Week 2 Vocab

  1. Conciliatory
    kon SIL ee uh tor ee
    Appeasing; soothing; showing willingness to reconcile

    After arguing endlessly with them for weeks, Connie switched to a more conciliatory tone with her parents once prom season arrived.
  2. Credible
    KRED uh bul
    Capable of being believed; plausible

    The shock but credible report of mice in the kitchen kept Eddie up all night.
  3. Exonerate
    eg ZON er ayt
    To free from blame

    Xena was exonerated of all charges.
  4. Incontrovertible
    in kahn truh VERT uh bul
    Indisputable; not open to question

    The videotape of the robbery provided incontrovertible evidence against the suspect - he was obviously guilty.
  5. Indict
    in DITE
    To officially charge with wrongdoing or a crime

    President Nixon's aids were indicted during the Watergate scandal.
  6. Litigious
    luh TIJ us
    Prone to engage in lawsuits

    Letitia was a litigious little girl; at one point, she tried to sue her dog.
  7. Partisan (adj.)
    PAR tiz un
    Devoted to or biased in support of a party, group, or cause

    Today's partisan politics are so antagonistic that it's difficult to reach a successful compromise on any issue.
  8. Parity
    PA ruh tee
    Equality, as in amount, status, or value (antonym: disparity)

    The judges at the Olympics must score each athlete's performance with parity; such impartial treatment is hard since one always wants to root for one's own country.
  9. Rectitude
    REK ti tood
    Moral uprightness; righteousness

    Thanks to his unerring sense of fairness and justice, Viktor was a model of moral rectitude; his hometown even erected a statue in his honor.
  10. Remiss
    ree MISS
    Lax in attending to duty; negligent

    Cassie was remiss in fulfilling her Miss America duties; she didn't even come close to ending world hunger.
  11. Repudiate
    ree PYOO dee ayt
    To reject the validity or authority of

    I repudiated the teacher's arguments about Empress Wu Zetian's reputation by showing him that the reports of her cruelty were from unreliable sources.
  12. Sanctimonious
    sank ti MO nee us
    Feigning piety or righteousness

    The sanctimonious scholar had actually been plagiarizing other people's work for years.
  13. Scrupulous
    SKROO pyoo lus
    Principled, having a strong sense of right and wrong; conscientious and exacting

    Evan's scrupulous behavior began to annoy his friends when he called the cops on them for toilet papering their teacher's house.
  14. Solicitous
    so LIS it us

    The parents asked solicitous questions about the college admissions officer's family.
  15. Sophistry
    SAHF is tree
    Plausible but misleading or fallacious argument

    The professor's sophistry misled the sophomore into incorrect beliefs.
  16. Substantiate
    sub STAN shee ayt
    To support with proof or evident; verify

    The argument was substantiated by clear facts and hard evidence.
  17. Veracity
    vuh RA si tee
    Adherence to the truth; truthfulness

    Since Vera was known for her veracity, it came as a complete shock when her family found out she'd lied on her application.
  18. Vindicate
    VIN dih kayt
    To free from blame

    Mrs. Layton was finally vindicated after her husband admitted to the crime.
  19. Cajole
    kuh JOL
    To urge with repeated appeals, teasing, or flattery

    The sweet-talking senior cajoled an impressionable junior into seeing The Lord of the Rings for the tenth time.
  20. Chicanery
    chik AY ner ee

    The candidate accused his debate opponent of resorting to cheap chicanery to sway the electorate.
  21. Obsequious
    ob SEEK wee us
    Fawning and servile

    Kevin was so obsequious that even his teachers were embarrassed; as a result, his sucking up rarely led to better grades.
  22. Sycophant
    SIK uh fent
    Insincere, obsequious flatterer

    Siggie is such a sycophant; he slyly sucks up to his teachers, and reaps the rewards of his behavior.
  23. Altruism
    AL troo iz im
    Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness

    Alta, a model of altruism, gave her movie ticket to someone who needed it more.
  24. Eminent
    EM uh nent
    Distinguished; prominent

    Emeril Lagasse is one of the most eminent chefs working today; every TV watcher knows how well-known and highly regarded he is.
  25. Empathy
    em puh THEE
    Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.

    Emily is one of my most empathetic friends; she can always relate to my emotions.
  26. Extol
    ek STOL
    To praise highly

    Tollivan extolled the virtues of the troll while his teacher looked on amazed.
  27. Laudatory
    LAW duh tor ee
    Full of praise

    The principal's speech was laudatory, congratulating the students on their SAT scores.
  28. Magnanimous
    mag NAN im us
    Courageously or generously noble in mind and heart

    The magnanimous prince cared deeply for his country and its people.
  29. Philanthropic
    fil un THROP ik
    Humanitarian; benevolent; relating to monetary generosity

    Phil was a philanthropic soul, always catering to the needy and the underprivileged.
  30. Reciprocate
    ree SIP ro kayt
    To mutually take or give; to respond in kind

    The chef reciprocated his rival's respect; they admired each other so much that they even traded recipes.
  31. Defunct
    duh FUNKT
    No longer existing or functioning

    The theory that the world was flat became defunct when Magellan sailed to the West and didn't fall of the earth.
  32. Eradicate
    er RAD i kayt
    To get rid of as if by tearing it up by the roots; abolish

    Radcliffe did her best to eradicate the radishes from her farm.
  33. Expurgate
    ek spur GAYT
    To remove objectionable content before publication or release

    The Chinese government expurgates nearly all obscene matter form the nation's Internet.
  34. Extirpate
    ek stir PAYT
    To destroy

    While the family was on vacation, the termites practically extirpated the house.
  35. Quell
    To put down forcibly; suppress

    Nell quelled the fight over the quiches by throwing it out the window - she had long given up on reasoning with her sisters.
  36. Raze
    To level to the ground; demolish

    It is difficult to raze a city building without demolishing other structures around it.
  37. Squelch
    To crush as if by trampling; squash

    Sam wanted to keep squash as pets, but Quentin squelched the idea.
  38. Supplant
    suh PLANT
    To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhand tactics.

    The ants prepared to supplant the roaches as the dominant insect in the kitchen; their plan was to take the roaches by surprise and drive them out.
  39. Stymie
    STY mee
    To thwart or stump

    Stan was stymied by the Sudoku puzzle; he just couldn't solve it.
  40. Abase
    uh BAYS
    To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem

    Bayard's withering restaurant review was an attempt to abase his former friend, the owner.
  41. Deride
    duh RIDE
    To mock contemptuously

    Derrick was derided for wearing two different colored socks, but he couldn't help it - it was laundry day.
  42. Derogatory
    duh RAH guh tor ee
    Insulting or intended to insult

    The unethical politician didn't just attack his opponent's views; he also made derogatory remarks about the other candidate's family and personal hygiene.
  43. Disparage
    dis PAR uj
    To speak of negatively; to belittle

    Wanda disparaged Glen by calling him a cheat and a liar.
  44. Effrontery
    eh FRON ter ee
    Brazen boldness; presumptuousness

    The attorney's effrontery in asking such personal question so shocked Esther that she immediately ran from the office.
  45. Ignominy
    IG nuh mi nee
    Great personal dishonor or humiliation; disgraceful conduct

    Ignacio felt great ignominy after the scandal broke.
  46. Impugn
    im PYOON
    To attack as false or questionable

    Instead of taking the high road, the candidate impugned his opponent's character.
  47. Mar
    To damage; especially in a disfiguring way

    The perfect day was marred by the arrival of storm clouds.
  48. Pejorative (adj.)
    puh JOR uh tiv
    Disparaging, belittling, insulting

    Teachers should refrain from using pejorative terms such as numbskull and idiot to refer to other teachers.
  49. Vex
    To annoy or bother; to perplex

    Bex's mom was vexed when Bex was very vague about for whereabouts for the evening.
  50. Vindictive
    vin DIK tiv
    Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful; spiteful

    Vincenzo was very vindictive; when someone hurt him, he responded by vigorously plotting revenge.
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Week 2 Vocab
SAT vocab week 2