Chapter 1 Globalization

  1. Globalization
  2. Main Drivers of Globalization
  3. Globalization of Markets
  4. Globalization of Production
  5. GATT
    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  6. WTO
  7. IMF
  8. World Bank
  9. United Nations
  10. The G20
    Established in 1999 comprises the finance ministers and central bank governors of the 19 largest economies in the world, plus reps from the EU
  11. Drivers of Globalization
  12. International Trade
  13. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
  14. Moore's Law
  15. Role of Technological Change driving globalization
  16. Implications of Technology for the globalization of production
  17. Implications of Technology for the globalization of markets
  18. Multinational Enterprise
  19. Non US Multinationals
  20. Mini Multinationals
  21. The globalization debate
  22. Anti globalization protests
  23. Globalization Jobs and Income
  24. Globalization Labor policies and the environment
  25. Globalization and National Sovereignty
  26. Globalization and the world's poor
  27. Managing in the global marketplace
  28. International Business
Card Set
Chapter 1 Globalization
Global Business Environment