inflimation of the skin and blood vessels with formation of scar tissue the skin and other organs become fibrotic from scar tissue. patients have flare-ups and periods of remission
fatigue , fever, joint pain, rash disease can affect kidneys, heart, and lungs.
Symstemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
symptoms: may present similar to infectious respiratory diseases, including fever, chills, night sweat, fatigue, and chronic cough.
Route: respiratory
can be treated with antibodies.
signs/symptoms: sudden onset of high fever, difficulty breathing, pleuritic chest pain(sharp pain worse with inspiration), and cough
can cause crackles and wheezing from the fluid produced (purulent material) and inflammation of lung tissue
Treatment for Pneumonia
assess airway, work and quality of breathing, and oxygenation, provide oxygen consider need for IV because symptoms could lead to dehydration
signs/symptoms: sudden fever, sore throat, muscle aches, headaches, cough, weakness, and fatigue
airborne virus
monitor vitals transport, IV for dehydration if necessary
inflimation of pharynx, (sore throat) commonly caused by by viruses or bacteria
causes coughing fits up to 10 or more weeks pt gasps for coughing with the characteristics of "whooping" sound.
common in infants and school age children
bacterial infection that causes inflammation of epiglottis primary cause is haemophilus influinzae type B (HIB)
signs/symptoms: fever, difficulty breathing swallowing, and drooling pt may be in tripod position possible stridor
treatment humidified oxygen, ALS backup/rapid transport (for Cricothyrotomy)
viral illness that causes upper airway inflammation including vocal cords and subglottic area
begins with upper airway respiratory symptoms, sore throat, runny nose, and low grade fever.
day 2 stridor, hoarseness, and "seal bark" cough, generally worse at night.
sever cases can cause respiratory distress
large mucus buildup in children
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
bacterial infection transmitted by black legged- ticks red, circular, "bulls eye rash begins at bite site.
symptoms: fatigue, fever, chills, headache, muscles and joint pain, and swollen lymph nodes. can lead to bells paulsey
lyme disease
with in 5 o 10 days of being bitten pt will present symptoms of infectious illness, fever nausa vomiting, muscle aches, anorexia, headache.
contracted from tic
rocky mountain spotted fever
treatment for rabies bite
- clean wound.
- will have large number of neurological signs and symptoms
external parasites. caused by mite that burrows under the skin layer and lays eggs. causes rash and intense itching
contracted through contact
tiny insect that that infest the body using hair shaft to depsit eggs.
lice Pediculosus
fungus results in itching, circular lesions on the skin. common in warm humid inviroment
ring worm
a bacterial infection that is transmitted sexually and through blood
stomach, vessels and bronchial muscles
skeletal muscle
hold bone to bone
oxygen binding vessels in muscle
• Infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissues
• Results in: redness, warmth, swelling, and pain.
• Increased risk among: elderly, diabetics, recent tattoo’s.
inflammation of bone
degrading of spongy bone
spinal deformity side to side
spinal deformity front to back
• Breakdown of skeletal muscle resulting in release of myoglobin and other muscle contents into bloodstream.
• Result of traumatic injuries: crush injuries, electrocution, and severe burns
pinching of siatic nerve (nerve that feeds legs) "nom nom nom"
crushing of nerve between vertebra common in cervical and lumbar vertabra
Herniated Disc
inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, resulting in pink or red blood shot appearence
a sty, a hordeolum occurs when the duct of glands along the margin of the eye lid become infected( usually with staphylococcus) causing swelling and other signs of inflammation
increase in intraocular pressure that can damage optic nerve, may present with eye pain and blindness starts with peripheral vision
inflammation or infection of the external auditory canal.
Otitis externa
inflammation or infection of the meddle ear
Otitis Media
inflammation of the inner ear that can occur from viral infections, bacterial infections, or other inflammatory process.
signs/ symptoms nausea, vomiting, hearing loss
medication that can cause hearing loss
fear of closed spaces
fear of open spaces/public
fear of spiders
factitious disorder
intentional infliction of either physical or psychological sign and syptoms, to one self in order to assume the sick role
Munchausen Syndrome
factitious disorder
infliction of physical or psychological signs and symptoms to others in order to be the care giver
Munchausen syndrome by proxy
somatoform disorder
pt has unusual awareness of normal body sensations.
physical symptoms with out apparent cause
impulse control disorder for stealing
activated charcoal dosage?
effective time period?
- 1g/1kg
- most effective within 1 hour
symptoms for carbon monoxide poisening
headache, dizziness, nausea, breathless, collapse, diziness
poisen that stops cells from producing energy, can be inhaled or ingested, can kill within seconds or minutes
symptoms of minor exposure: Weakness, headache, dizziness, confusion, seizures, shortness of breath, pulmonary edema, and coma
cyanide poising
effects of organophosphates
- salivation
- lacrimation (tearing)
- Urinations
- Defecation
- Gastric disorder
- Emesis
altered mental statues
Signs/Symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, tinnitus (ringing in ears), headache, pulmonary edema
- OTC medication over dose
- • Tylenol (Acetaminophen)
- • ASA (salicylate)
- • NSAID’s (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatories)
• Most common overdose among small children
• Accounts for high iron toxicity leading to liver failure and death
multi-vitamin over dose
- • Cocaine
- • Meth
- • Adderall