Pronator Teres
- Origin: Humerus: medial epicondyle
- Insertion: Radius: middle 1/3 of lateral shaft
- Nerve: Median
- Action: Pronates forearm (its main function), flexes forearm
- Comparative Anatomy: Humans and Apes:
- Pronator teres has 2 heads of origin:
- Humeral head: already described
- Ulnar or deep head: arises from the medial border of the coronoid process.
Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Origin: Humerus: medial epicondyle
- Insertion: Metacarpal II: base
- Nerve: Median
- Action: Flexes hand at wrist
Palmaris Longus
(This is the most superficial of the forearm flexors.)
- Origin: Humerus: medial epicondyle
- Insertion: Palmar aponeurosis
- Nerve: Median
- Action: Tenses palmar aponeurosis; slightly flexes hand at wrist
- CA: Humans:Muscle may be totally absent in up to 15% of human individuals. check both arms to see if you have this muscle.
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
- Origin:Humeral head: humerus, medial epicondyle; Ulnar head: ulna, medial surface of olecranon process
- Insertion: Pisiform
- Nerve: ulnar
- Action: Flexes hand at wrist
(this muscle occurs more frequently in lower primates and only occasionally in humans and apes)
- Origin: Humerus: medial epichondyle
- Insertion: Ulna:olecranon process
- Nerve: Ulnar
- Action: aBducts olecranon in lower animals
- CA: Humans: Approximately 1 in 4 humans will have this small muscle which is called Epitrochleoolecranonis in human anatomy books.
Flexor digitorum superficialis
- Origin: Humerus: medial epicondyle; Joint capsule of elbow
- Insertion: Middle phalanges, digits II-V, ventral surfaces.
- Nerve: Median
- Action: Flexes middle phalanges and when acting more strongly flexes the wrist.
- CA: In human primates and large apes, this muscle has an ulnar and radial head in addition to its humeral head.
Flexor digitorum Profundus