What has been used as argument in support of imposing tarriffs
support infant industries, preserve domestic jobs, protect industries important to national security
The country with a comparative advantage in the production of good x is the one that
can produce good x at the lowest opportunity cost
if the relative opportunity costs of producing two goods are identical across two countries then
one country will have a comparative advantage in both goods
If a tariff is so high it completely eliminates imports it will
raise no tax revenue
Countries can expect to gain from international trade as long as they
specialize according to their comparative advantage
What is not a legitimate argument in favor of protecting domestic industries from foreign competition
making domestic firms more efficient
economists generally support free trade
since free trade promotes the efficient use of resources and increases national output
Quotas and tarrifs can
have the same effect on the price of the domestically produced good if they are set appropriately
The analysis of international trade suggests that when there are no economies of scale
all countries gain from trade, but smaller countries are likely to reap realtively bigger gains
Free trade associations tend to
expand trade among some members but reduce trade with other countries
When economists look to the future and consider the prospect of china and india emerging as developed nations they are
optimisitic because increased specialization can increase total world prodcution
What is not a current view?
1. trade will cause the us to lose all its jobs because wages are so much higher in the us
2. globalization will result in dramatically lower level of output in the U.S.
3. the U.S. will not have a comparative advantage in anything in 20 years
Suppose the U.S. dollar buys 100 Japanese yen, gold costs 500$ per ounce in New York, and gold costs 20,000 yen in Tokyo. What does the law of one price predict would happen?
Traders would buy gold in Japan and sell it in the U.S.
What does an import quota do?
increase the price of the domestic good to the consumer
Three determinants of the terms of trade are:
1. the more competition the less the trader gets
2. smaller countries get a larger proportion of the gain than the larger countries
3. countries producting goods with economies of scale get a larger gain from trade
Some sources of U.S. comparative advantage are:
1. Skills of the U.S. labor force
2. U.S. governmental institutions
3. U.S. phyiscal and technological infrastructure
4. English is the international language of business
5. Wealth from past production
6. U.S. natural resources
7. Cachet (trend setters)
8. Inertia
9. U.S. intellectual property rights
10. relatively open immigration policy
law of one price
ina competitive market there will be pressure for equal factors to be priced equally
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
regular international conference to reduce trade barriers
World Trade Orgnaization
an organization whose functions are generally the same as GATT's were-to promote free and fair trade among countries
total restriction on the import or export of a good
regulatory trade restrictions
govenment imposed procedural rules that limit imports
economies of scale
the situation in which costs per unit of output fall as output increases
infant industry argument
with initial protection, an industry will be able to become competitive
Reasons for restricting trade
1. unequal internal distribution of the gains from trade
2. haggling by companies over the gains from trade
3. haggling by countries over trade restrictions
4. specialized production (learning by doing and economies of scale)
5. macroeconomic aspects of trade
6. national security
7 international politics
8. increased revenue brought in by tariffs.
economists generally oppose trade restrictions because
1. from global perspective free trade increases total output
2. international trade provides competition for domestic companies
3. restrictions based on national security are often abused or evaded