Stress and Health pt 1

  1. Psychologists and
    physicians have thus developed an interdisciplinary field of _____ _____
    integrates behavioral knowledge with medical knowledge.

    behavioral medicine
  2. Health

    • is a field of psychology that contributes to behavioral
    • medicine. The field studies stress-related aspects of disease
  3. What questions does Health psychology ask?
    • 1.How do
    • emotions and personality factors influence the risk of disease?
    • 2.What
    • attitudes and behaviors prevent illness and promote health and well-being?
    • 3.How do
    • our perceptions determine stress?
    • 4.How can
    • we reduce or control stress?
  4. Stress is not merely a stimulus or a response. It is...

    • a process by which we appraise and cope with
    • environmental threats and challenges. It prepares us for “fight or flight.”
  5. According to Selye, a
    stress response to any kind of

    stimulation is
    similar. The stressed individual goes

    through three phases:

    • (1) alarm reaction,

    (2) resistance/coping

    • (3) exhaustion
  6. Type
    Personality ...
    • is a term used for competitive, hard-driving, impatient,
    • verbally aggressive, and anger-prone people
  7. Type
    B Personality...
    • refers to easygoing, relaxed
    • people
  8. True or False
    Pessimistic adult men are twice as likely to develop
    heart disease over a 10-year period

    • True,
    • Image Upload 2
  9. Reducing stress by changing events that cause stress or
    by changing how we react to stress is called
    ____ ____ ____
    problem-focused coping
  10. Emotion-focused coping
    • is when

    • we cannot change a stressful situation, and we respond by attending to our own
    • emotional needs.
  11. Discuss the links among explanatory style, stress and health
    • People with an

    • optimistic (instead of pessimistic) explanatory style tend to have more control
    • over stressors, cope better with stressful events, have better moods, and have
    • a stronger immune system.
  12. Describe some of the ways that social support
    acts as a stress buffer.

    • Supportive family members, marriage partners, and close
    • friends help people cope with stress. Their immune functioning calms the
    • cardiovascular system and lowers blood pressure
  13. Explain the difference between coping with
    stress and managing stress.

    • Having a sense of

    • control, an optimistic explanatory style, and social support can reduce stress
    • and improve health.
    • those same factours are also used when coping
  14. Discuss the advantages of aerobic exercise as
    a technique for managing stress and fostering well-being.

    • Many studies suggest that aerobic exercise can elevate
    • mood and well-being because aerobic exercise raises energy, increases
    • self-confidence, and lowers tension, depression, and anxiety.
  15. _____and meditation reduce tension
    and anxiety.

  16. ____ a Type-A
    lifestyle may reduce the recurrence of heart attacks.

  17. Discuss the correlation between religiosity
    and longevity, and offer some possible explanations for this link.

    • Regular religious

    • attendance has been a reliable predictor of a longer life span with a reduced
    • risk of dying.

    Image Upload 4Image Upload 6
  18. Investigators suggest there are three factors that
    connect religious involvement and better health think of the chart
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Card Set
Stress and Health pt 1
stress and health pt one