
  1. inhabit
    • [inˈhæbit]
    • v.居住
    • To live or reside in.
    • To dwell.
  2. coal bin
    • [kəul bin]
    • n.煤箱,煤仓
  3. carpet
    • [ˈkaːpit]
    • n.地毯
    • A thick,heavy covering for a floor,usually made of woven wool or synthetic fibers; a rug.
  4. main current
    • [mein ˈkʌrənt]
    • n.主流
  5. menacing
    • [ˈmenəsiŋ]
    • 威胁的,险恶的
  6. slanting
    • [ˈslaːntiŋ]
    • 倾斜的
  7. confide
    • [kənˈfaid]
    • v.tr.吐露
    • To tell (something) in confidence.
    • 托付
    • To put into another's keeping.
  8. look out
    • [luːk aut]
    • v.面朝
    • ,留神,照料
  9. swish
    • [swiʃ]
    • n.嗖嗖声
    • vi.
    • 带着嗖嗖声挥动
    • vt.
    • 使带着嗖嗖声地挥动
  10. scratch
    • [skrætʃ]
    • n.涂写,刮擦
    • 抓痕,擦伤
    • vt.
    • 乱涂,勾抹掉,擦,刮,搔,抓,挖出
    • vi.
    • 发刮擦声,搔,抓
    • adj.
    • 打草稿用的,凑合的
  11. exert
    • [igˈzəːt]
    • vt.发出,尽(力)
    • 施加(压力等),努力
    • v.
    • 发挥,竭尽全力,尽
  12. sneak
    • [sniːk]
    • vi.溜,潜行
    • 偷偷摸摸做
    • adj.暗中进行的
  13. geranium
    • [dʒiˈreinjəm,dʒəˈrei-]
    • n.天竺葵
  14. sill
    • [sil]
    • n.窗台
  15. shed
    • [ʃed]
    • v.脱落,脱皮
    • 摆脱,流出,发散,散发
  16. swiss
    • [swis]
    • n.细透薄纱
    • A crisp,sheer cotton fabric used for curtains or light garments.
  17. rug
    • [rʌg]
    • n.(小)地毯
    • A heavy fabric used to cover a floor.
  18. braided
    • [breidid]
    • 编织的
    • Produced by or as if by braiding.
    • 编织成的或似编织成的
  19. rag
    • [ræg]
    • n.碎布
    • A scrap of cloth.
    • A piece of cloth used for cleaning,washing,or dusting.
    • 抹布
    • rags Threadbare or tattered clothing.
    • 破旧衣服
  20. turpentine
    • [ˈtəːpəntain]
    • n.松节油,松脂
    • v.涂松节油,采松脂
  21. wavy
    • [ˈweivi]
    • 波状的
    • 摇摆的,起浪的,波动的,不稳的
  22. stripe
    • [strip]
    • n.长条
  23. dribble
    • [ˈdribl]
    • n.涓滴,滴流
    • A weak,unsteady stream; a trickle.
    • 弱而不稳的水流;细流
    • v.
    • 滴下
  24. wobbly
    • [ˈwɔbli]
    • 摆动的,不稳定的
    • (字迹等)歪斜的
  25. comb
    • [kəum]
    • n.梳子
    • 梳,鸡冠,蜂巢
    • vi.
    • 梳(发),搜索
  26. lid
    • [lid]
    • n.盖子
  27. freckle
    • [ˈfrekl]
    • n.雀斑,斑点
  28. hinge
    • [hindʒ]
    • n.合叶,折叶
    • 关键,转折点
  29. musty
    • [ˈmʌsti]
    • 发霉的,陈腐的
    • Stale or moldy in odor or taste.
    • Hackneyed or trite; dull.
  30. mothball
    • [ˈmɔθˌbɔːl]
    • n.卫生球,樟脑球
  31. cedar
    • [ˈsiːdə]
    • n.雪松(木)
  32. squab
    • [skwɔb]
    • 矮胖的
    • n.厚垫子; 沙发
  33. plush
    • [plʌʃ]
    • 毛绒绒的
    • n.长毛绒
    • adj.豪华的,舒服的
  34. mottled
    • [ˈmɔtld]
    • 斑驳的
    • 杂色的
  35. oval
    • [ˈəuvəl]
    • 卵形的,椭圆的
    • n.
    • 卵形,椭圆形
  36. well
    • [wel]
    • n.源泉
    • 水源,泉
  37. unstirring
    • [ˈstəːriŋ]
    • 不激动人心的,不活跃的
  38. moldy
    • [ˈməuldi]
    • 发霉的,霉烂的
  39. swiftly
    • [swiftli]
    • 很快地,即刻地
  40. upheaval
    • [ʌpˈhiːvəl]
    • n.剧变,突变
    • The process of being heaved upward.
    • 被举起
  41. dove
    • [dʌv]
    • n.鸽子
  42. deckle edge
    • [ˈdekl]
    • n.稳定框
  43. account
    • [əˈkaunt]
    • n.理由
    • A reason given for a particular action.
  44. eaves
    • [ˈiːvz]
    • n.房檐
    • The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.
  45. topple
    • [ˈtɔpl]
    • v.倒倾,跌倒
  46. brambled
    • [ˈbræmbld]
    • 长满灌木的,荆棘的
  47. tinted
    • [tintid]
    • 带色彩的
  48. pose
    • [pəuz]
    • vi.摆姿势
    • n.
    • 姿势,姿态
  49. gilded
    • [ˈgildid]
    • 镀金的
  50. trolley
    • [ˈtrɔli]
    • n.有轨电车
    • A streetcar.
  51. raisin
    • [ˈreizn]
    • n.葡萄干
    • A sweet grape dried either in the sun or by artificial means.
  52. shingle
    • [ˈʃiŋgl]
    • v.用木瓦盖
  53. dab
    • [dæb]
    • n.少量
    • 轻拍,比目鱼,熟手
    • v.轻拍,轻擦,轻敷,涂
  54. splash
    • [splæʃ]
    • n.溅,飞溅,斑点
    • v.
    • 溅,泼,溅湿
  55. stain
    • [stein]
    • n.污点,瑕疵
    • 着色剂,色素
  56. confide
    • [kənˈfaid]
    • vt.托付,委托
  57. peek
    • [piːk]
    • v.偷看
    • n.
    • 一瞥,匆忙看过
  58. crochet
    • [krəuˈʃei]
    • v.用钩针编织
    • n.钩针编织品,钩边
  59. camphor
    • [ˈkæmfə]
    • n.樟脑
  60. divide up
    • [diˈvaid ʌp]
    • 分割
  61. auctioneer
    • [ˌɔːkʃəˈniə]
    • n.拍卖商,拍卖人
    • vt.
    • 拍卖
  62. assimilate
    • [əˈsimileit]
    • v.同化
    • 吸收,消化
  63. van
    • [væn]
    • n.厢式货车
    • ,大篷货车
    • 先锋,前驱,前卫
    • vt.
    • 用车搬运
  64. scale
    • [skeil]
    • n.称,天平
    • An instrument or a machine for weighing. Often used in the plural.
    • 秤盘
    • Either of the pans,trays,or dishes of a balance.
  65. asparagus
    • [əsˈpærəgəs]
    • n.芦笋
    • Any of various perennial plants of the Old World genus Asparagus having leaflike stems,scalelike leaves,and small flowers.
  66. cylindrical
    • [siˈlindrik(ə)l]
    • 圆柱形的,圆筒状的
    • Of,relating to,or having the shape of a cylinder,especially of a circular cylinder.
  67. weight
    • [weit]
    • n.秤砣,砝码
    • A metallic solid used as a standard of comparison in weighing.
  68. stain
    • [stein]
    • n.污点,瑕疵
    • v.染污,沾污
  69. tin
    • [tin]
    • 锡制的
  70. spatter
    • [ˈspætə]
    • n.泼溅,滴落
    • v.溅污
  71. sloppiness
    • [slɔpinis]
    • n.溢出,溅溢
  72. soak
    • [səuk]
    • v.浸,泡
    • n.浸透
  73. suds
    • [sʌdz]
    • n.泡沫,肥皂水
    • Slang Beer.
    • <俚>啤酒
  74. rustle
    • [ˈrus(ə)l]
    • v.发出瑟瑟声
    • To move with soft fluttering or crackling sounds.
  75. rolled
    • [rəuld]
    • 卷起的
  76. carpet
    • [ˈkaːpit]
    • n.地毯
  77. rocking chair
    • [ˈrɔkiŋ tʃɛə]
    • n.摇椅
    • A chair mounted on rockers or springs.
  78. cane
    • [kein]
    • n.藤条
  79. mystery
    • [ˈmistəri]
    • n.推理小说,推理剧
    • A work of fiction,drama,or film dealing with a puzzling crime.
    • n.神秘,神秘的事物
  80. plush
    • [plʌʃ]
    • n.毛绒
    • adj.
    • 长毛绒做的,豪华的,舒服的
  81. lace
    • [leis]
    • n.饰带,花边
  82. napkin
    • [ˈnæpkin]
    • n.餐巾
    • A piece of cloth or absorbent paper used at table to protect the clothes or wipe the lips and fingers.
    • <英>尿布,<美>月经带
  83. underneath
    • [ˌʌndəˈniːθ]
    • prep.在...的下面
    • adv.在下面
  84. rumple
    • [ˈrʌmpl]
    • v.弄皱,压皱
    • 弄得乱七八糟
    • n.皱纹,皱褶
  85. patent-leather
    • [ˈpætənt,ˈpeitənt - leðə]
    • n.合成皮
    • So called because it is made by a once-patented process
  86. limp
    • [limp]
    • 软的,易曲的
    • vi.
    • 跛行
  87. coil
    • [kɔil]
    • n.一卷
    • 螺旋管
    • 线圈
  88. auburn
    • [ˈɔːbən]
    • 金棕色的,赤褐色的
    • A moderate reddish brown to brown.
  89. startlingly
    • [ˈstaːtliŋli]
    • 令人吃惊地
  90. crouch
    • [ˈkrautʃ]
    • v.蹲,蹲伏
  91. tackle
    • [ˈtækl]
    • n.内边锋的位置
    • Either of the two line players on a team positioned between the guard and the end.
    • 阻截队员
  92. helmet
    • [ˈhelmit]
    • n.头盔,钢盔
  93. flimsy
    • [ˈflilmzi]
    • 轻而薄的
    • Light,thin,and insubstantial
    • 脆弱的
    • Lacking solidity or strength
    • 薄弱的
    • Lacking plausibility; unconvincing
  94. fairy
    • [ˈfɛəri]
    • n.仙女
    • 精灵,<美俚>漂亮姑娘
    • adj.
    • 仙女的
  95. tread
    • [tred]
    • n.梯级,踏板
    • 踏,步态
    • vi.踏,行走,踩碎,践踏,交尾
    • vt.踩,踏,践踏,跳
  96. trough
    • [ˈtrɔːf]
    • v.使槽状
    • n.槽,水槽,饲料槽
  97. carpet
    • [ˈkaːpit]
    • v.铺地毯
  98. exasperated
    • [igˈzaːspəreitid]
    • 激怒的
    • To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly.
    • 使加剧
    • To increase the gravity or intensity of
  99. anxious
    • [ˈæŋkʃəs]
    • 急切渴望的
    • Usage Problem Eagerly or earnestly desirous.
    • Uneasy and apprehensive about an uncertain event or matter; worried.
    • 焦虑的,担心的
  100. hunch
    • [hʌntʃ]
    • vt.弯腰驼背,弓起背部
    • n.圆形之隆起物,肉峰,预感,大块
    • vi.向前移动,隆起
  101. invert
    • [inˈvəːt]
    • v.tr.使倒置
    • To turn inside out or upside down
    • 使颠倒
    • To reverse the position,order,or condition of
  102. piercing
    • [ˈpiəsiŋ]
    • 刺骨的,刺穿的
  103. Pennsylvania
    • [pensilˈveinjə,-niə]
    • n.宾夕法尼亚州
  104. skimpy
    • [skimpi]
    • 不足的,吝啬的
  105. tar
    • [taː]
    • v.用焦油覆盖
    • A dark,oily,viscous material,consisting mainly of hydrocarbons,produced by the destructive distillation of organic substances such as wood,coal,or peat.
    • 焦油
  106. split
    • [split]
    • n.裂开,裂口,裂痕
    • v.
    • 劈开,(使)裂开,分裂,分离
  107. paternal
    • [pəˈtəːnl]
    • 父系的
    • Related through one's father
    • Relating to or characteristic of a father or fatherhood; fatherly.
    • 父亲的
    • Received or inherited from a father
    • 得自父方的
  108. downpour
    • [ˈdaunpɔː(r)]
    • n.倾盆大雨
    • A heavy fall of rain.
  109. cab
    • [kæb]
    • n.驾驶室
    • (机车,卡车,起重机的)司机室
    • 出租马车,出租汽车,计程车
  110. wound up
    • [wuːnd ʌp]
    • P.of wind到达
    • 导致
  111. unfathomable
    • [ʌnˈfæðəməbl]
    • 难以测量的
    • Difficult or impossible to understand; incomprehensible
    • 深不可测的
    • Difficult or impossible to measure
  112. egregious
    • [iˈgriːdʒəs]
    • 极其恶劣的
    • Conspicuously bad or offensive.See Synonyms at flagrant
  113. pub
    • [pʌb]
    • n.小酒馆
    • A place of business where alcoholic beverages are sold and drunk.
  114. blunder
    • [ˈblʌndə]
    • n.大错
    • A usually serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion.
    • v.跌跌撞撞地走,犯大错,做错
  115. gnarled
    • [naːld]
    • 饱经风霜的,粗糙的
    • 多节瘤的
  116. clunk
    • [klʌŋk]
    • n.<金属>咣当声
    • v.发出沉闷声
  117. cluster
    • [ˈklʌstə]
    • vi.丛生,成群
    • n.串,丛
  118. mulcher
    • [ˈmʌltʃə]
    • n.剪切机
  119. rack
    • [ræk]
    • n.架子
  120. tire
    • [ˈtaiə]
    • n.轮胎
    • vi.
    • 疲劳,厌倦
  121. walnut
    • [ˈwɔːlnət]
    • n.胡桃,胡桃木
  122. devoid
    • [diˈvɔid]
    • 缺乏的
    • Completely lacking; destitute or empty
  123. discard
    • [disˈkaːd]
    • v.丢弃,抛弃
    • To throw away; reject.
  124. fascinating
    • [ˈfæsineitiŋ]
    • 魅惑的,有魅力的
    • Possessing the power to charm or allure; captivating.
  125. hummingbird
    • [ˈhʌmiŋbəːd]
    • n.蜂鸟
  126. exclaime
    • [iksˈkleim]
    • v.喊叫,大声地说
  127. breathy
    • [ˈbreθi]
    • 呼吸声的
    • Marked by or as if by audible or noisy breathing
  128. momentous
    • [məuˈmentəs]
    • 极为重要的,重大的
    • Of utmost importance; of outstanding significance or consequence
  129. elfin
    • [ˈelfin]
    • n.小精灵
    • ,淘气鬼
    • 小妖精的,象小妖精的
  130. clutter
    • [ˈklʌtə]
    • n.混乱堆集
  131. denim-clad
    • [ˈdenim klæd]
    • 粗斜纹棉布-覆盖着
  132. clad
    • [klæd]
    • P. of clothe
  133. stab
    • [stæb]
    • n.刺,戳
    • v.剌,刺伤,伤害(感情等)
  134. pane
    • [pein]
    • n.玻璃格子
  135. hoary
    • [ˈhɔːri,ˈhɔəri]
    • 头发灰白的,久远的
  136. ogre
    • [ˈəugə]
    • n.妖怪,妖魔
  137. ancestral
    • [ænˈsestrəl]
    • 祖传的
    • Of,relating to,or evolved from an ancestor or ancestors.
    • 祖先的
  138. proprietorial
    • [prəˈpraiətəriəl]
    • 所有者的,业主的
    • 所有(权)的
  139. potency
    • [ˈpəutənsi]
    • n.权势,能量
  140. avidity
    • [əˈviditi]
    • n.渴望,欲望
    • Ardent desire or craving; eagerness.
    • Keen interest or enthusiasm
  141. diagonally
    • [daiˈægənl]
    • 对角地
  142. ghastly
    • [ˈgaːstli]
    • 惨白的,死人般的,可怕的
  143. concede
    • [kənˈsiːd]
    • vi.让步
    • To make a concession:yield
  144. headscarf
    • [hed skaːf]
    • n.头巾
    • A scarf,usually folded into a triangle,worn over the head and tied under the chin.
  145. glint
    • [glint]
    • v.闪光,闪耀
  146. evanescent
    • [ˌiːvəˈnesnt]
    • 消散的
    • Vanishing or likely to vanish like vapor.See Synonyms at transient
  147. delicately
    • [ˈdelikitli]
    • 慎重地
  148. nostril
    • [ˈnɔstril]
    • n.鼻孔
    • Either of the external openings of the nose; a naris.
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Textbook Vocabulary