
  1. Spokane
    • [spəukæn]
    • n.斯波坎
    • A city of eastern Washington near the Idaho border on the falls of the Spokane River. Settled on the site of a trading fort established in 1810.
  2. odds
    • [ɔdz]
    • n.机率,可能性
    • probability,likelihood
  3. by all odds
    • [bai ɔːl ɔdz]
    • 从所有可能的方面上
    • 毫无疑问地
    • In every possible way; unquestionably
  4. manage to
    • [ˈmænidʒ tuː]
    • 达成,设法
  5. Depression
    • [diˈpreʃən]
    • n.<特指>大萧条
    • 沮丧,消沉,低气压,低压
  6. put out
    • [put aut]
    • v.伸出
    • 放出
  7. moor
    • [muə]
    • v.系泊
    • To make fast (a vessel,for example) by means of cables,anchors,or lines
    • To fix in place; secure.See Synonyms at fasten
    • 固定在一个地方
  8. dirigible
    • [ˈdiridʒəbl]
    • n.飞船
    • See airship
  9. slack
    • [slæk]
    • 淡季的
    • Lacking in activity; not busy
    • 松弛的,不流畅的,疏忽的,软弱的
  10. pedestrian
    • [peˈdestriən]
    • n.步行者
    • A person traveling on foot; a walker.
  11. instinctively
    • [inˈstiŋktiv]
    • 本能地
  12. compell
    • [kəmˈpel]
    • v.强迫,迫使
    • To force,drive,or constrain
  13. majesty
    • [ˈmædʒisti]
    • n.雄伟,权威
    • ,王权
  14. spire
    • [ˈspaiə]
    • n.尖顶
    • A top part or point that tapers upward; a pinnacle.
  15. aspiration
    • [ˌæspəˈreiʃən]
    • n.雄心,热望
    • 吸气
  16. plume
    • [pluːm]
    • n.羽毛,荣耀标志
  17. glide
    • [glaid]
    • v.滑行,滑动
    • To move in a smooth,effortless manner:See Synonyms at slide
    • To move silently and furtively.
    • 悄悄的走
    • To fly without propulsion. Used of an aircraft.
    • 滑翔
  18. loft
    • [lɔft]
    • n.顶楼
    • An open space under a roof; an attic or a garret.
    • A large,usually unpartitioned floor over a factory,warehouse,or other commercial or industrial space.
    • (仓库,工厂的)顶楼
  19. midtown
    • [ˈmidtaun]
    • n.市中心区
    • A central portion of a city,between uptown and downtown.
  20. thrust
    • [θrʌst]
    • n.插,戳,刺
    • ,推力,猛推,口头攻击
  21. ferment
    • [ˈfəːmənt]
    • n.发酵,骚动
    • 酵素
  22. vigorous
    • [ˈvigərəs]
    • 精力充沛的
    • Strong,energetic,and active in mind or body; robust.See Synonyms at healthy
  23. implausible
    • [imˈplɔːzəbl]
    • 难以置信的
    • Difficult to believe; not plausible.
  24. pneumatic
    • [nju(ː)ˈmætik]
    • 气动的,气体的
    • Of or relating to air or other gases.
    • 空气的
    • Run by or using compressed air
    • 空气作用的
  25. subterranean
    • [sʌbtəˈreiniən]
    • 地表下的
    • Situated or operating beneath the earth's surface; underground.
  26. sewer
    • [sjuə]
    • n.排水道,下水道
    • An artificial,usually underground conduit for carrying off sewage or rainwater.
    • A medieval servant who supervised the serving of meals.
    • 管家
    • One that sews
    • 缝纫者
  27. weevil
    • [wiːvil]
    • n.象鼻虫
  28. incision
    • [inˈsiʒən]
    • n.<外科>切割手术
    • ,切口
  29. ganglia
    • [ˈgæŋgliə]
    • n.神经中枢
    • A plural of ganglion
  30. by rights
    • [bai raits]
    • 按理说
    • 正当地
    • In a just or proper manner; justly.
  31. rioting
    • [ˈraiətiŋ]
    • n. (疾病)蔓延
    • ;放纵.骚乱
  32. circulatory
    • [səːkjuˈleitəri]
    • 循环的
  33. labyrinthine
    • [ˌlæbəˈrinθain]
    • 迷宫(似)的
  34. insoluble
    • [inˈsɔljubl]
    • 不能解决的
    • 不能溶解的
  35. snarl
    • [snaːl]
    • n.缠结,混乱
    • 咆哮,吼叫,怒骂
  36. file
    • [fail]
    • v.排队行进
    • To march or walk in a line.
    • To put items in a file.
    • 归档
    • To make application; apply
    • 提出申请;申请
    • To enter one's name in a political contest
    • 登记候选
  37. wipe out
    • [waip aut]
    • v.消灭
    • To destroy or be destroyed completely.
    • Slang To murder.
    • <俚语>杀死,谋杀
  38. plague
    • [pleig]
    • n.瘟疫,传染病
    • ,祸患
    • A widespread affliction or calamity,especially one seen as divine retribution.
    • A sudden destructive influx or injurious outbreak
    • 灾害
    • A highly infectious,usually fatal,epidemic disease,especially bubonic plague.
    • 瘟疫
  39. slum
    • [slʌm]
    • n.贫民区
    • A heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing and squalor. Often used in the plural.
  40. myriad
    • [ˈmiriəd]
    • 无数的;数不清的
    • Constituting a very large,indefinite number; innumerable
    • Composed of numerous diverse elements or facets
    • 多种的,各式各样的
  41. succumb
    • [səˈkʌm]
    • v.屈服,服从
    • To submit to an overpowering force or yield to an overwhelming desire; give up or give in.See Synonyms at yield
    • To die.
    • 死亡
  42. nerves
    • [nəːvz]
    • n. 神经衰弱
    • Nervous agitation
  43. pall
    • [pɔːl]
    • n.幕,遮盖物
    • 棺罩
  44. blot out
    • [blɔt aut]
    • v.抹去,遮盖
    • blot
    • n.污渍,污点
    • v.弄污,涂抹
  45. grope
    • [grəup]
    • v.摸索
  46. off it's rocker
    • [ɔf its rɔkə]
    • <俚语>神经失常;发疯
    • Out of one's mind; crazy.
    • In addition to being a kind of chair,a 'rocker' is a device that controls the movement of a piece of machinery. When a machine is off its rocker,it no longer works correctly.
  47. stalled
    • [stɔːl]
    • 停转的,停止的
  48. claustrophobia
    • [ˌklɔːstrəˈfəubjə]
    • n.幽闭恐怖症
    • An abnormal fear of being in narrow or enclosed spaces.
  49. extricate
    • [ˈekstrikeit]
    • v.解救,解脱
    • To release from an entanglement or difficulty; disengage.
  50. wisecrack
    • [ˈwaizkræk]
    • n.俏皮话,妙语
    • A flippant,typically sardonic remark or retort.See Synonyms at joke
  51. congestion
    • [kənˈdʒestʃən]
    • n.拥塞,充血
  52. grit
    • [grit]
    • n.竖毅,不屈
    • 砂粒,砂砾
  53. perpetual
    • [pəˈpetjuəl]
    • 永久的
  54. muddle
    • [ˈmʌdl]
    • v.胡乱混,对付
    • To think,act,or proceed in a confused or aimless manner
  55. feverish
    • [ˈfiːvəriʃ]
    • 发烧的,狂热的,兴奋的
  56. deficiency
    • [diˈfiʃənsi]
    • n.缺乏,缺少
    • A lack or shortage,especially of something essential to health; an insufficiency
  57. dose
    • [dəus]
    • n.剂量,(一)剂,(一)服
    • v.(给...)服药
  58. cosmopolitan
    • [ˌkɔzməˈpɔlitən]
    • 世界性的,全球(各地)的
    • a cosmopolitan city
    • 国际都市
  59. unparalleled
    • [ʌnˈpærəleld]
    • 无双的
    • Without parallel,equal,or match; unequaled.
  60. outlander
    • [ˈautˌlændə(r)]
    • n.外地人
    • A person from a foreign country; a foreigner.
    • A stranger.
    • 陌生人
  61. embarrassment
    • [imˈbærəsmənt]
    • n.困窘,阻碍
  62. sucker
    • [ˈsʌkə]
    • n.骗人 ,诱骗
    • <俚>笨蛋,新手
    • One who is easily deceived; a dupe.
    • v.诱骗
  63. joint
    • [dʒɔint]
    • n.<俚>低级场所
    • A cheap or disreputable gathering place
  64. slap down
    • [slæp]
    • v. 断然地指责或纠正
    • to restrain or correct by means of a sharp blow or emphatic censure
  65. innocent
    • [ˈinəsnt]
    • 无知的,天真的
    • 清白的,无罪的
  66. make for
    • [meik fɔː]
    • v.(匆匆地)走向
    • 有利于,倾向于,导致
    • 向前进,有助于
  67. swarm
    • [swɔːm]
    • v.涌往
    • ,密集,成群浮游,云集
    • n.蜂群,一大群
  68. all over
    • [ɔːl əuvə]
    • 全部地挤满
    • Over the whole area or extent
    • Everywhere
    • 到处
  69. automat
    • [ˈɔːtəumæt]
    • n.自动售货机
    • A trademark used for automated restaurant services in which food is dispensed from vending machines.
  70. window-shop
    • [windəu shɔp]
    • vi.看而不买
    • 物色东西
    • 看商店橱窗
  71. run across
    • [rʌn əˈkrɔs]
    • v.偶遇
    • 跑着穿过
  72. disillusion
    • [ˌdisiˈluːʒən]
    • v.使梦想破灭
    • 使人清醒
    • To free or deprive of illusion.
  73. newlywed
    • [ˈnjuliwed]
    • n.新婚夫妇
  74. languishing
    • [ˈlæŋgwiʃiŋ]
    • 忧郁的; 憔悴的
  75. speechless
    • [ˈspiːtʃlis]
    • 无话的;沉默的
    • Refraining from speech; silent.
  76. oft
    • [ɔːft]
    • 经常地<于复合词>
    • Often. Often used in combination
  77. literally
    • [ˈlitərəli]
    • 确切的,严格意义上的
    • Abbr. lit.In a literal or strict sense
    • 缩写 lit.完全地,认真的
    • In a literal manner; word for word
    • 照字面地,逐字地
  78. grocery
    • [ˈgrəusəri]
    • n.<美>食品杂货店
    • 食品,杂货
  79. barbershop
    • [baːbə ʃɔp]
    • n.理发店
    • The place of business of a barber.
  80. newsstand
    • [ˈnjuːzstænd]
    • n.报摊,报刊柜
    • An open booth or stand at which newspapers and periodicals are sold.
  81. shack
    • [ʃæk]
    • n.棚,简陋小屋
    • A small,crudely built cabin; a shanty.
  82. cellar
    • [ˈselə]
    • n.地下室
    • A room or enclosed space used for storage,usually beneath the ground or under a building.
    • A basement.
  83. pad
    • [pæd]
    • n.便笺簿
    • ,垫,衬垫
  84. dry cleaner
    • [drai ˈkliːnə]
    • n.干洗店
    • ,干洗工
  85. delicatessen
    • [ˌdelikəˈtesn]
    • n.熟食店
    • ,熟食
    • A shop that sells cooked or prepared foods ready for serving.
    • Ready-to-serve foods such as cheeses,cold cooked meats,and salads.
  86. undertaker's
    • [ˈʌndəteikəs]
    • n.殡葬所
  87. parlor
    • [ˈpaːlə]
    • n.店面,店堂
    • A room equipped and furnished for a special function or business
  88. stationer
    • [ˈsteiʃ(ə)nə]
    • n.文具店
    • 文具商
  89. haberdasher
    • [ˈhæbədæʃə(r)]
    • n.男性服饰用品商
    • A dealer in men's furnishings.
  90. garage
    • [ˈgæraː(d)ʒ]
    • n.汽车修理店
    • A commercial establishment where cars are repaired,serviced,or parked.
    • 车库
    • A building or indoor space in which to park or keep a motor vehicle.
  91. saloon
    • [səˈluːn]
    • n.酒吧
    • A place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk; a tavern.
    • A large room or hall for receptions,public entertainment,or exhibitions.
  92. hardware
    • [ˈhaːdwɛə]
    • n.五金器具
    • Metal goods and utensils such as locks,tools,and cutlery.
  93. liquor
    • [ˈlikə]
    • n.酒精饮料
    • An alcoholic beverage made by distillation rather than by fermentation.
    • n.液体,汁,(药)溶液
  94. sole
    • [səul]
    • vt.换鞋底
    • To furnish (a shoe or boot) with a sole.
  95. force
    • [fɔːs]
    • n.人员,力工
    • body of persons or other resources organized or available for a certain purpose
  96. pussy
    • [ˈpusi]
    • 带柔毛的
    • Botany A fuzzy catkin,especially of the pussy willow.
    • 褪色柳的
    • Vulgar Slang The vulva.
    • 阴门
  97. bulb
    • [bʌlb]
    • n.灯泡
    • An incandescent lamp or its glass housing.
    • 鳞茎,球根
    • A short,modified,underground stem surrounded by usually fleshy modified leaves that contain stored food for the shoot within
  98. shine
    • [ʃain]
    • n.鞋油shoeshine
  99. turn up
    • [təːn ʌp]
    • 出现;到达
    • To make an appearance; arrive
  100. patronize
    • [ˈpætrənaiz]
    • v.光顾,惠顾
    • To go to as a customer,especially on a regular basis.
    • 保护,赞助
    • To act as a patron to; support or sponsor.
  101. proprietor
    • [prəˈpraiətə]
    • n.经营者
    • 所有者,业主
  102. ecstasy
    • [ˈekstəsi]
    • n.狂喜
    • Intense joy or delight.
  103. vagrant
    • [ˈveigrənt]
    • n.流浪者
    • One who wanders from place to place without a permanent home or a means of livelihood.
    • 流浪者
    • A wanderer; a rover.
    • 流浪者;漂泊者
    • One who lives on the streets and constitutes a public nuisance.
    • 流浪汉
  104. privacy
    • [ˈpraivəsi]
    • n.隐私
    • 独处而不受干扰
  105. except for
    • [ikˈsept fɔː]
    • 除...以外
  106. diehard
    • [ˈdaihaːd]
    • n.顽固分子
  107. authentic
    • [ɔːˈθentik]
    • 真正的
    • Having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not counterfeit or copied
  108. character
    • [ˈkæriktə]
    • n.人物
  109. casual
    • [ˈkæʒjuəl]
    • 临时的
    • Occurring by chance.
    • 偶然发生的
  110. spotty
    • [ˈspɔti]
    • 不连贯的
    • Lacking consistency; uneven.
    • Having or marked with spots; spotted.
    • 有点子的,有斑点的
  111. loincloth
    • [ˈlɔinklɔθ]
    • n.系在腰间的衣服(或布)
    • A strip of cloth worn around the loins.
  112. gasp
    • [gaːsp]
    • v.喘息,喘气
    • To draw in the breath sharply,as from shock.
    • To breathe convulsively or laboriously.
    • 剧烈地、吃力地喘气
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Textbook Vocabulary