Anatomy 1 Lecture 15 - Leg

  1. What are the tarsal bones?
    • Talus, Calcaneous, Cuboid, Navicular, Cuneiforms (Lateral, intermediate, and medial)
  2. Describe the metatarsals and the phalanges.
    • Metatarsals: Base, body, head (distal)
    • Phalanges: Great toe (two phalanges), Others (3 phalanges)
  3. What are the three compartments of the leg? What forms them?
    • Anterior, posterior, lateral
    • Anterior intermuscular septum: divides ant and lat compart
    • Posterior intermuscluar septum: divides lat and post compart
    • Transverse crural septum: divides posterior septum into a superficial and deep layer.
    • Interosseous membrane: seperates the ant and post compartments
  4. What are the muslces of the anterior compartment? What supplies them?
    • (Anterior tibial artery and deep peroneal n)
    • Tibialis anterior
    • Extensor digitorum longus
    • Extensor Hallucis longus
    • Peroneus tertius (fibularis tertius)
    • Dorsum of foot
    • Extensor digitorum brevis
    • Extensor Hallucis brevis
  5. What are the muscles of the lateral compartment? What supplies them?
    • Peroneal a. and superficial peroneal n.
    • Peroneus Longus
    • Peroneus Brevis
  6. What are the muscles of the posterior compartment and what supplies them?
    • (Poterior tibial a. and tibial n.)
    • Gastrocnemius
    • Soleus
    • Popliteus
    • Plantaris
    • Flexor digitorum longus
    • Flexor Hallucis longus
    • Tibialis Posterior
  7. Tibialis Anterior OINA
    • O: Superior 2/3 lateral surface of tibia
    • I: Medial cuniform and base of first metatarsal
    • N: Deep Peroneal
    • A: Dorsiflexion and inversion of foot
  8. Extensor Digitorum Longus OINA
    • O: superior 2/3 of fibula
    • I: middle and distal phalanges of the lateral four toes
    • N: Deep Peroneal
    • A: Dorsiflexs the foot and extension of the toes.
  9. Extensor Hallucis Longus OINA
    • O: Middle 1/3 of fibula
    • I: Base of distal phalanx of hallux
    • N: Deep Peroneal
    • A: Dorsiflexion of the foot and extension of the hallux
  10. Peroneus Tertius (Fibularis Tertius) OINA
    • O: Distal end of the fibula
    • I: Base of the 5th metatarsal
    • N: Deep Peroneal
    • A: Dorsifelx foot and eversion of foot
  11. Extensor Digitorum Brevis OINA
    • O: Calcaneus - anterior
    • I: Long extensor tendons of digits 2-4
    • N: Deep Peroneal
    • A: Extension of digits 2-4
  12. Extensor Hallucis Brevis OINA
    • O: Calcaneus medial to the Extensor digitorum brevis
    • I: Base of proximal phalanx of hallux
    • N: Deep Peroneal
    • A: Extension of toes, primarily the hallux
  13. Peroneus Longus OINA
    • O: Superior 2/3 of the fibula
    • I: Base of the 1st metatarsal and medail cuniform
    • N: Superficial Peroneal
    • A: Eversion and plantarflexion of the foot.
  14. Peroneus Brevis OINA
    • O: Distal end of the fibula
    • I: Base of the fifth metatarsal
    • N: Superficial Peroneal
    • A: Eversion and plantarflexion of foot
  15. Gastrocnemius OINA
    • O: Lateral head-lateral condyle of femur. Medial head-medial condyle of femur
    • I: Calcaneus Via "achilles tendon" or "calcaneal tendon"
    • N: Tibial Tendon
    • A: Plantar FFlex the foot, Flexion of the lef (knee)
  16. Soleus OINA
    • O: Posterior surface of fibula and tibia
    • I: Calcaneus
    • N: Tibial N.
    • A: Plantar flexion of the foot
  17. Plantaris OINA
    • O: Lateral condyle of femur
    • I: Calcaneus
    • N: Tibial Nerve
    • A: Plantarfelxion of the foot, Flexion of leg
  18. Flexor Digitorum Longus OINA
    • O: Tibia
    • I: Distal Phalanx of Lateral Four Digits
    • N: Tibial n.
    • A: Flexion of digits 2-5 and plantarflex the foot
  19. Flexor Hallucis Longus OINA
    • O: Fibula
    • I: Distal Phalanx of big toe
    • N: Tibial n.
    • A: FLexion of Hallux and plantarflexion of foot.
  20. Tibialis Posterior OINA
    • O: Tibia, Fibula, and Interosseous membrane
    • I: Navicular, Cuneiform, Cuboid, and base of the 2,3,4 metatarsals
    • N: Tibial n.
    • A: Inversion and plantarflexion of the foot.
  21. Popliteus OINA
    • O: Upper end of tibia
    • I: Lateral condyle of femur
    • N: Tibial
    • A: Rotation of knee joint, knee flexion
  22. Describe the anterior tibial artery.
    • Passes between the tibia and fibula, and descends down the anterior compartment of the leg
    • Changes name to the dorsalis pedis artery when it reaches the dorsum of the foot.
  23. Describe the Posterior Tibial artery
    • Descends shorts ways and gives of the peroneal a. (descends the lateral aspect of the posterior compartment to supply the posterior and lateral compartments of the leg)
    • Descends down the posterior compartment passing posterior to the medial malleolus and divides into the medial and lateral plantar arteries.
  24. Explain the cutaneous nerve supply by the Saphenous, Sural, and Deep and Superficial Peroneal nerves.
    • Saphenous: skin on medial side of leg and foot, originates from the femoral n and descends through the adductor canal.
    • Sural: skin of posterior and lateral aspects of the leg and foot, originates from tibial and common peroneal
    • Superficial Peroneal: skin on the distal third of the anterior surface of the leg and dorsum of foot
    • Deep Peroneal: Skin of the first interdigit space.
  25. What does the Tibial n. innervate?
    • Innervates the Posterior compartment. Divides into the medial and lateral plantar nerves in the sole of the foot.
  26. What does the deep Peroneal n. supply?
    • Muscle of anterior compartment. Runs with anterior tibial a and ends with branches innervating the ankle joint and skin between the first and second digits.
  27. What does the Superficial Peroneal innervate?
    Muscles of the lateral compartment. It then innervates the skin along the distal aspect of the anterior surface of the leg, dorsum of the foot, and digits 3-5.
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Anatomy 1 Lecture 15 - Leg
UNLV DPT 744 Gross Anatomy 1 Lecture 15 - Leg