East Asian Studies

  1. Story of Izanami and Izanagi
    Origin of the sun story
  2. Amaterasu
    Sun Goddess
  3. Shinto
    Religion of Japan-- like daoism
  4. Jamon Period
    People appear to have been the first in world to create pottery. Hunters and Gatherers.
  5. Yayoi Period
    Beginning of cultivating rice
  6. Kofun
    Growth of local states known as vji... they have their own gods known as kami who watches over them. Three classes: 1. Royal 2. commoner 3. slaves
  7. Prince Shitoku
    574-622 LOOK UP
  8. Men and Women`s role in Japanese Society
    • Men: dont write in society, spend most time in courts, boys go to school.
    • Women:Dont write, not sent to school because daughters are going to move away, women function as spys for their families, called to court... enjoy it because they can get away from the family compound. Women that do this are more elite. HOW HAS THIS CHANGED OVER TIME?
  9. The Tale Of Genji
    Look in notes
  10. 5 patris
    patriarchy, patronymy, patrilocality, patrimony, patrilineality
  11. Patriarchy
    Male dominance in society
  12. Patronymy
    Who gets what name?
  13. Patrilocality
    women live with man`s family
  14. patrilineality
    relationship in society of fathers lineage
  15. Patrimony
    things inhereted
  16. Matrilocality
    husband moves in with wives family
  17. neolocality
    couple sets up own home.... like USA
  18. Duolocality
    Dont move in together, live in separate households
  19. Partible inheretance
    inheretence broken up
  20. story of yoritomo and yoshitsune
    • yoritomo-political leader
    • yoshitsune- military leader
    • Together lead revolt and instilled new emperor... yoritomo doesnt trust yoshitsune- has him assassanited
  21. Loyalty in Japanese society
    Very important in society: son could rat out a father and have him assassanated
  22. Lowest casts in Japanese Society(2)
    • Eta- full of filth, people from japan that were butchers, executionors, leather workers-- they were polluted.... alot of them worked by emptying syptic tanks wearing uniforms.
    • Hinin-"non-people" traveling merchants, gamblers, unliscensed prostitutes. Could undo their status by changing occupation to become a member of society.
  23. Burakumin
    people from the ghetto
  24. Chikamatsu Monzaemon
    Shakespeare of Japan
  25. Class separation(3 classes)
    samarai, merchants, artisians
  26. Samarai
    paid in bundles of rice, supposed to be doing it for loyalty.... samarai not allowed to own land. Had to rely on whats available through their lord.
  27. Merchants
    Make money, do it well, show it off, finnally shogun speaks up for his people.... samarai passes sumptary law- law that states certain things people can have. Merchants not allowed to wear rich kimono on the outside, made tie-die shirts underneath kimonos. Took 1 year to untie all the knots. Samarai are forgiven their debts to merchants.... merchants suck it up.
  28. "Buddhist Registry"
    All people must be registered at a buddhist temple, not necessarily for religion but rather for things such as crime in order to track those down who have committed crimes.
  29. Japanese not religions but declare themselves__________.
  30. Women In Japanese Society over time
    Nara & Heian period, Medieval period, Kamakura Period, Tokugawa Period
  31. Womens role during Nara & Heian Period:
    Status of women good. Women active on court, writing books, publishing, politically involved, publically involved.
  32. Womens role during Medieval Period
    Start of decline, wives of samarai strong and active, strong and active, in charge of house and farmlands, had authority and strong will.
  33. Womens role during kamakura Period
    Nichiren says women and men souldnt be together. This makes it possible to declare women as 2nd class citizens. Women can be sinful. Women cannot be buddhist, have to be a man first. Partible inheretence shifts to non-partible inheretence- male son gets everything.
  34. Womens role during Tokugawa period
    Elite women wives of warriors. post marital residence: women keeps own house, man joins her. Used to be that women were expected to move in wih men.
  35. 3 types of shinto
    • 1. go to local shrine
    • 2. famous shrines
    • 3. state shinto- taught by government intended as developing nationalism
  36. Pure Land
    emphazised a particular mantra to Buddha, it suggested that when you die, you are reborn without sex, given powers of concentration. True faith of Buddhism.
  37. Nichi Ren
    He argued that you would only acheive enlightenment by worshiping one particular chant. He knew that the Mongol invasion was coming. Nichi means Japan Lotus.
  38. Koryo
    Follows China, tries to behave like them. Always 100 years or so behind. Follows Buddhism practices.
  39. Chosen
    Confucians, mounted army sent to china, yi-sun-she- leader or army. Starts a neo-confucian state. Tributary state to the ming, sets out to be a confucian nation. Gives land, grants it away to merit subjects- inheretable land= rise of big families.
  40. Korean Society
    Royal Family, Yangban, Chungmia, Commonors, Low Born
  41. Low born
  42. Chungin
    doctors, govt people
  43. Yangban
    Spend most time studying- those in office become very rich. Only small % of yangban get jobs. Paracidic class- refuse to work, just study and look to relatives in offices for money. Run rituals to prove they are yangban- run geneologies. Class concious in Korea. 70% of people in Korea claim their family in Yangban. Yangban known to work in political offices, when not there they are showing off.
  44. Christianity in Japan and Korea
    • Japan 1% christianity, people bringing in colonialism brought in christianity
    • Korea 25% christianity, this is more because those Japanese who bought into Christianity brought it to Korea, and Koreans always try to follow what Japan is doing. Since they believed Japan is praticing Christianity, this caused them to be more susceptible to practice it.
  45. Teknonymy
    Someone addresed as relationship to someone else.... " so-so`s wife"
  46. Nobul and Hongbu
    Folktale about two korean brothers.
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East Asian Studies