mental health

  1. Anxiety
    • feeling uneasy uncertin, & helpless
    • normal emtional response to real or imagined threat or stressor

    • several purposes:
    • warning 4 danger
    • mild anxiety can increase learning by enhancing concntration & focus
    • uncontrolled anxiety leads 2 ineffective & maladaptive behaviors
    • normal part of survival & growth
  2. continuum of anxiety responses
    • adaptive responses to anxiety result in positive outcomes
    • responses to anxiety occur in 4 stages SEE PG 192
    • when having anxiety, intellectual, emotional, & behavioral responses help us cope
    • when having anxiety, the autonomic nervouse system stimulates fight or flight
  3. types of anxiety
    signal anxiety- learned response 2 anticipated event

    anxiety state- persons coping ability are overwhelmed & emotional control is lost

    anxiety trait- learned componant of personality
  4. generilized anxiety disorder
    • when anxiety broad long-lasting & excessive
    • cant control worries
    • cant concentrate, they make things bigger then they are
    • occurs more frequently in ppl w/ irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, sleep dsturbance, substance abuse
    • kids will have an over anxious disorder of childhood- they worry about school & social interactions, adult s worry about everyday life stituations
  5. panic disorders
    • period of fear or discomfort
    • hard health care staff to distinguish b/c s/s like actual physical dysfunction
    • duraton of short(1-15min) w/ peak @ 10min

    • TX- 3 goal
    • educating about disorder, meds to block attacks, assissting to find other ways to cope
    • cognatve therapy help identify their emotions & behaviors
    • psychotherapy- allows them to explore social & or personal difficulties
    • (meditation, biofeedback, aromatherapy)

    Agoraphobia- anxiety about possible situations where attacks happen, they avoid place, ppl, they feel helpless, embarrassing
  6. phobic disorders
    • internal fear reaction to specific situations or objects
    • social phobia- any where that others are involved, b/c they could judge person their hands & voice shake, & vomit if they eat
    • phobias are obsessive in nature

    • health care providers should understand pt cultural background when assessing them
    • b/c of big fear pt cant move
  7. OCD
    • obsessive-distressing persistant thought
    • compulsive- reoccuring behavior, not habits
    • to reduce anxiety
    • Reg. OCD- bout cleanliness, agressive, sexual, health, safety, order & symmetry, rins in family, & hormonal
    • use ego defense mechanism
    • cant have relaionships
    • many have schizo, depression
    • TX- meds & therapy
  8. traumatic stress reaction
    • follows a stressfull event
    • occurs after rape, homeless, abuse, health issues
    • it follows:
    • fear- out cry of anguish
    • recovery/repair
    • adaption- return to real world situations

    • therapeutice interventions:
    • providing stability, emotional support
  9. Post-traumatic stress disorder
    • from traumatic expirience
    • intense fear, helplessness
    • S/S- flashbacks, can last few sec. to 30 min, & their intervenions should be keeping them safe
    • they usually isolate themselves, children express by being disorganized, or aggitated
  10. therapeutic interventions
    • learn to recognize S/S
    • combination of meds & therapies to tx maladaptive response
    • causes of anxiety
    • teach new coping skills also s
    • *systemic desensitization- removing stressor
    • *flooding- exposing pt to fearded objects
    • relaxation tech.
    • meds include- benzodiazepines, antidepressants, anithistamines, propranolol
Card Set
mental health
ch 18