Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished.
What are the 4 functions of MG?
- Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling
What is the multiplier effect?
- -An efficient MG has a cascading effect on the orgz-->start w/ MG, 2 ppl below him, then ppl below them, etc.
- -An effective leader creates exponential value for the organization through his or her influence on the strategy, people and processes in the organization.
Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
- Efficiency-doing things right
- -Getting the most output for the least inputs
- -Means
- -Example-$1.85/automated phone call vs. $4.50/live person-->low resource usage
- Effectiveness-doing the right things
- -Attaining orgz goals
- -Ends
MG strives for LOW RESOURCE WASTE (high efficiency) and HIGH GOAL ATTAINMENT (high effectiveness)
What are Mintzberg's 3 Managerial Roles?
- Interpersonal
- Informational
- Decisional
What is the Interpersonal MG Role and its subcategories?
-Dealing w/ people outside of the orgz
- -1) Figurehead: performing symbolic task w/in orgz
- -2) Leadership: responsible for action of subordinates, motivator
- -3) Liaison: working in btw/connection btw ppl outside of orgz (student-->Jones-->PGA)
Informational MG Role and 3 Subcategories
-Receiving and communicating information
- -1) Monitor: upper MG searches business environment for any trends or advantages (valuable information) that could help D-M
- -2) Disseminator: disperse valuable information to other ppl in orgz
- -3) Spokesperson: answer tough ?'s, diplomat, face of the orgz and communicates w/ the media
Decisional MG Role and 4 Subcategories
Use the information from the monitoring role and make decisions
- -1) Entrepreneurial: initiate innovation w/in orgz
- -2) Resource Allocator: set priorities on the use of resources
- -3) Negotiator: work w/ pp inside and outside of orgz-->outsource
- -4) Disturbance Handler: deals w/ "fires" at work
What is Planning?
- -Defining orgz goals, establishing strategy to obtain those goals, and developing plans to coordinate activities
- -Where do I want to go in the future???
Informal Planning vs. Formal Planning
- Informal: not written down, short-term focus
- -Specific to an orgz unit
- Formal: written, specific, and long-term focus
- -Shared goals for the orgz
What is a mission statement?
- -Statement of purpose
- -Firm's reason for being in business
- -Describes the scope of products and services that it delivers to the customer market, levels of profitability, how to treat EE or customers, image base portrayed to customer
- -Comes first
What is a vision statement?
- -What the company strives to become in the long term
- -Describes the way the orgz wants to be perceived in the future and the actions needed to get there
- -Comes 2nd-->is flexible and can change depending on environment