Chapt 7

  1. Two forms of FDI
  2. Greenfield Investment
  3. Flow of FDI
  4. Stock of FDI
  5. Outflows of FDI
  6. Inflows of FDI
  7. Trends in FDI
  8. Direction of FDI
  9. Gross fixed capital formation
  10. Guanxi
  11. The source for FDI
  12. The form of FDI: Acquisitions vs Greenfield Investments
  13. FDI: The Shift of to Services
  14. Theories of FDI
  15. Eclectic pradigm
  16. Why FDI?
  17. Exporting
  18. Licensing
  19. Limitations of Exporting
  20. Limitations of Licensing
  21. Internalization Theory
  22. Market imperfections approach
  23. Advantages of FDI
  24. The pattern of FDI
  25. Strategic Behavior (FDI)
  26. Oligopoly
  27. Multipoint competition
  28. The product life cycle (Raymond Vernon's theory) and FDI
  29. The Eclectic Paradigm
  30. Location Specific advantages
  31. Externalities
  32. Political Ideology and FDI
  33. The Radical View
  34. The Free Market View
  35. Pragmatic Nationalism
  36. Shifting Ideology
  37. Benefits and Costs of FDI
  38. Host Country Benefits
  39. Resource Transfer Effects
  40. Employment Effects
  41. Balance-of-Payments Effects
  42. Balance-of-Payments accounts
  43. current account
  44. Effect on Competition and Economic Growth
  45. Host Country Costs
  46. Adverse effects on competition
  47. Adverse effects on the Balance of Payments
  48. National Sovereignty and Autonomy
  49. Home Country Benefits
  50. Home Country Costs
  51. International Trade Theory and FDI
  52. Offshore production
  53. Government Policy and FDI
  54. Home Country Policies
  55. Encouraging Outward FDI
  56. Restricting Outward FDI
  57. Host Country Policies
  58. Encouraging Inward FDI
  59. Restricting Inward FDI
  60. International Institutions and the Liberalization of FDI
  61. Implications for Managers the Theory of FDI
Card Set
Chapt 7
Global Business