a brief period of high arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, readying the body for vigorous activity
a branch of the peripheral nervous system, by which the central nervous system influences the visceral organs
Autonomic Nervous System
the hypothesis that different emotions involve qualitatively different autonomic nervous system physiology profiles
Autonomic Specificity Hypothesis
the time in milliseconds between the beginning of ventricular contraction and the expulsion of blood into the aorta
Cardiac Pre-ejection Period
an adrenal gland hormone that enhances metabolism and increases the availability of fuels in the body
the pressure exerted by blood against the arteries while the heart is not contracting
Diastolic Blood Pressure
the extent to which self-reports of emotion, physiological changes and behaviors like facial expressions are intercorrelated
Emotional Response Coherence
the final stage of reaction to a prolonged stressor, characterized by weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and lack of interest
Hans Selye's term for the body's reaction to any threat
General Adaptation Syndrome
a chemical produced by an endocrine gland and released into the bloodstream, with effects on one or more organs elsewhere in the body
a stress-response system including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenal gland
HPA axis
the average time in milliseconds between heart beats
Interbeat Interval
the "rest and digest" branch of the autonomic nervous system, that diverts resources to maintenance and growth activities
Parasympathetic Nervous System
smooth muscle contractions that move food through the digestive system; caused by parasympathetic nervous system activation
contraction of smooth muscles around the base of hairs, making them stand up; caused by sympathetic nervous system activation
the stage of prolonged but moderate arousal in response to some stressor
the change in heart rate associated with breathing in versus out; used as a measure of parasympathetic nervous system activation
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia
the speed at which the skin transmits an electrical signal from one sensor to another; used as a measure of sweat gland activity
Skin Conductance Level
an event or events that are interpreted as threatening to an individual and which elicit physiological and behavioral responses
Stress (McEwen's Definition)
the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it
Stress (Selye's Definition)
the "fight or flight" branch of the autonomic nervous system, that supports and prepares the body for intense muscular activity
Sympathetic Nervous System
pressure exerted by blood against the arteries while the heart is contracting
Systolic Blood Pressure
personality marked by competitiveness, impatience, and hostility
Type A Personality
an effect where positive emotions facilitate recovery from sympathetic arousal associated with negative emotion
Undoing Effect of Positive Emotion
the degree of parasympathetic influence on the heart while a person is at rest
Vagal Tone
Japanese term describing the feeling of pleasurable dependence on another person, like the feeling an infant has toward its mother
The ability to alternate between membership in one culture and membership in another
Prioritizing the group over the individual, valuing group identification, deference, social harmony, and interdependence
The meanings, conceptions, and interpretive schemes that are activated by participation in social practices (including languages)
An experimental manipulation that makes one of a bicultural person's cultural identities especially salient for a short period of time
Cultural Priming
Belief that reality is always changing, that all things are interrelated, and that the same proposition can be both true and false from different perspectives
Dialectical Epistemology
Policies about when and with whom it is appropriate to display certain kinds of emotional expressions
Display Rules
One in which people typically minimize attention to status differences and seldom acknowledge those differences publicly
Horizontal Society
To create an elaborate network of associations and distinctions that lead to an increase in the vocabulary for some emotion
To fail to give an emotion much cognitive elaboration or detail
Emphasis on individual uniqueness, personal rights, being true to one's self, and independence from others
Belief that "knowing" something means knowing what is constant and unchanging about it, how it differs from other things, and what is true and what is false about it
Linear Epistemology
A statistical technique that combines the results of many different studies into a single analysis
Proposal that humans require language to think, and therefore we have only those experiences, thoughts, and perceptions for which we have words
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
Process by which societies create culture-specific ways of thinking about, experiencing, and expressing emotion
Social Construction of Emotion
One that pays particular attention to the social hierarchy, and encourages emotions and behaviors that respect status differences
Vertical Society