
  1. beard
    • [biəd]
    • n.芒须
    • The hair on a man's chin, cheeks, and throat.
    • 胡子
  2. fetlock
    • [ˈfetlɔk]
    • n.(马蹄后上部的)丛毛
  3. clover
    • [ˈkləuvə]
    • n.三叶草,车轴草
    • , 苜蓿
  4. burr
    • [bəː]
    • n.芒刺,毛刺
    • A rough edge or area remaining on material, such as metal, after it has been cast, cut, or drilled.
  5. disperse
    • [disˈpəːs]
    • v.使散开,驱散
    • To drive off or scatter in different directions
    • 使散开,驱散
    • To strew or distribute widely
    • 传播
  6. dispersal
    • [disˈpəːsəl]
    • n.散布,分散
    • 散布, 分散, 消散, 驱散, 疏散
  7. thorn
    • [θɔːn]
    • n.刺
    • Any of various sharp, spiny protuberances; a prickle.
  8. cuff
    • [kʌf]
    • n.(袖口,裤腿口)翻边
    • The turned-up fold at the bottom of a trouser leg.
    • A fold used as trimming, or A band, often having an opening with a button closure at the bottom of a sleeve.
  9. hem
    • [hem]
    • n.褶边,褶缝
    • An edge or a border on a piece of cloth, especially a finished edge, as for a garment or curtain, made by folding the selvage edge under and stitching it down.
    • 褶边,褶缝
  10. anlage
    • [ˈaːnlaːgə]
    • n.发展的基础
    • The initial clustering of embryonic cells from which a part or an organ develops; primordium.
    • 原基
    • A fundamental principle; the foundation for a future development.
    • 基础,基本
  11. ant lion
    • [ænt ˈlaiən]
    • n.蚁狮,蚁蛉
  12. flick
    • [flik]
    • vt.轻拍
    • To touch or hit with a light, quick blow
    • 轻拍
  13. armadillo
    • [ˌaːməˈdiləu]
    • n.犰狳
    • Any of several omnivorous, burrowing, edentate mammals (family Dasypodidae), native to southern North America and South America and characterized by an armorlike covering consisting of jointed, bony plates.
    • 犰狳
  14. plod
    • [plɔd]
    • v.沉重缓慢地行走
    • To move or walk heavily or laboriously; trudge
    • 沉重缓慢地行走
    • To work or act perseveringly or monotonously; drudge
    • 孜孜不倦
  15. crawl
    • [krɔːl]
    • vi.爬行
    • To move slowly on the hands and knees or by dragging the body along the ground; creep.
    • 爬行
    • To advance slowly, feebly, laboriously, or with frequent stops
    • 缓慢行进
  16. turn aside
    • [təːn əˈsaid]
    • v.避开, 转过脸,
  17. domed
    • [dəumd]
    • adj.有穹顶的
  18. thresh
    • [θreʃ]
    • vt.反复的打击
  19. boost
    • [buːst]
    • v.推、举
    • To raise or lift by pushing up from behind or below.See Synonyms at lift
    • 推、举
    • To increase; raise
    • 增加;拔高
    • To stir up enthusiasm for; promote vigorously
    • 增强
  20. barley
    • [ˈbaːli]
    • n.大麦
    • A grass in the genus Hordeum, native to temperate regions, having flowers in terminal, often long-awned spikes.
    • 大麦
  21. beak
    • [biːk]
    • n.鸟喙,鸟嘴
    • The horny, projecting structure forming the mandibles of a bird, especially one that is strong, sharp, and useful in striking and tearing; a bill.
    • 鸟喙,鸟嘴
  22. brow
    • [brau]
    • n.眉脊
    • The superciliary ridge over the eyes.
    • 眉脊
    • The eyebrow.
    • 眉毛
    • The forehead.
    • 前额
    • A facial expression; countenance
    • 面部表情;脸色
  23. embankment
    • [emˈbæŋkmənt]
    • n.堤
    • A mound of earth or stone built to hold back water or to support a roadway.
  24. rear up
    • [riə]
    • 竖起,直立,高耸
    • To rise on the hind legs, as a horse.
    • 用后腿,诸如马,立起来
  25. blink
    • [bliŋk]
    • vi.眨眼
    • To close and open one or both of the eyes rapidly.
    • 眨眼
    • To look through half-closed eyes, as in a bright glare; squint.
    • 眯眼看
  26. hind
    • [haind]
    • adj.后面的
    • Located at or forming the back or rear; posterior
    • 后面的,在后的,后部的
  27. gravel
    • [ˈgrævəl]
    • n.砂石,碎石
  28. frantic
    • [ˈfrænik]
    • 狂暴的,发狂的
  29. horny
    • [ˈhɔːniː]
    • adj.角状的
  30. protrude
    • [prəuˈtruːd]
    • v.突出
    • To jut out; project.See Synonyms at bulge
    • 突出
  31. parapet
    • [ˈpærəpit]
    • n.低矮挡墙
    • A low protective wall or railing along the edge of a raised structure such as a roof or balcony.
    • 低矮挡墙
  32. peer
    • [piə]
    • v.凝视或眯眼看
    • To look intently, searchingly, or with difficulty.See Synonyms at gaze
    • 凝视或眯眼看
    • To be partially visible; show
    • 隐退
  33. cement
    • [siˈment]
    • n.水泥
    • A building material made by grinding calcined limestone and clay to a fine powder, which can be mixed with water and poured to set as a solid mass or used as an ingredient in making mortar or concrete.
    • 水泥
  34. clamp
    • [klæmp]
    • v.夹住, 夹紧
    • To fasten, grip, or support with or as if with a clamp.
    • 夹住, 夹紧
  35. crush
    • [krʌʃ]
    • v.压碎,压破
    • To press between opposing bodies so as to break or injure.
    • ,压伤
    • To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder.
  36. tip
    • [tip]
    • v.翻倒;翻转
    • To topple over; overturn.
    • 翻倒;翻转
    • To become tilted; slant.See Synonyms at slant
    • 变倾斜
  37. waggle
    • [ˈwægəl]
    • v.来回摆动
    • To move (an attached part, for example) with short, quick motions
  38. sedan
    • [siˈdæn]
    • n.三箱轿车,轿子
  39. swerve
    • [swəːv]
    • v.转向
    • To turn aside or be turned aside from a straight course.
  40. tiddly-wink
    • [ˈtidli wiŋk]
    • 微醉的 - 眨眼
  41. quartz
    • [kwɔrts]
    • n.石英
  42. flop
    • [flɔp]
    • v.猛落
    • To fall or lie down heavily and noisily.
  43. spearhead
    • [ˈspiəˌhed]
    • n.矛头
    • The sharpened head of a spear.
    • The leading forces in a military thrust.
    • 先头部队
  44. drag
    • [dræg]
    • v.拖地而行
    • To cause to trail along a surface, especially the ground.
  45. trench
    • [trentʃ]
    • n.深沟
    • A deep furrow or ditch.
    • A long, narrow ditch embanked with its own soil and used for concealment and protection in warfare.
    • 战壕
  46. slip
    • [slip]
    • v.脱下,放松
    • To put on or remove (clothing) easily or quickly
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Textbook Vocabulary