Vocab Exam 3 - Fracture Types

  1. Bowing fracture
    An incomplete fracture typically occuring in children in which the bone becomes bent as the result of compressive force.
  2. Buckle fracture
    A common incomplete fracture in children in which the cortex of the bone fractures from an excessive compression force.
  3. Comminuted fracture
    A fracture in which the bone is broken into three or more pieces.
  4. Fatigue fractures
    Fractures that result from multiple compressive loads.
  5. Greenstick fracture
    A type of fracture occurring most frequently in children in which there is incomplete breakage of the bone.
  6. Impacted fracture
    A broken bone in which the end of one bone becomes wedged into another bone, as could be the case in a fall from a significant height.
  7. Le Fort fractures
    Maxillary fractures that are classified into three categories based on their anatomic location.
  8. Oblique fracture
    A fracture that travels diagonally from one side of the bone to the other.
  9. Open book pelvic fracture
    A life-threatening fracture of the pelvis caused by a force that displaces one or both sides of the pelvis laterally and posteriorly.
  10. Pathologic fracture
    A fracture that occurs in an area of abnormally weakened bone.
  11. Stress fracture
    A fracture that results from exaggerated stress on the bone caused by unusually rapid muscle development.
  12. Supracondylar fractures
    Fractures of the distal humerus that occur just proximal to the elbow.
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Vocab Exam 3 - Fracture Types
Fracture Types on the Vocab Exam 3