nupti-ae, -arum 1f pl
marriage rites
anim-us, -ī 2m
mind, spirit, heart
consili-um, -ī 2n
plan, advice, judgement
homo, homin-is 3m
man, fellow
irrīde -ō 2
Laugh at, mock
prōmitt-ō 3 prōmīs- prōmiss-
well, throughly, rightly
with himself/herself
facinus facinor-is 3n
deed, crime, endeavour
onus oner-is 3n
load, burden
scelus sceler-is 3n
crime, villainy, criminal, villain
faci-ō 3io fēc-, fact-
I make, do
fer-ō 3 tul-, lāt-
I bear, lead
cīvis, cīv-is 3m f
āmitt-ō 3 āmīs- āmiss
aufer-o, auferre 3 absul-, ablāt-
I take away
mitt-ō 3 mīs- miss-
I send
inveni-ō invenīre 4
I find
fugi-ō 3/4
I escape, run off, flee
habe-ō negōtium
I conduct business
ine-ō inīre
I enter, go in
apud + acc.
at the house of, in the hands of, in the works of
quid negōtī?
what (of) business, problem, trouble?
audāx audāc-is
brave, bold, resolute
ingēns ingent-is
huge, large, lavish
trīst-is e
sad, gloomy, unhappy