
  1. violet
    • [ˈvaiəlit]
    • n.紫罗兰
    • 紫罗兰色的
  2. linger
    • [ˈliŋgə]
    • vi.拖延,回味无穷
  3. thump
    • [θʌmp]
    • n.重击声,砰然地响
    • A blow with a blunt object.
    • 重击
    • To beat with or as if with a blunt object so as to produce a muffled sound or thud.
  4. admonitory
    • [ædˈmɔnitəri]
    • 警告的,劝告的
    • Expressing admonition.
  5. reefer
    • [ˈriːfə]
    • n.船员服
    • =Reefing jacket收帆船员夹克
  6. cod
    • [kɔd]
    • n.鳕
    • Any of various marine fishes of the family Gadidae,an important food fish of northern Atlantic waters. Also called codfish
  7. satin
    • [ˈsætn]
    • n.缎子
    • A smooth fabric,as of silk or rayon,woven with a glossy face and a dull back.
  8. muslin
    • [ˈmʌzlin]
    • n.棉布,薄纱织物
    • Any of various sturdy cotton fabrics of plain weave,used especially for sheets.
  9. send it off
    • [send it ɔːf]
    • v.寄出,给...送行
    • ,解雇,派遣
  10. prosperous
    • [ˈprɔspərəs]
    • 富裕的;富足的
    • lourishing
  11. hygiene
    • [ˈhaidʒiːn]
    • n.卫生学
  12. wake
    • [weik]
    • n.行踪,痕迹
  13. sanitary
    • [ˈsæniˌteriː]
    • 卫生的
    • Of or relating to health.
    • 健康的
    • Free from elements,such as filth or pathogens,that endanger health; hygienic
    • 清洁
  14. plumbing
    • [ˈplʌmiŋ]
    • n.管道设备,水暖设备
    • The pipes,fixtures,and other apparatus of a water,gas,or sewage system in a building.
  15. drainage
    • [ˈdreinidʒ]
    • n.排水系统
    • The action or a method of draining.
    • 排水
    • A system of drains.
    • Something that is drained off.
    • 排走物
  16. heroine
    • [ˈherəuin]
    • n.女英雄
    • A woman noted for courage and daring action.
    • The principal female character in a novel,poem,or dramatic presentation.女主角
  17. Duchess
    • [ˈdʌtʃis]
    • n.公爵夫人,女公爵
    • The wife or widow of a duke.
    • A woman holding title to a duchy in her own right.
  18. revolt
    • [riˈvəult]
    • n.反叛,违抗
  19. starvation wages
    • [staːveiʃən weidʒ]
    • n.不足温饱的工资
  20. consumptive
    • [kənˈsʌmptiv]
    • 消耗性的,肺结核的
    • Consuming or tending to consume.
    • Of,relating to,or afflicted with consumption.
  21. plate
    • [pleit]
    • n.盘子
    • A shallow dish in which food is served or from which it is eaten.
  22. youngster
    • [ˈjʌŋstə]
    • n.年轻人
    • A young person; a child or youth.
    • ;孩子或青年
  23. sewer-gas
    • [ˈsuːə gæs]
    • n.阴沟的臭气
  24. competent
    • [ˈkɔmpitənt]
    • 胜任的,有能力的
    • Properly or sufficiently qualified; capable
  25. pronounce
    • [prəˈnauns]
    • vi.发表意见,发音
    • To say words; speak.
    • To declare one's opinion; make a pronouncement
  26. lightness of touch
    • [laitnis əf tʌtʃ]
    • 轻巧的笔触
    • Delicacy or subtlety in sensation.
  27. amuse
    • [əˈmjuːz]
    • v.娱乐
    • To occupy in an agreeable,pleasing,or entertaining fashion.
  28. frivolous
    • [ˈfrivələs]
    • 无关紧要的
    • Unworthy of serious attention; trivial
  29. retrospective
    • [ˌretrəˈspektiv]
    • 追忆的
    • Looking back on,contemplating,or directed to the past.
    • Of,relating to,or being a retrospective
  30. merit
    • [ˈmerit]
    • n.优点
    • A quality deserving praise or approval; virtue
    • Superior quality or worth; excellence
    • 价值
  31. inferior
    • [inˈfiəriə]
    • 低等的,较差的
    • 下级的,下属的
    • Low or lower in order,degree,or rank
    • Low or lower in quality,value,or estimation
  32. antagonism
    • [ænˈtægəˌnizəm]
    • n.对抗,敌意
    • 敌对,对立
    • Hostility that results in active resistance,opposition,or contentiousness.See Synonyms at enmity
  33. fervor
    • [ˈfəːvə]
    • n.热诚
    • Great warmth and intensity of emotion.See Synonyms at passion
    • Intense heat.
    • 炽热
  34. sacrilege
    • [ˈsækrəlidʒ]
    • n.亵渎
    • Desecration,profanation,misuse,or theft of something sacred.
  35. rear
    • [riə]
    • v.树立,培植
  36. inartistic
    • [ˌinaːˈtistik]
    • 非艺术的
    • Not conforming to the principles or criteria of art.
  37. expedient
    • [ikˈspiːdiːənt]
    • n.权宜之计
    • Something contrived or used to meet an urgent need.See Synonyms at makeshift
  38. obscure
    • [əbˈskjuə]
    • 不引人注意的
  39. stoop to
    • [stuːp]
    • v.屈尊
    • 弯腰
  40. concession
    • [kənˈseʃən]
    • n.让步
  41. conciliate
    • [kənˈsiliːeit]
    • v.取悦
    • To regain or try to regain (friendship or goodwill) by pleasant behavior.
    • To make or attempt to make compatible; reconcile.
    • 调和
    • To overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease.
    • 安抚
  42. unappreciative
    • [ˌʌnəˈpriːʃətiv]
    • 不欣赏的
    • Not feeling or exhibiting appreciation.
  43. ominous
    • [ˈɔmənəs]
    • 不祥的,恶兆的
  44. dismay
    • [disˈmei]
    • n.惊愕,惊慌
    • A sudden or complete loss of courage in the face of trouble or danger.
  45. chronic
    • [ˈkrɔnik]
    • 慢性的
    • Of long duration; continuing
    • 长期的;持续的
    • Lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent recurrence,as certain diseases
  46. rheumatism
    • [ˈruːməˌtizəm]
    • n.风湿病
    • Any of several pathological conditions of the muscles,tendons,joints,bones,or nerves,characterized by discomfort and disability.
  47. entrust
    • [inˈtrʌst]
    • v.委托
    • To give over (something) to another for care,protection,or performance
  48. complement
    • [ˈkɔmplimənt]
    • n.补充物
    • An angle related to another so that the sum of their measures is 90=.
    • 余角
  49. tidy
    • [ˈtaidi]
    • 整齐的,整洁的
  50. contrition
    • [kənˈtriʃən]
    • n.悔罪
  51. negligence
    • [ˈneglidʒəns]
    • n.疏忽
  52. shabby
    • [ˈʃæbi]
    • 破旧的
  53. curriculum
    • [kəˈrikjuləm]
    • n.全部课程
  54. fagged
    • [fægd]
    • 累坏了的
  55. ironical
    • [aiˈrɔnikəl]
    • 讽刺的
  56. ball
    • [bɔːl]
    • n.<俚>愉快的经历
  57. thrust
    • [θrʌst]
    • n.口头攻击,讽刺
  58. dignity
    • [ˈdigniti]
    • n.尊贵,高贵
  59. unfeeling
    • [ʌnˈfiːliŋ]
    • 冷酷的,无情的
    • 失去知觉的
  60. fiction
    • [ˈfikʃən]
    • n.小说
    • 虚构,捏造
  61. count on
    • [kaunt ɔn]
    • v.依靠,指望
  62. hustle
    • [ˈhʌsl]
    • v.硬推,催促
  63. hastily
    • [ˈheistili]
    • 草率地,慌忙地
  64. own to
    • [əun]
    • v.承认
  65. bear to
    • [bɜə]
    • v.忍受
    • To endure something with tolerance and patience
  66. mending
    • [mendiŋ]
    • n.修补,缝补
  67. combing
    • [ˈkəumiŋ]
    • n.梳理
  68. reckoned without
    • [ˈrekən]
    • 未考虑到
  69. leaden
    • [ˈledn]
    • 沉闷的,沉重的
    • 铅制的,铅灰色的
  70. stupor
    • [ˈstuːpə]
    • n.恍惚,昏迷
    • A state of reduced or suspended sensibility.
    • A state of mental numbness,as that resulting from shock; a daze.See Synonyms at lethargy
    • 麻木
  71. trying
    • [ˈtraiiŋ]
    • 令人厌烦的
    • 难受的,费劲的
  72. tatter
    • [ˈtætə]
    • n.破烂衣服
    • tatters Torn and ragged clothing; rags.
    • tatters
    • A torn and hanging piece of cloth; a shred.
    • 一块撕破了的吊着布条的布;破布
  73. abstention
    • [æbˈstenʃən]
    • n.回避; 弃权
  74. grate
    • [greit]
    • n.壁炉,炉
    • vt.磨碎,压碎
    • vi. 1.发出刺耳的摩擦声 2.使人烦恼难受
  75. but
    • [bʌt]
    • <表否定>That . . . not.
    • Used after a negative or question
  76. crape
    • [kreip]
    • n.黑纱
    • A black band worn,as on the sleeve,as a sign of mourning.Also called crepe
  77. bow
    • [bau]
    • n.bow-knot蝴蝶结
    • A knot usually having two loops and two ends; a bowknot.
  78. warble
    • [ˈwɔːbl]
    • v.(颤音连续音)唱
    • To sing (a note or song,for example) with trills,runs,or other melodic embellishments.
  79. wan
    • [wan]
    • 苍白的
    • Unnaturally pale,as from physical or emotional distress.
  80. oblivious
    • [əˈbliviːəs]
    • 忘却的
    • 健忘的
    • Lacking all memory; forgetful.
  81. suspense
    • [səˈspens]
    • n.悬而未决,悬念
  82. dazzle
    • [ˈdæzl]
    • v.使目眩,使眼花
    • To dim the vision of,especially to blind with intense light.
  83. brush aside
    • [brʌʃ əsaid]
    • v.扫除
  84. decay
    • [diˈkei]
    • n.腐烂
    • The destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot.
  85. germinating
    • [ˈdʒəːməˌneitiŋ]
    • 发芽的
  86. thrust
    • [θrʌst]
    • n.猛推,力推,刺,戳
  87. springing
    • [spriŋiŋ]
    • 涌现的,跳动的
  88. rapture
    • [ˈræptʃə]
    • n.欣喜
    • The state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy.
  89. constricted
    • [kənˈstrikt]
    • 收缩的;紧缩的
  90. interlace
    • [ˌintəˈleis]
    • v.交错,交织
  91. opaque
    • [əuˈpeik]
    • 不透明的
  92. throb
    • [θrɔb]
    • v.悸动,律动
    • To beat rapidly or violently,as the heart; pound.
    • To vibrate,pulsate,or sound with a steady pronounced rhythm
  93. put up with
    • [put ʌp wiθ]
    • v.忍受,容忍
  94. grounds
    • [graundz]
    • n.渣滓,沉淀物
    • The sediment at or from the bottom of a liquid
  95. aisle
    • [ail]
    • n.侧廊,通道
    • A part of a church divided laterally from the nave by a row of pillars or columns.
    • A passageway between rows of seats,as in an auditorium or an airplane.
  96. soprano
    • [səˈprænəu]
    • n.女高音
    • The highest singing voice of a woman or young boy.
  97. false
    • [fɔːls]
    • 作假的,虚伪的
    • Deliberately untrue
  98. pin-money
    • [pin ˈmʌni]
    • n.零花钱
    • Money for incidental expenses.
  99. stop to
    • [stɔp tuː]
    • 停留
  100. abject
    • [ˈæbˌdʒekt]
    • 凄苦可怜的
    • 下贱的,卑贱的
    • Brought low in condition or status.See Synonyms at mean 2
    • Being of the most miserable kind; wretched
  101. sly
    • [slai]
    • 偷偷的,诡秘的
    • 狡诈的
  102. baggage
    • [ˈbægidʒ]
    • n.小妞
  103. grease-trap
    • [griːs træp]
    • n.油脂捕集器
  104. heed
    • [hiːd]
    • v.注意,留意
    • To pay attention to; listen to and consider
  105. dastardly
    • [ˈdæstədli]
    • 卑怯的
    • Cowardly and malicious; base.
  106. typographer
    • [taiˈpɔgrəfə]
    • n.排字工
    • One that sets written material into type; a compositor or printer.
  107. rage
    • [reidʒ]
    • n.情绪激动
    • Violent,explosive anger.See Synonyms at anger
  108. relive
    • [riːˈliv]
    • v.再经历
    • To undergo or experience again,especially in the imagination.
  109. rebellious
    • [riˈbeljəs]
    • 反叛的
    • Prone to or participating in a rebellion
  110. detest
    • [diˈtest]
    • v.憎恶
    • To dislike intensely; abhor.
  111. ascend
    • [əˈsend]
    • v.攀登,上升
    • To move upward upon or along; climb
    • To go or move upward; rise.See Synonyms at rise
  112. glass case
    • [glʌs keis]
    • n.玻璃橱
  113. enormous
    • [iˈnɔːməs]
    • 巨大的
    • Very great in size,extent,number,or degree.
  114. presence
    • [ˈprezəns]
    • n.势力
    • 存在
    • The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence.
    • The diplomatic,political,or military influence of a nation in a foreign country,especially as evidenced by the posting of its diplomats or its troops there
  115. submerge
    • [səbˈməːdʒ]
    • v.浸没,淹没
    • 置于水下
    • To place under water.See Synonyms at dip
    • To cover with water; inundate.
    • To hide from view; obscure.
    • 湮没,湮灭,使沉浸
  116. surge
    • [səːdʒ]
    • n.巨涌,汹涌
    • 澎湃
  117. outcry
    • [ˈautˌkrai]
    • n.大声疾呼
  118. interrogation
    • [inˌterəˈgeiʃən]
    • n.审问,询问
  119. bland
    • [blænd]
    • 和蔼的
    • Characterized by a moderate,unperturbed,or tranquil quality,especially
    • 味道温和的
    • Not irritating or stimulating; soothing
  120. oversight
    • [ˈəuvəsait]
    • n.失察,疏忽出错
    • An unintentional omission or mistake.See Synonyms at error
    • Watchful care or management; supervision.细心照料
  121. jangle
    • [ˈdʒæŋgəl]
    • v.刺耳响
  122. soiled
    • [sɔild]
    • 弄脏的,污染的
  123. stain
    • [stein]
    • n.渍
    • 污迹
    • A discolored or soiled spot or smudge.
    • A blemish on one's moral character or reputation.(道德,名誉的)污点
  124. derision
    • [diˈriʒən]
    • n.嘲笑
    • Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule.
    • 窘迫
    • A state of being derided
  125. weary
    • [ˈwiəri]
    • 疲倦的
    • ,厌倦的,令人厌烦的
  126. stroll
    • [strəul]
    • v.散步
    • To go for a leisurely walk
    • To travel from place to place seeking work or gain.奔波
  127. falter
    • [ˈfɔːltə]
    • v.支吾,吞吞吐吐
    • To speak hesitatingly; stammer.
    • 讲话犹豫;地讲话
    • To be unsteady in purpose or action,as from loss of courage or confidence; waver.See Synonyms at hesitate
    • 胆怯
  128. scrutiny
    • [ˈskruːtini]
    • n.细看,细阅
  129. toggery
    • [ˈtɔːgəri]
    • n.服装店
    • A clothing store.
    • 衣服;服装
    • Clothing; togs.
  130. grope
    • [grəup]
    • v.摸索,探索
    • To reach about uncertainly; feel one's way
    • To search blindly or uncertainly
    • ,摸索
  131. elude
    • [iˈluːd]
    • v.躲避
    • To evade or escape from,as by daring,cleverness,or skill
  132. mirth
    • [məθ]
    • n.欢乐
    • Gladness and gaiety,especially when expressed by laughter.
  133. hilarity
    • [hiˈlærəti]
    • n.兴高采烈,欢闹
    • Great merriment.See Synonyms at mirth
  134. been through
    • [biːn θruː]
    • v.熬过来,结束
  135. commiseration
    • [kəˈmizəˈreiʃən]
    • n.同情
    • The feeling or expression of pity or sorrow.See Synonyms at pity
  136. murderous
    • [ˈmədərəs]
    • 杀人的
    • ,造成死亡的
    • Capable of,guilty of,or intending murder
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Textbook Vocabulary