
  1. Amygdala
    • Primary role in emotional reactions such as fear. Part of the Limbic System.
    • Image Upload 2
  2. Corpus Collosum
    • Connects the right and the left hemisphere. Can reduce epilepsy if cut
    • . Image Upload 4
  3. Anatomical directions
    • Anterior/Ventral: Toward front of body
    • Posterior/Dorsal: Toward back of body
    • Superior/Cranial/Cephalic: Upper portion or part
    • Inferior/Caudal: Lower portion or part
  4. Anatomical Section Views
    • Lateral: External Side
    • Sagittal: Internal view sectioned in L/R halves
    • Coronal: Section perpendicular to long Axis
    • Superior: Top view
    • Horizontal: Section between superior and inferior
    • Inferior: Bottom view
  5. Lobes: Location and Definiton
    • Frontal: Near front; conscious thought; damage can result in mood changes
    • Parietal: Upper Back portion; sensory information, object manipulation, visuospatial processing
    • Occipital: Back portion; visual processing, sight, lesions produce hallucinations
    • Temporal: Mid portion anterior to occipital and caudal to frontal and parietal; sense of smell and sound, face stimuli, scene processing
  6. Hippocampus
    • The hippocampus is a major component of the brains of humans
    • and other mammals. It belongs to the limbic
    • system and plays important roles in long-term memory and spatial navigation.
    • Like the cerebral cortex, with which it is closely
    • associated, it is a paired structure, with mirror-image halves in the
    • left and right sides of the brain. In humans and other primates, the
    • hippocampus is located inside the medial temporal lobe, beneath the
    • cortical surface.
Card Set
Brain parts and what it does.