Human communication?
transactional process in which people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal forces and embedded in culture.
Components of Human Communication
- create meaning
- participants- two or more people interact
- channel
- Noice
- feedback
- Individual forces
- societal forces
- Culture
- Context
Meaning Creation
- content and relationship meaning
- Content= denotative and connotative meaning. Denotative: concrete meaning of the message and connotative describes the meanings suggested by or associated with messages and the emotion behind them
- Relationship meaning= describes what the message conveys about the relationship between the parties.
includes the location where the communication occurs, environmental conditions, time of day, ot day of the week, and the proximity of the communicators.
two or more people interact
means through which a message is conveyed. channel used can affect how the message is received such as texting
refers to any stimulus that can interfere with or degrade the quality of a message. External signals such as loud music or voices.
response o a message. lets sender know the message was received
Models of Human Communication
- linear model: assumes that communication went from the sender to the receiver and reverse
- Society model
How is communication a societal model
- transactional process: each person is a sender/reciever
- ongoing process
- influenced by relationships and previous events
Enforced by individual forces
- field of experience: such as education and experiences
- individual forces: identity, age, sex, race, ethnicity.
- Societal forces: political, econonmic, social structure
- Culture and content: learned patterns and behaviors, content such as setting and participants
What is perception?
- selection: consciously or unconsciously, you attend to just a narrow range of the arra of sensory information available and ignore the remainder
- organization:cognitive representation...describes human ability ot form mental models of the world the live in_ protypes (most typical or representative example of a person or concept)_interpersonal scipts (ia relatively fixed sequence of events you expect to occur during interactions with others....categorization: label, stereotyping
- interpretation: frames (structures that shape how people interpret their perceptions), attribution theory (explains the process we use to judge our own and other's behaviors)
What is identity?
- identity exists at both individual and societal levels
- identities are both fixed and dynamic
- identities are created through interaction
- identities must be seen in context
parts of individual, perception and identity
- reflected appraisal: looking glass
- social comparision: self fulfilling prophecy (when an individual expects something to occur) self concept (perception of your unique characteristics) Self Esteem
Ethnics of perceiving and communicating about identities
- stereotyping:board generalizations
- prejudice: strong negative feeling about a group
Verbal Communication
refers to the written/oral words we exchange
Importance of verbal communication
meaning is created= verbal, plays role in identity, relationship development, languages spoken, identity
Verbal communication and the individual
- instrumental: obtain what you need
- regulatory: control or regulate behavior of others
- inform: communicate information/ report facts
- Heuristic: acquire knowledge and understanding
- interactional: establishes and defines school relationships in both interpersonal and public setting
- imaginative: used to express oneself artistically or creatively..drama, poetry, stories
- denotative meaning: literal meaning of the word
- Connotative: interpretative meaning attached to a rule
- pragmactices: language use field of study that looks at how language is used in specific situations to accomplish goal- speech acts (say or do things with words) conversational rules (govern ways in which we organize conversation) contextual rules (use of language varies depending on content
Influences on verbal communication
- age
- gender
- ethnity
- and other identities of verbal communication
study of sound that compose individual languages and how those sounds communicate meaning
rules that govern word order
Nonverbal codes
signals are distinct, organized means of expression that conssit of both symbols for their
system of studying nonverbal communication sent by the body including gestures, postures, movement, facial expressions, and eye behavior
The body and nonverbal cues
- Gestures: such as pointing, waving, and holding up hands
- illustrators: signals that accompany speech to clarify or emphasize the verbal messages
- Adapters: gestures we use to manage our emotions
- immediacy: how close or involved people appear to be with each other
- relaxation: the degree of tension ones body displays
Nonverbal cues and the face
paralinguistic: vocal aspects of nonverbal communication
Non verbal and voice
- voice qualities: speed pitch rhythm, vocal range, and articulation
- Vocalization: sounds we utter that do no have the structure of language
Time and space
- chronemics: study of the ways people use time as a message
- proxemics: study of how people use spatial cues, including interpersonal distance, territoriality, and other space relationships
- intimate distance: 0-18 inches
- personal distance: 4-12 inches
- social distance: 4-12 feet
- public distance:12-25 feet
- professional touch: people who must touch others as part of their livelihood
- social polite touch: part of daily interaction
- friendship touch: intimate than social touch and usually conveys warms, closeness, and caring
- love intimate touch: romantic partners
Communication information
- regulation interaction
- expressing and managing intimacy
- establishing social control
- signaling service task functions
Importance of intercultural communication
- increased opportunities for intercultural contact
- enhanced business effectivness
- improved intergroup relations
- enhanced self-awareness
Intercultural communication and the individual
- intercultural communication on the borders
- influence of cultural values on communicaion
- a dialectic approach
Individual intercultural, communication and society
- political, historical, and societal forces
- intercultural communication and power
Improving your intercultural communication skills
- increase motivation
- increase your knowledge of self and others
- avoid stereotypes
intercultural communication
communication that occurs in interactions between people who are culturally different
Boader dwellers through travel
- voluntary short term travelers: study abroad students
- Voluntary long term travelers: immigrants
- involuntary: temporary refugees from war, famine, or economic hardship
- permanent refugees from war famine, or economic hardship
Interpersonal communication
- interpersonal communication
- involves interdependent parties
- continuum
- relational
Interpersonal communication, relationships, and in individal
- influences on relationship development
- communicating in friendships and romantic relationships
society, power, courtship, and marriage
- society, power, and romantic relationships
- society, power and friendship
Improving your maintenance skills in long -distance friendships
- maintains frequent contact
- encourage openness
- engage in positivity
- offer social support
romance termination strategies
- negative idenity mangement:communicating in ways that arrouse negative emotions in order to make the other person upset enough to agree to break off the relationship
- deescalation: come back together in the future
- justification
- positive tones
- behavioral
Friend termination
- withdrawal
- machiavellian tactics
developing social influence skills
- secondary: goals that constrain or enhance the message they use to accomplish their goals.. indentity goals (related to ones peronal concept) interaction goals (concertn rules for how a person should behave) Relational, personal
- primary: goals related to the outcome you want to take such as gaining assistance, sharing an activity, changing behavior, andd chaning the terms of a relationship
Complicance gaining messages
communication strategies people use to influence one another
Resisting other's influence
- reciprocation: repay others for what they give us
- consistency principle
- social proof
- liking
managing aversive communication interactiosn
- deception
- jeaousy
- hurtful messages
Relationship threats
- relational transgressions: fundamental relationship rules are avoided
- temptations:
Influences on the perceived hurtfulness of a message
- relationship satisfaction
- intentionality
- framing
- self-esteem
- competence
- context
relational infidelity
a server relations transgression in which one or both partners engage in extra dyadic behaviors that violate relationship rules of monogamy and exclusivity
Emotional infidelity
behaviors suc as flirting, dating, spending time together, and falling in love with someone other than one's partner= cheating
physcial infidelity
sexual activities that are committed with someone other than one's partner and includ acts ranging from kidding to sexual intercourse= acts of cheating
interpersonal violence
- physical violence against a partner or a child
- batting relationships in which one indvidual uses violence as a way to control and dominate his or her partner
What is Conflict
- interdependence
- interests
- incompatibilities
- limited resources
what causes conflict
- behaviors
- personality
- relationship rules
Conflict styles
- styles: describes the pattern of tactics an individual uses repetitively across parties and contexts- competive, cooperative, direct conflict, indirect conflict- avoiding, yielding
- tactic: an individual behavior a person uses when engaged in a conflict
cascade model
cacade= way in which one [erson's negavtive conflict bahavior can trigger another person's negative behavior in such a way that their conglict patterns escalate eventually leading to a decline in relationship satisfaction
four horsemen of apocalypse
- criticism: attacking partners's personality
- defensiveness: attempts by the partner to protect his or her identity
- contempt: behavior that is designed to insult and psychologically harm the partner
- stonewalling: one or both partners stop communicating, refuse to respond to each other's communication effors
Indvidual, conflict, management, and society