromuscular blocker; _|_ nicotinicM receptors, used to cause muscle relaxation (flaccid paralysis) during surgery, intubation, mechanical ventilation
  10. Side effects of tubocurarine
    Respiratory depression/arrest; decrease in BP, HR; no CNS effect (i.e. does not diminish consciousness or perception of pain)
  11. Cholinesterase inhibitor for treatment of myasthenia gravis or to reverse effects of tubocurarine
    neostigmine [Prostigmine]
  12. Side effects of neostigmine [Prostigmine]
    Excessive mAchR activation, excessive ACh accumulation in NMJ => paralysis (e.g. of respiratory muscles)
  13. Muscarinic drugs act primarily on which locations
    Heart, sweat/salivary glands, acid secreting cells of stomach, smooth muscles, eyes
  14. This drug can be used to treat muscarinic poisoning (e.g. bethanechol, neostigmine, poison mushrooms)
    atropine [Sal-tropine]
  15. This drug can be used to reverse effects of non-depolarizing neuromuscular blockers (e.g. tubocurarine)
    neostigmine (a cholinesterase inhibitor - increases available Ach at NMJ to compete with tubocurarine)
Card Set
Drugs affecting the peripheral nervous system