
  1. Emgine Pressure
    NP + FL +/- Head + Appliance
  2. Net Pump Pressure
    Hydrant = EP - Intake Pressure

    • Drafting = EP + Pressure Correction (Feet of Lift + FL)
    • 2.3
  3. 2 (Q) 2 x L
    • Q = Quantity of water flowing
    • L = 100' Lengths of 2 1/2 Hose
  4. Volume of a Cylinder
    .7854 x D2 X H or L = Cubic Feet

    D2 6L = Gallons

  5. Pressure at the bottom of a container
    Height x .5 = Pressure (Field)

    Height x .434 = Pressure (True)
  6. Pressure at the bottom of a container

    *PSI are given
    PSI @ bottom x 2.304 = Height
  7. Fire Flow Solid Stream
    29.7 x D2 x Square Root NP = GPM

    30 x D2 x Square Root NP (Field) = GPM
  8. Fire Flow Solid Stream (Open Butt)
    29.7 x D2 x Square Root NP x .9
  9. Nozzle Reaction Solid Stream
    1.5 x D2 x NP

    True = 1.57 x D2 x NP

  10. Nozzle Reaction Fog Stream
    .5 x GPM

    True = .0505 x GPM x Square Root NP

  11. Round Pools
    (Amount in Gallons)
    3.14 x R2 x D x 7.5
  12. Square / Rectangular Pools
    (Amount in Gallons)
    L x W x D x 7.5
Card Set
Various Formulas