dry indehisent fruit
dry, dehiscent carpel splitting along suture
- leaves
- calyx and corrolla
- sex parts
- fruit
- Leaves - opposite, simple or pinnately compound leaves
- 5 sepals and petals connate
- 5 stamen
- synocarpous
- berry or drupe
- Urn shaped corolla
- open by pores
- berry or capsul
- Acidic Soils
- Common at high elevation lakes
- mature, ripened ovary
- contains seeds
seed doesn't break open
- breaks into pieces but does not break open
- or it can
- breaks open
- Taxonomy- naming, describing and classifying plants
- Nomenclature- giving names
- Classification- grouping plants and assigning ranks
- Systematics- a method for classification (there are many)
What are 2 ways of classifying plants?
Convergent Evolution
when two things totally unrelated share very similar characteristics
Phylogenetic systematics
Study of evolutionary relationships using genetics data plus morphological indices
Why do names change?
- new evolutionary data
- rediscovery of older names
What influences plant distribution (6)
- climate
- soils
- herbivores
- competition with other plants
- History (Glaciation, etc.)
- dispersal
Native Species
in North America prior to European Contact
A non-native plant that grows to the exclusion of other plants
A non-native plant that establishes in an introduced rate and continues to exist without human intervantion
Noxious Weed
- A legal category of introduced plants
- Designated in MT every 2 years
- plant must cause economic or ecological harm
- must be controlled once designated
MT Noxious Weeds
- Spotted knapweed
- Leafy spurge
- Dalmation toadflax
- St. johnswort
- houndstoungue
Methods of Introduction
- horticulture or land management
- accidentally as contaminants with other seeds, nursery stock
Why do some introduced plants become invasive?
- pre-adaptations
- escape natural enemies
- novel weapons - native plants have not experienced this type of defense against introduced plant
- Exploiting available niches - roots go deeper, grow sooner
Fabaceae extra info
- Pea, bean, legume falmily
- economic importance
- nitrogen fixing bacteria in their root
Fabaceae's 3 subfamilies
- Mimosoidae- regular flowers
- Caesalpinioidae- slightly irregular flowers
- Papillionoidae- always irregular flowers with specialized corolla
Asteraceae terminology
- Largest flowering plant family
- head
- receptacle
- bracts/involucre
- ray floret
- disc floret
- ligule
- pappus