Brachial/sacral plexus

  1. What nerves branch off the posterior cord of the bracial plexus?
    • Axillary nerve
    • Radial nerve
  2. What cord does the musculocutaneus nerve belong to?
    Lateral cord
  3. What cord does the ulnar nerve belong to?
    Medial cord
  4. The median nerve is part of which brachial plexus cord(s)
    Lateral and medial cords
  5. the following muscles are innervated by the musculocutaneus nerve, except:

    D) brachioradialis

    : innervated by the radial nerve
  6. the following muscles are innervated by the axillary nerve, except:

    C) pronators

    : innervated by the median nerve
  7. the following muscles are innervated by the radial nerve, except:

    D) flexor carpi ulnaris

    : innervated by ulnar nerve
  8. the following muscles are innervated by the ulnar nerve, except:

    B) finger extensors

    innervated by radial nerve

  9. name each nerve branching from the plexus
    • a) musculocutaneus nerve
    • b) axillary nerve
    • c) radial nerve
    • d) median nerve
    • e) ulnar nerve.
Card Set
Brachial/sacral plexus
review of brachial and sacral plexus