
  1. reverie
    • [ˈrevəri]
    • n.沉思,出神,幻想
    • 白日梦
    • A state of abstracted musing; daydreaming.
  2. fanatic
    • [fəˈnætik]
    • 着魔的,狂热的
  3. pound
    • [paund]
    • v.(连续)击打,重击
    • To strike repeatedly and forcefully.See Synonyms at beat
  4. bench
    • [bentʃ]
    • n.工作台
    • A strong worktable,such as one used in carpentry or in a laboratory.
    • 长凳
    • A long seat,often without a back,for two or more persons.
  5. last
    • [laːst]
    • n.鞋楦,鞋模子
    • A block or form shaped like a human foot and used in making or repairing shoes.
    • 按人脚的形状制成的用于制造或修理鞋子的木块或模子
  6. nearsighted
    • [niəˈsaitid]
    • 目光可及的近处
    • 近视的
    • Unable to see distant objects clearly; myopic.
  7. haze
    • [heiz]
    • n.雾气
    • Atmospheric moisture,dust,smoke,and vapor that diminishes visibility.
    • A vague or confused state of mind.
    • 头脑糊涂或混乱的状态
  8. blur
    • [bləː]
    • n.模糊斑点
    • Something that is hazy and indistinct to the sight or mind.
    • A smear or blot; a smudge.
    • 污迹,脏污;污点
  9. Polish
    • [ˈpəuliʃ]
    • 波兰的
    • n.磨光,光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良
    • vt.
    • 擦亮,发亮,磨光,推敲
  10. trudge
    • [trʌdʒ]
    • v.跋涉
    • trudged,trudg.ing,trudg.es
    • To walk in a laborious,heavy-footed way; plod.
    • n.A long,tedious walk.
    • 冗长乏味的行走
  11. snowdrift
    • [ˈsnəudrift]
    • n.积雪
    • 被风刮在一起的
    • 随风飘飞的雪
  12. direst
    • [ˈdaiə]
    • 可怕的,灾难的
    • Warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences; calamitous
  13. further
    • [ˈfəːðə]
    • v.tr.增进
    • ;推进
    • fur.thered,fur.ther.ing,fur.thers
    • To help the progress of; advance.See Synonyms at advance
  14. diligence
    • [ˈdilidʒəns]
    • n.勤奋,用功
    • Earnest and persistent application to an undertaking; steady effort; assiduity.
  15. peddler
    • [ˈpedlə]
    • n.小贩
    • One who travels about selling wares for a living; a hawker.
  16. unconcern
    • [ˈʌnkənˈsəːn]
    • n.不感兴趣;冷漠
    • Lack of interest; indifference.
  17. afford to do
    • [əˈfɔːd]
    • v.负担得起,能提供
    • To have the financial means for; be able to meet the cost of
    • 能提供
    • To be able to spare or give up
    • To be able to do or bear without disadvantage or risk to oneself
  18. diligently
    • [dilidʒəntli]
    • 勤勉地,坚持不懈地
  19. grieve
    • [griːv]
    • v.使人伤心
    • To cause to be sorrowful; distress.
  20. battered
    • [ˈbætəd]
    • 扁了的,憔悴的
  21. tremble
    • [ˈtrembl]
    • vi.战栗,发抖
    • ,震动,(树叶等)摇晃.摇动,焦虑
    • n.战栗,颤抖
    • vt.
    • 挥动,用颤抖的声音说出
  22. discern
    • [diˈsəːn]
    • v.辨别,看清楚
    • 认识,洞悉,目睹
  23. embarrassedly
    • [imˈbærəstli]
    • 局促不安地
    • 尴尬地
    • 难堪地
  24. harp
    • [haːp]
    • vi.不停地说,喋喋不休
    • 弹奏竖琴
    • n.竖琴
  25. blew up
    • [bluː ʌp]
    • .v发脾气,失去耐性
    • To lose one's temper.
    • 形成
    • To come into being
    • 充气,膨胀
    • To fill with air; inflate
    • To enlarge (a photographic image or print).
    • (照片或印刷品)放大,扩大
    • To explode
    • 爆炸
  26. meddle
    • [ˈmedl]
    • v.管闲事,干涉
    • To intrude into other people's affairs or business; interfere.See Synonyms at interfere
  27. connivance
    • [kəˈnaivəns]
    • n.共谋
    • The act of conniving.
  28. loudmouthed
    • [ˈlaudmauðd]
    • 高声讲话的,吼叫的
  29. illiterate
    • [iˈlitərit]
    • n.文盲
    • 不识字的,没受教育的
  30. grip
    • [grip]
    • n.紧握,抓牢
  31. sole
    • [səul]
    • n.鞋底
    • 脚底
    • ,基础
    • v.换鞋底
    • 单独的,唯一的
  32. bang
    • [bæŋ]
    • v.发巨响,重击
    • n.重击,突然巨响
  33. lit
    • [lit]
    • P. of light点亮
  34. grotesquely
    • [grəuˈteskli]
    • 奇形怪状地
    • 荒诞地
  35. beaklike
    • [biːk laik]
    • 像鸟嘴的,鹰勾的
  36. slushy
    • [ˈslʌʃi]
    • 满是雪泥的
    • Consisting of,covered with,or full of slush.
    • 雪泥的
    • Resembling slush,as in consistency.
    • 泥泞的,稀泥的
  37. soggy
    • [ˈsɔgi]
    • 湿透的,潮湿的
    • 湿热的
  38. sensible
    • [ˈsensəbl]
    • 明智的,有知觉的
    • 通情达理的
    • Acting with or exhibiting good sense
  39. flighty
    • [ˈflaiti]
    • 轻浮的
    • Characterized by irresponsible or silly behavior.
    • 不负责的
    • Easily excited; skittish.
    • 易于激动的
    • Given to capricious or unstable behavior.
    • 变化无常的
  40. clang
    • [klæŋ]
    • v.(使)叮当地响
    • n.叮当声
  41. enrage
    • [inˈreidʒ]
    • v.激怒;使狂怒
    • To put into a rage; infuriate.
  42. temperamental
    • [ˌtempərəˈmentl]
    • 敏感的,神经质的
    • 心情变化快的,喜怒无常的
  43. for an age
    • [fɔː ən eidʒ]
    • 很长的时间,很久
  44. exert
    • [igˈzəːt]
    • vt.尽(力),让...竭尽全力
    • 施加(压力等),努力
    • v.发挥,,尽
  45. block
    • [blɔk]
    • n.拍卖台
    • A stand from which articles are displayed and sold at an auction
  46. pittance
    • [ˈpitəns]
    • n.微薄薪水
  47. unscrupulous
    • [ʌnˈskruːpjuləs]
    • 毫无顾忌的
    • Devoid of scruples; oblivious to or contemptuous of what is right or honorable.
  48. stocky
    • [ˈstɔki]
    • 矮壮的
    • 健壮结实的
  49. severely
    • [siˈviəli]
    • 严重地
    • 严格地,激烈地
  50. prone to
    • [prəun]
    • 倾于...
  51. apt
    • [æpt]
    • 聪颖的
    • Quick to learn or understand
    • Exactly suitable; appropriate
    • 恰当的
    • Having a natural tendency; inclined
    • 倾向的
  52. landsman
    • [ˈlændzmən]
    • n.老乡
    • A fellow Jew who comes from the same district or town,especially in Eastern Europe.
  53. expertly
    • [ˈekspəːtli]
    • 熟练地
  54. till
    • [til]
    • n.钱柜,钱匣子
    • vt.耕种
  55. profuse
    • [prəˈfjuːs]
    • 极其丰富的
  56. queer
    • [kwiə]
    • 异常的,可疑的
    • ,不舒服的
    • vt.
    • 搞糟
    • n.同性恋者
  57. twitch
    • [twitʃ]
    • v.耸,抽动
    • 急拉
    • n.急扯,颤动,抽搐,阵痛,痉挛
  58. sanctified
    • [ˈsæŋktifaid]
    • 神圣化的
  59. inscribe
    • [inˈskraib]
    • v.刻,写,雕,题字
    • 题写
    • To write,print,carve,or engrave (words or letters) on or in a surface.
    • To sign one's name or write a brief message in or on (a gift book or photograph,for example).
  60. ungraciously
    • [ˈʌnˈgreiʃəs]
    • 不快的,冷淡的
  61. stew
    • [stjuː]
    • v.焖,受闷热
    • n.炖肉,闷热,拥挤
  62. rooming house
    • [ruːmiŋ haus]
    • n.合租房间
    • A house where lodgers may rent rooms.
  63. tax
    • [tæks]
    • v.使负重担
    • To make difficult or excessive demands upon
  64. nagging
    • [ˈnægiŋ]
    • 唠叨的,挑剔的
    • n.唠叨,挑剔
  65. huff
    • [hʌf]
    • n.发(愤)怒
    • n.A fit of anger or annoyance; a pique
  66. plod
    • [plɔd]
    • vi.步履艰难地走
    • ,辛勤工作
  67. repugnant
    • [riˈpʌgnənt]
    • 反感的
    • Arousing disgust or aversion; offensive or repulsive
    • 不一致的
    • Logic Contradictory; inconsistent.
  68. burly
    • [ˈbəːli]
    • 粗壮的,结实的
    • Heavy,strong,and muscular; husky.See Synonyms at muscular
  69. landlady
    • [ˈlændleidi]
    • n.女房东
    • ,女地主,(旅馆等的)老板娘
  70. nasal
    • [ˈneizəl]
    • 鼻音的,鼻的
    • n.鼻音,鼻音字
  71. nasty
    • [ˈnæsti]
    • 恶意的
    • Malicious; spiteful
    • 难闻的
  72. rasp
    • [raːsp]
    • n.擦刮锉声
    • A harsh,grating sound.
    • 尖利,般的声音
    • A coarse file with sharp,raised,pointed projections.
    • 粗锉
  73. magnitude
    • [ˈmægnitjuːd]
    • n.重大
    • Greatness in significance or influence
  74. snap
    • [snæp]
    • v.呵斥(小孩)
    • To speak abruptly or sharply
    • v.猛地吸住,突然折断,使劈啪地晌,猛咬
    • n.猛咬,突然折断,劈啪声
    • 突然的
  75. throaty
    • [ˈθrəuti]
    • 嘶哑的 喉音的
  76. droopy
    • [ˈdruːpi]
    • 下垂的
    • 无精打采的
  77. at ease
    • [æt iːz]
    • 放松的
  78. large-framed
    • [laːdʒ freimd]
    • 大骨架的
  79. bathrobe
    • [ˈbaːθrəub]
    • n.浴衣,浴袍
    • A loose-fitting robe worn before and after bathing and for lounging.
  80. boil up
    • [bɔil ʌp]
    • v.煮滚,煮开
  81. cupful
    • [ˈkʌpful]
    • n.一杯之量
    • The amount that a cup can hold.
  82. sip
    • [sip]
    • n.呷,小口
    • To drink in small quantities.
    • To drink from in sips.
    • 从…中呷吸
  83. deft
    • [deft]
    • 巧妙的,机敏的
    • deft.er,deft.est
    • Quick and skillful; adroit.See Synonyms at dexterous
  84. accountancy
    • [əˈkauntənsi]
    • n.会计学
  85. accountant
    • [əˈkauntənt]
    • n.会计师
  86. bookkeeper
    • [bukkiːpə]
    • n.记帐员
  87. certified
    • [ˈsəːtifaid]
    • 执证书的
  88. reveal
    • [riˈviːl]
    • v.揭露,泄露
    • To make known (something concealed or secret)
  89. observant
    • [əbˈzəːvənt]
    • 敏感的,敏锐的
    • Quick to perceive or apprehend; alert
    • Diligent in observing a law,custom,duty,or principle
    • 遵从的
  90. inexplicably
    • [inˈeskplikəbli]
    • 莫名地,不知咋地
  91. anguished
    • [ˈæŋgwiʃt]
    • 苦恼的
    • Feeling,expressing,or caused by anguish
    • 痛苦的
  92. materialist
    • [məˈtiəriəlist]
    • n.物质(实利)主义者
    • 唯物主义者
  93. Adam's apple
    • [ˈædəmz ˈæpl]
    • n.喉结
  94. crumpled
    • [ˈkrʌmpld]
    • 摺皱的,弄皱的
  95. minted
    • [mintid]
    • 铸造的
  96. all the while
    • [ɔːl θə wail]
    • 一直,始终
  97. going for
    • [gəuiŋ fɔː]
    • n.去找
    • ,努力获取
  98. weary
    • [ˈwiəri]
    • 疲倦的
    • ,令人厌烦的,疲劳
    • v.疲倦,厌倦,厌烦
  99. toil
    • [tɔil]
    • v.吃力地行走
    • To proceed with difficulty
    • To labor continuously; work strenuously.
    • 苦干
  100. haphazardly
    • [hæpˈhæzədli]
    • 随便地
  101. stubby
    • [ˈstʌbi]
    • 短壮的,短粗的
  102. pallid
    • [ˈpælid]
    • 苍白的,无生气的
    • Lacking in radiance or vitality; dull
  103. bolt
    • [bəult]
    • v.脱逃
    • To start suddenly and run away
    • To break away from a political party or its policies.
    • 脱党
    • n.门闩,螺钉,闪电,跑掉
    • v.上门闩,囫囵吞下,逃跑
  104. strode
    • [strəud]
    • P. of stride跨过 ,大步走
  105. vehemently
    • [ˈviəməntli]
    • 激烈地,猛烈地
  106. croak
    • [krəuk]
    • v.低哑地说
    • To utter in a low,hoarse sound.
    • A low,hoarse sound,as that characteristic of frogs and crows.
    • 呱呱叫
  107. stingy
    • [ˈstindʒi]
    • 太少的,吝啬的
  108. blurt
    • [bləːt]
    • v.脱口而出
  109. seething
    • [ˈsiːðiŋ]
    • 沸腾的,火热的
  110. insight
    • [ˈinsait]
    • n.领悟,洞察
    • The act or outcome of grasping the inward or hidden nature of things or of perceiving in an intuitive manner.
    • The capacity to discern the true nature of a situation; penetration.洞察力,穿透力
  111. devious
    • [ˈdiːvjəs]
    • 不直接的,迂回的
    • Not straightforward; shifty
  112. deceit
    • [diˈsiːt]
    • n.欺骗
    • A stratagem; a trick.
  113. hold it in
    • [həuld it in]
    • v.约束,抑制
  114. clench
    • [klentʃ]
    • v.握紧
    • 咬紧
  115. incinerator
    • [inˈsinəreitə]
    • n.焚化炉
    • n.One that incinerates,especially an apparatus,such as a furnace,for burning waste.
  116. desperation
    • [ˌdespəˈreiʃən]
    • n.绝望
    • The condition of being desperate.See Synonyms at despair
  117. gripping
    • [gripiŋ]
    • 抓住的,揪心的
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Textbook Vocabulary