
  1. cell -
    basic unit of structure and function in an organism
  2. tissue -
    group of similar cells that perform a specific function in an organism
  3. organ -
    group of diffrent tissues that have specific job
  4. organ system
    group of organs that work together to perform specific job
  5. 4 levels of organization from smallest to largest
    • 1.cell
    • 2.tissue
    • 3.organ
    • 4.organ system
  6. cell examples
    skin cell, nerve, muscle, white cell
  7. tissue examples
    bone, blood, skin, muscle
  8. organ example :
    intestine (large and small), heart, brain
  9. organ systems:
    skeletal, muscular, circulatory
  10. 4 types of tissue on animal/human
  11. epithel
    • ex: skin
    • def: protects and covers
  12. muscle
    • ex: bicep/triceps/heart
    • def: moves parts (or all of you)
  13. nerve
    • ex:brain
    • def: carries messages
  14. CoNNeCTiVe
    • ex:ligaments/bone/blood/fat
    • def:connects parts and protects parts
  15. 4 organ systems:
    respiratory, circulatory. digestive, nervous
  16. digestive -
    breaks down food
  17. respiratory
    takes an O2 and removes CO2
  18. circualtory
    • circulates O2 and nutrients to cells
    • removes CO2
  19. nervous
    • messages to and from functions
    • move and senses organs
  20. digestive
  21. respitory
    lungs <3
  22. circulatory
  23. nervous
  24. respiratory system
    • parts - fish has gills.....frog and human have lungs.....
    • function - same
  25. digestive system
    • parts - same
    • functions - same
  26. circulatory system
    • parts - same (**********fish- 2 chambers, frog- 3 chambers, human- 4 chambers**************)
    • function - same ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    • NEED TO KNOW FOR TEST !!! >3 :( ")
  27. nervous system
    • parts:same
    • functions:same
  28. 3 things scientists do to classify animals :|
    • 1.backbone
    • 2. symmetry
    • 3. what they eat
  29. Autotroph
    makes food
  30. heterotroph
    eats other organisms
  31. wat do scientists consider wen placing newly discovered organisms into kingdoms?????????????????
    • type of cell (eukaryok/prokaryote)
    • how it gets food (autotroph/heterotroph)
    • #of cells, (unicellular/multi.)
  32. symmetry
    the way the body is organized
  33. bilateral symmetry
    one line of symmetry
  34. radial symmetry
    a basic body plan in which the organism can be divided into similar halves by passing a plane at any angle along a central axis
  35. 3 different types of asexual reproduction
    spores, binary fission, budding
  36. wat 2 structures do plant cells have that animal cells dont?
    cell wall, chloroplast
  37. wat 2 things are needed for photosynthesis in plant cells ?
    CO2 + H2O
  38. wat is the function of the vascular system in plants?
    to carry food nd water :)
  39. mitosis
    cell division
  40. why do cells undergo mitosis ?
    • - repair, grow
    • - reproduce
  41. osmosis
    diffusion in water
  42. in wat di-rection will molecules move on osmosis?
    to area of least concentration
  43. what levels of organization does osmosis have
  44. wat steps do scientists take in classifying new organisms into kingdoms?
    • same as -
    • no of cells
    • type of cells - how get four
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