
  1. any change from normal in a patients mental state
    altered mental status
  2. blockage or disruption of blood flow in an atery feeding the brain
    cerebrovascular accident (CVA)/stroke
  3. type of screening device used to rapidly identify stroke patients
    Cincinnati prehospital stroke scale or los angelas prehospital stroke screen
  4. disease that results from the failure of the pancrease to produce sufficient amounts of insulin
  5. condition resultig from a relatively prolonged insulin deficiency in which the blood glucucose level rises and fatty acids are produced in the blood
    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
  6. seizure in a child tht is caused by rapid rising body temp
    febrile seizure
  7. assessment of a patients level of consciousness according to the patients eye movement, response to voice, and motor movement
    glasgow coma scale
  8. substance secreted by the panceas that can cause stored formos of glucose to be released and glucose to be made from other moleclules.
  9. sugar molecule (carbohydrate) in a form that is used by the cells for energy
  10. seizure that involes three phases
    grand mal seizure
  11. the 3 phases of a grand mal seizure
    • 1. tonic (substained contraction of all voluntary muscles)
    • 2. clonic ( intermittent contractions and relaxation of skeletal muscles)
    • 3. postical (depressed level of consciousness and confusion)
  12. abnormally low blood glucose level
  13. hormaone produced by the pancreas necessary for glucose metabolism
  14. form of glucose gel that admisistred orally to patients with suspected diabetic emergencies.
    oral glucose
  15. temporaty alteration in behavior caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain
  16. rapid sucession of seizures without an intervening period of consciousness or a prolonged period of continuous seizures
    status epilepticus
  17. usually sudden onset of symptoms caused by blockage or distruption of blood flow in an ater feeding the brain
  18. temporary loss of brain function caused by diminished blood supply to part of the brain;completly resolved in 24 hrs
    transient ischemic attack (TIA)
  19. sluggishness or sleepiness. the patient is easily aroused but drifts into a sleepy state without continued stimulation
  20. an inability to maintain a coherent stream of thought or action
  21. an agitated state and confused state
  22. a state of lessened responsiveness. the patient can be aroused but more stimuli are required than fro the lethargic patient. in addition arousal patient does not reach a normal level of consciousness and function
  23. a condition of unconsciousness or lack of awareness of the environment from which the patient may be aroused
  24. a lack of respnsiveness to the enviroment. the patient is unconscious and cannoit be aroused by external stimuli
  25. the largest most superior portion of the brain
  26. the crebrum is divided into halfs called
  27. area of brain responsible for intelletual functions and motor controls of skeletal muscles
    frontal lobe
  28. area of the brain thats the center for receiving and processing visual stimuli
    occipital area
  29. part of brain that receives smell and hearing signals
    temporal area
  30. part of brain that monitors direct sepiratory and circulatory function
    brain stem
  31. part of the brain that controls coordination of movement and balance
  32. when one side of the brain is injured the patient may have symptoms that are one sided or
  33. normal glucose levels
  34. type 1 diabetic
    insulin dependent
  35. type 2 diabetic
    non insulin dependent
  36. dose for oral glucose
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Altered Mental status