mid term review

  1. anechoic or sonolucent
    • (opposite of echogenic) without internal echoes; the structure is fluid-filled and transmits sound easily
    • ex: vascular structures, destened urinary bladder, gb, and amniotic cavity
  2. echogenic or hyperechoic
    • (opposite of anechoic) echoproducing structure; reflects sound with a brighter intensity
    • ex: gallstone, renal calyx, bone, fat, fessures and ligaments
  3. enhancement, increased through-transmission
    sound that travels through an anechoic (fluid filled) substance and is not attinuated; there is increased brightness diectly beyond the posterior border of the anechoic structure as compared with the surrounding area
  4. fluid-filled level
    • interface between two fluids with different acoustic characteristics; this level will change with patient postition;
    • ex: dermoid with fluid level
  5. heterogeneous
    • not uniform in texture or composition
    • ex: many tumors have characteristics of both decreased and increased echogenicity
  6. homogeneous
    • (opposite of heterogeneous) completely uniform in texture or composition
    • ex: the texture of the liver, thyroid, testes and myometrium
  7. hypoechoic
    • low level echoes within a structure
    • ex: lymph nodes and gastrointestinal tract
  8. infiltrating
    usually refers to a diffuse disease process or metastatic disease
  9. irregular borders
    • borders are not well defined, are ill defined, or are not present
    • ex: abscess, thrombus and metastases
  10. isoechoic
    • very close to the normal parenchyma echogenicity pattern
    • ex: metasatic disease
  11. loculated mass
    well defined borders with internal echoes; the septa may be thin (likely bening) or thick (likely malignant)
  12. shadowing
    the sound beam is attenuated by a solid or calcified object; this reflection or absorption may be partial or complere; are bubbles in the duadenum may cause a "dirty shadow" to occur seconday to reflection; a stone would cause a sharp shadow posterior to its borders
  13. role of sonographer
    to demonstrate a specific behavior involving the tasks or duties obligated to perform (perform u/s studies and gather diagnostic data under the direct or indirect supervision of a physician)
  14. gallstones sono view
    hyperechoic intraluminal echoes with posterior acoustic shadowing
  15. what structure appears homogeneous
    • liver
    • spleen
  16. most common tumor to fill IVC
    renal carcinoma
  17. most common b9 tumor of liver
    cavernous hemangiona
  18. other b9 tumor in the liver 2 most common
    focal nodular hyperplasia
  19. what disease process fatty liver infiltrate
    b9 process
    • fusiform aneurysm (1&2)
    • saccular aneurysm (3)
    • hepatic cyst in left lobe of liver
    • increased through transmission and well defined borders
  20. long image of slpenic vein shown as a cicular stucture just anterior to the celiac axis.....(ct)celiac trunk, splenic artery, splenic vein, sma, aorta
    • long image of hepatic vein draining the liver to the IVC
    • think walled hepatic vein compared with the thicker wall of portal vein
  21. transverse image of the splenic vein as it leaves the splenic hilum
  22. hepatocellular disease
    a common liver malignancy related to cirrhosis. the carcinoma may present as a solitary massive tumor, multiple nodules throughtout the liver or diffuse infiltrative masses in the liver, HCC can be invasive
  23. a thrombosis of hepatic vein is called
    budd-chiari syndrome
Card Set
mid term review
vocab ch 1 v1