
  1. onomatopoeia
    • [ˈɔnəuˌmætəuˈpiə]
    • n.拟声,拟声法
    • The formation or use of words such as buzz or murmur that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to.
  2. dictator
    • [dikˈteitə]
    • n.指导,主编
    • 口述人
    • One who dictates
    • 独裁者An absolute ruler.
    • 暴君A tyrant; a despot.
  3. zap
    • [zæp]
    • v.嗞(摧毁,激光辐射)
    • To destroy or kill with a burst of gunfire,flame,or electric current.
    • To strike suddenly and forcefully as if with a projectile or weapon
    • To expose to radiation; irradiate
  4. Greek
    • [griːk]
    • n.希腊语
    • 希腊人
    • adj.
    • 希腊的,希腊人的,希腊语的
  5. synonymous
    • [siˈnɔniməs]
    • 同义的
  6. echoic
    • [eˈkəuik]
    • 拟声的,回声的
    • Imitative of natural sounds; onomatopoeic
    • Of or resembling an echo.
  7. denote
    • [diˈnəut]
    • v.表示,意指
    • To serve as a symbol or name for the meaning of; signify
    • 作为一个表达该意义的符号或名字;意为
    • To signify directly; refer to specifically
    • 直接表示
    • To mark; indicate
    • 作标志;指明
  8. vowel
    • [ˈvauəl]
    • n.元音(字母)
    • A speech sound created by the relatively free passage of breath through the larynx and oral cavity,usually forming the most prominent and central sound of a syllable.
    • A letter,such as a,e,i,o,u,and sometimes y in the English alphabet,that represents a vowel.
  9. consonant
    • [ˈkɔnsənənt]
    • n.辅音(字母)
    • A speech sound produced by a partial or complete obstruction of the air stream by any of various constrictions of the speech organs.
    • A letter or character representing such a speech sound.
  10. rhetoric
    • [ˈretərik]
    • n.修辞
    • The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.
    • 雄辩,辩才
    • A style of speaking or writing,especially the language of a particular subject
  11. hurlyburly
    • [ˈhəːliˈbəːli]
    • n.喧闹,喧嚣
    • noisy disorder and confusion; commotion; uproar; tumult.
    • full of commotion; tumultuous.
  12. tumultuous
    • [tuˈmʌltʃuəs,tyu-]
    • 骚乱的,吵闹的,喧哗的
    • Characterized by tumult; noisy and disorderly
    • 具有骚乱的特征的;混乱的、无序的或
  13. stirrer
    • [ˈstəːrə]
    • n.煽动者,搅拌器
    • ,搅拌者,搅拌用杓子
  14. flibbertigibbet
    • [ˈflibərtiˌdʒibit]
    • n.饶舌的人,搬弄是非者
    • a chattering or flighty,light-headed person.
    • Archaic . a gossip.
  15. rhetorical
    • [riˈtɔrikəl]
    • 修辞学的
    • Of or relating to rhetoric.
    • Characterized by overelaborate or bombastic rhetoric.
    • 辞藻华丽的
  16. bestiary
    • [ˈbestjəri]
    • n.动物寓言集
    • A medieval collection of stories providing physical and allegorical descriptions of real or imaginary animals along with an interpretation of the moral significance each animal was thought to embody. A number of common misconceptions relating to natural history were preserved in these popular accounts.
  17. babble
    • [ˈbæbl]
    • n.含糊声音,饶舌,空谈
  18. speculation
    • [ˌspekjuˈleiʃən]
    • n.推论,推断
  19. bow-wow
    • [ˈbauˌwau]
    • int. 汪汪(狗叫声)
  20. proponent
    • [prəˈpəunənt]
    • n.支持者; 辩护者
  21. interjection
    • [ˌintəˈdʒekʃən]
    • n.感叹词
  22. yak
    • [jæk]
    • v.喋喋不休
    • n.废话
    • A wild,shaggy-haired ox (Bos grunniens) of the mountains of central Asia.
    • 牦牛
  23. alliterative
    • [əˈlitərətiv]
    • 头韵的,头韵体的
  24. onomatope
    • [ˈɔnəuˌmætəuˈp]
    • n.拟声词,象声词
    • An imitative word; an onomatopoetic word.
  25. melodious
    • [məˈləudiəs]
    • 悦耳的,曲调优美的
    • of the nature of or characterized by melody; tuneful.
    • producing melody; sweet-sounding; musical.
  26. one-up
    • [wʌn ʌp]
    • vt.胜过一筹,领先
    • adj.
    • 胜人一筹的,占上风的
  27. tintinnabulation
    • [tintinæbjuˈleiʃ(ə)n]
    • n.钟铃响声
  28. obsession
    • [əbˈseʃən]
    • n.着魔,萦绕
    • Compulsive preoccupation with a fixed idea or an unwanted feeling or emotion,often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety.
    • A compulsive,often unreasonable idea or emotion.
  29. crunch
    • [krʌntʃ]
    • v.嘎扎咬嚼,压碎
    • 扎扎地踏过
    • n.
    • 咬碎,咬碎声,扎扎地踏
  30. lexicographer
    • [ˌleksiˈkɔgrəfə]
    • n.词典编纂者
  31. columnist
    • [ˈkɔləmnist]
    • n.专栏作家
  32. ache for
    • [eik fɔː]
    • v.想念,渴望
  33. tornado
    • [tɔːˈneidəu]
    • n.龙卷风
    • A rotating column of air usually accompanied by a funnel-shaped downward extension of a cumulonimbus cloud and having a vortex several hundred yards in diameter whirling destructively at speeds of up to 500 miles (800 kilometers) per hour.
    • 陆龙卷
  34. arthritis
    • [aːˈθraitis]
    • n.关节炎
    • Inflammation of a joint or joints resulting in pain and swelling.
  35. bad breath
    • [bæd breθ]
    • 口臭
  36. wipe out
    • [waip aut]
    • v.消灭,(滑雪时)翻倒
    • 垮台,封闭
  37. upend
    • [ʌpˈend]
    • n.颠倒,颠覆
    • To stand,set,or turn on one end
    • 使倒竖
    • To overturn or overthrow.
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Textbook Vocabulary