1. The process by which individuals acquire political opinions is called:
    political socialization.
  2. The Supreme Court decision in Miranda v. Arizona provided that:
    police inform suspects of their rights at the time of arrest.
  3. The absorption of parts of the Bill of Rights, especially freedom of speech and press, into the Fourteenth Amendment so that these rights would be protected by federal courts from infringement by the states is known as the doctrine of:
    selective incorporation.
  4. De facto discrimination has its roots in:
    social, economic and cultural bias.
  5. Programs devised to provide full and equal opportunities in employment, education and other areas for women, minorities and individuals belonging to other traditionally disadvantaged groups are known as:
    affirmative action.
  6. According to your text, a person who favors economic individualism, traditional social values and a strong defense establishment would probably be categorized as
  7. The strategy of civil disobedience advocated by Martin Luther King, Jr., consisted of:
    nonviolent breaking of laws perceived to be unjust.
  8. The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 outlawed discrimination in:
    • -hiring, promotion and wages of employees of medium-sized and large firms.
    • -access to public accommodations.
    • -housing.
  9. The addition of a Bill of Rights to the U. S. Constitution meant that:
    people's constitutional rights cannot be denied by governing officials.
  10. In Federalist No. 10 James Madison argued that:
    governments need to control the mischief of factions.
  11. The Great Compromise at the Philadelphia convention provided for
    a two-chamber congress with the House representing population and the Senate assigning each state equal representation.
  12. The theory of separation of powers had been proposed by which political theorist?
  13. Which one of the following is not a belief contained in the Declaration of Independence?
    divine right of kings
  14. The Supreme Court decision in ___________ vs __________ gave courts the power to declare governmental action null and void when it is found to violate the Constitution.
    Madbury v Madison
  15. Shays's Rebellion called attention to
    lack of ability of Congress under the Articles of Confederation to put down popular rebellion.
  16. The ________ Plan (also known as the large-state plan) called for a Congress with equal representation of the states but with greatly strengthened powers.
  17. The New Jersey (small-state) Plan
    • -favored a stronger national government yet wanted to keep the Articles, for the most part.
    • -proposed a single-chamber legislature with each state having one vote.
Card Set
Based on We the People - Ch. 1-7