Business Continuity & Legal

  1. BCP steps
    • 1. Project initiation
    • 2. BIA
    • 3. Recovery Strategy
    • 4. Plan design and development
    • 5. Implementation
    • 6. TEsting
    • 7. Continual maitenance
  2. Facility Recovery
    • Hot site
    • Warm site
    • Cold site
    • Recipricol agreements
    • Redundant Sites
  3. OECD
    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Dvelopment guidelines - moving of data across borders.
  4. Types of legal systems
  5. Common law
    • • Civil or code law
    • • Customary law
    • • Religious law
    • • Mixed law
  6. Intellectual Property Laws
  7. • Patent - 20 years
  8. • Trademark - simple, marking, etc.
  9. • Copyright - 75 years (weaker)
  10. • Trade Secret
  11. • Licensing Issues
  12. Privacy Laws

    Federal Privacy Act 1974 - restricts what a government agency can collect about individual's information - need to know

    GLBA 1999


    Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

    Basel II - Determine the actual exposure to risk of each financial instituion

    PCI - Credit Card company initiative

    Computer Security Act 1987 - federal government must identify computers with sensitive information and training and security program,

    Economic Espionage Act of 1996 - defines trade secrets. An asset does not need to be tangible to be 'stolen'
  13. Incident Response Procedures
    • Triage
    • Reaction - Containment, Analysis, Tracking
    • Follow-up - Repair, Recovery, prevention
  14. IOCE
    International Organization of Computer Evidence - how to deal with digital evidence
  15. Types of evidence
    §Best Evidence

    §Secondary Evidence

    §Direct Evidence

    §Conclusive Evidence

    §Circumstantial Evidence

    §Corroborative Evidence

    §Opinion Evidence

    §Hearsay Evidence
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Business Continuity & Legal
CISSP - Business Continuity