
  1. hullabaloo
    • [ˌhʌləbəˈluː]
    • n.喧嚣,喧哗
    • Great noise or excitement; uproar.See Synonyms at noise
  2. advent
    • [ˈædvənt]
    • n.出现,来临
    • The coming or arrival,especially of something extremely important
    • Theology The coming of Jesus at the Incarnation.【神学】 基督降临,基督复活
  3. rhythmic
    • [ˈriðmik]
    • 有节奏的
    • 有韵律的
    • Of,relating to,or having rhythm; recurring with measured regularity.
  4. cadenced
    • [ˈkeidənst]
    • 音调整齐的
  5. attic
    • [ˈætik]
    • n.顶楼,阁楼
    • A story or room directly below the roof of a building,especially a house.
  6. towel
    • [ˈtauəl,taul]
    • n.毛巾
    • 纸巾
    • A piece of absorbent cloth or paper used for wiping or drying.
  7. steps
    • [steps]
    • n.楼梯
    • stairs.
  8. creak
    • [kriːk]
    • v.吱吱作响
    • n.吱吱响声
  9. trod
    • [trɔd]
    • P. of tread 踩,踏,行
    • To walk on,over,or along.
    • To press beneath the feet; trample.
  10. Indianapolis
    • [ˈindiəˈnæpəlis]
    • n.印第安纳波利斯
  11. burglar
    • [ˈbəːglə]
    • n.窃贼,夜盗
    • One who commits burglary.
  12. tiptoe
    • [ˈtiptəu]
    • vi.用脚尖走
    • n.脚尖,趾尖
  13. Psst
    • [pst]
    • 喂! <为引人注意>
  14. hiss
    • [his]
    • v.嘘声
    • 嘶嘶作声
  15. slam
    • [slæm]
    • v.砰然关上
    • To shut with force and loud noise
    • v.砰地关上,砰地放下,猛力抨击,冲击
  16. intuitively
    • [inˈtju(ː)tivli]
    • 直觉地
    • 直观地
  17. landing
    • [ˈlændiŋ]
    • n.楼梯的过渡平台
    • An intermediate platform on a flight of stairs.
    • n.登陆,着陆,码头,楼梯平台,降落
  18. flung
    • [flʌŋ]
    • P. of fling vt.猛推(门,窗)
    • 猛投,抛,掷
    • ,使陷入,挥动,嘲笑,扫视
  19. wham
    • [(h)wæm]
    • v.用力猛击
    • vi.To smash with great force.
  20. tinkle
    • [ˈtiŋkl]
    • v.丁当作响
  21. engraver
    • [inˈgreivə(r)]
    • n.雕刻师,雕工
  22. froth
    • [frɔθ]
    • v.喷沫,流沫
    • n.泡,泡沫
  23. got through
    • [gɔt θruː]
    • 打通(电话)
    • 结束
  24. quiet down
    • [ˈkwait dau]
    • 平息下来
  25. thrill
    • [θril]
    • n.(兴奋或激动)震颤
  26. heave
    • [hiːv]
    • v.举起
    • n.举起
  27. fancy
    • [ˈfænsi]
    • n.爱好,迷恋
    • ,想象力
    • 奇特的,异样的
    • vt.想象,设想,认为,爱好,自负
  28. on hand
    • [ɔn hænd]
    • 在场,可用的
    • 在手头,即将发生
  29. commendably
    • [kəˈmendəb(ə)li]
    • 值得称赞地
    • 很好地
  30. stitch
    • [stitʃ]
    • n. 一针缝合,一件衣裳
    • wore not a stitch.
    • 一丝不挂
  31. wound
    • [wuːnd]
    • P. of wind 缠绕
  32. cop
    • [kɔp]
    • n.<口>警察
    • A police officer.
  33. bevel
    • [ˈbevəl]
    • v.使成倾斜;使成斜角
    • To be inclined; slant.
  34. rend
    • [rend]
    • v.撕碎
  35. splash
    • [splæʃ]
    • n.溅,飞溅
    • v.溅,泼,溅湿
  36. all over
    • [ɔːl əuvə]
    • 到处
    • 全部结束
    • ,浑身
  37. crisscross
    • [ˈkriskrɔs]
    • v.交叉移动
    • To move back and forth through or over
  38. stab
    • [stæb]
    • v.剌
    • n.刺,刺伤的伤口,一阵突然而强烈的感觉,中伤,伤痛
  39. bound
    • [baund]
    • v.跳,跃
    • n.跃进,跳,范围,限度
    • 正要启程的,开往...去的,被束缚的,装订的
    • 限制
  40. no sign of nobody
    • [nəu sain əf nəubɔdi]
    • 没有任何人的迹象
  41. whoop
    • [huːp]
    • vi.哮喘,喘息
    • vt.高声说,唤起
  42. tight as a tick
    • [tait æs ə tik]
    • very tight.
  43. tromp
    • [trɔmp]
    • v.践踏,跺脚
  44. yank
    • [jæŋk]
    • v.猛拉
    • n.Informal
    • A Yankee.
    • 美国人
  45. ransack
    • [ˈrænsæk]
    • v.彻底搜查
    • To search or examine thoroughly.
    • 洗劫
    • To search carefully for plunder; pillage.
  46. tore
    • [tɔː,tɔə]
    • P. of tear,撕破
    • vi.流泪,,猛冲,飞奔,被撕破
  47. closet
    • [ˈklɔzit]
    • n.壁橱,橱柜
    • Abbr. cl.A cabinet or enclosed recess for linens,household supplies,or clothing.
    • A small private chamber,as for study or prayer.
    • 小房间,私室
    • A water closet; a toilet.
    • 盥洗室;厕所
  48. zither
    • [ˈziθə]
    • n.齐特琴
  49. tournament
    • [ˈtuənəmənt]
    • n.锦标赛,联赛
    • A series of contests in which a number of contestants compete and the one that prevails through the final round or that finishes with the best record is declared the winner.
  50. strum
    • [strʌm]
    • v.乱弹,乱奏
    • n.乱弹的声音
  51. hysterical
    • [hisˈterikəl]
    • 歇斯底里的
  52. creak
    • [kriːk]
    • v.吱吱作响
    • n.吱吱响声
  53. snap
    • [snæp]
    • v.猛抓
    • To snatch or grasp suddenly and with eagerness
  54. sprang for
    • [spræŋ fɔː]
    • v.跳,跃,跃出
    • ,使跳跃,使爆炸,触发
  55. burst in
    • [bəːst in]
    • v.闯入,突然出现
    • 打断
  56. hammer
    • [ˈhæmə]
    • v.锤击,锤打
    • n.铁锤,槌,锤子
  57. desert
    • [diˈzəːt]
    • vt.放弃,遗弃,逃跑
    • vi.逃掉,逃亡,开小差
    • n.沙漠,应得的赏罚,功过
    • 沙漠的,不毛的,荒凉的
  58. evidently
    • [ˈevidəntli]
    • 明显地;清楚地
    • Obviously; clearly.
  59. deserter
    • [diˈzəːtə]
    • n.背弃者,逃亡者
    • ,脱党者
  60. flannel
    • [ˈflænl]
    • n.法兰绒
    • ,法兰绒衣服
    • 法兰绒的
    • vt.
    • 用法兰绒包(或裹),给...穿上法兰绒衣服
  61. underwear
    • [ˈʌndəwɛə]
    • n.内衣裤
  62. jacket
    • [ˈdʒækit]
    • n.短上衣,夹克
    • ,(锅炉、水管等的)套,书籍的封面套纸,护封,马铃薯皮
    • vt.
    • 给...穿夹克,给...装护套
  63. indignant
    • [inˈdignənt]
    • 愤怒的,愤慨的
    • Characterized by or filled with indignation.See Synonyms at angry
  64. belong in
    • [biˈlɔŋ]
    • v.应归入,属于
  65. lily-livered
    • [ˈlili ˈlivəd]
    • 胆小的;怯懦的
    • Cowardly; timid.
  66. liver
    • [ˈlivə]
    • n.肝脏
  67. smack
    • [smæk]
    • n.拍击
    • A distinctive flavor or taste.See Synonyms at taste
    • 独特的味道,风味
    • A suggestion or trace.
    • 含意或迹像
  68. sprawl
    • [sprɔːl]
    • v.四肢伸开地仰卧(或坐)
    • n.四肢伸开的躺卧姿势,蔓生
  69. holster
    • [ˈhəulstə]
    • n.手枪皮套
    • A leather case shaped to hold a pistol.
  70. let fly
    • [let flai]
    • v.射击,投掷或释放s
    • To shoot,hurl,or release
    • 攻击
    • To lash out; assault
  71. report
    • [riˈpɔːt]
    • n.爆炸声
    • An explosive noise
  72. rafter
    • [ˈraːftə]
    • n.椽
    • One of the sloping beams that supports a pitched roof.
  73. layout
    • [ˈleiˌaut]
    • n.安排,规划
    • The act or an instance of laying out.
  74. phony
    • [ˈfəuni]
    • 假冒的,不真实的
    • Not genuine or real; counterfeit
    • 虚伪的;假的
    • False; spurious
  75. of all things
    • [əf ɔːl θiŋz]
    • 首先
  76. daisy
    • [ˈdeizi]
    • n.<植>雏菊
    • 名流
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Textbook Vocabulary