1. General weakness, lethargy, and cognitive changes following rapid ascent to a high altitude.
    Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)
  2. Transfer of heat (including the air) in direct contact with the body.
  3. Transfer of air through the movement of air currents
  4. Respiratory impairment from submersion or immersion in a liquid medium
  5. Loss of heat when moisture vaporizes on the body's surface
  6. Injury to the skin caused by prolonged exposure to the cold; Liquid content of the skin cells feezes; may be superficial or deep
  7. Completely reversible superficial cold injury caused by intense vasoconstriction that affects only the topmost portions of the skin
  8. Cerebral edema followinga rapid ascent to a high altitude
    High-Altitude cerebral edema (HACE)
  9. Pulmonary edema following a rapid ascent to a high altitude
    High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)
  10. Abnormal and dangerous condition in which the body temperature falls below 95 degrees F (35 degrees C) and the body's normal body functions are impaired; usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold
  11. Transfer of heat by infrared heat rays. Heat rays are radiated by the body and other objects in the environment. If the temperature of the body is greater than the temperature of the surroundings, heat is lost from the body
  12. Any submersion into water that requires field care and transport to a hospital for treatment or observation
    Submersion episode
  13. The metabolic activity necessary to maintain cellular functions at rest
    Basal Metabolism
  14. The involuntary contraction of small groups of muscles, which can generate great amounts of heat
  15. A red rash with small bumps, usually found at the neck, under arms, and in the groin, caused by blocked sweat glands
    Heat Rash
  16. Muscular cramps that occur during strenuous exertion and from excessive loss of body fluid through persperation
    Heat cramps
  17. Inability of the cardiovascular system to keep up with stresses imposed by a hot environment. Rarely causes death
    Heat Exhaustion
  18. A transient loss of consciousness resulting from the blood vessels dilating to compensate fir excessive heat
    Heat Syncope
  19. A complete failure of the thermoregulatory system that results in extreme increases in core body temperature and damage to cells as well as changes to mentation. Associated with a high mortality rate
    Heat Stroke
  20. Inhibits heat loss because of the increased insulating effect of the excess subcontaneous fat
  21. Constant muscle tremors, and increased heat production, is another condition that predisposes an individual to heat illness
    Parkinson's Disease
  22. Fall in blood pressure when the supine patient stands
    Orthostatic Hypotension
  23. The most severe reaction to bug bites/stings
  24. Unpleasant tingling feelings both at the site of envenomation and at distant sites
  25. This snake's bite causes local necrosis; in severe cases, systemic effects occur and death may result. Dent between eyes and nostril, and plates on tail. Other symptoms of this snake bite are: Swelling, pain, redness of site
    Pit Viper
  26. This snake's bite causes no local necrosis. The nervous system is affected when the poison is obsorbed. The onset of effects may be delayed for up to 12 hours. Systemic effects can lead to respiratory paralysis and death. Skin colors are, red-yellow-red. Early signs of bite are mild, usually only minimal redness, and swelling.
    Coral Snake
  27. Generalized term used to describe the physiologic changes seen when a person is exposed to pressure changes.
Card Set
Enviromental Emergencies