Drug Protocol

  1. Presentation of Morphine
    10mg in 1ml ampoule
  2. Indications for Morphine
    Significant pain

    Autonomic Dysreflexia (GTN first line of Rx, Morphine considered if unresponsive to initial Rx)
  3. Contra-Indications of Morphine
  4. Precautions of Morphine
    • Elderly
    • Hypotension
    • Respiratory tract burns
    • Respiratory depression and failure
    • Known addiction to narcotics
    • Patients on MAOI's
  5. Side effects of Morphine
    • Bradycardia
    • Drowsiness
    • Hypotension
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Pin point pupils
    • Respiratory depression
  6. Dosage of Morphine - Adult IM
    • 2.5-10mg IM as initial dose
    • Incremental doses of up to 5mg every 10 minutes until significant reduction of pain or onset of undesirable side effects.
    • Total max dose = 20mg

    • Hypotensive Pt's (BP less than 90mm Hg)
    • All dosages to be halved or no greater than 2.5mg incremental IV or 5mg IM.
    • ACPs must call for ICP backup if available
  7. Dosage of Morphine - Adult IV
    • 2.5-5mg IV as initial dose
    • Incremental doses of up to 5mg every 5 minutes until significant reduction of pain or onset of undesirable side effects.
    • Total max dose = 20mg

    • Hypotensive Pt's (BP less than 90mm Hg)
    • All dosages to be halved or no greater than 2.5mg incremental IV or 5mg IM.
    • ACPs must call for ICP backup if available
  8. Dosage of Morphine - Child IM (1 year to 12 y/o)
    200mcg/kg IM as the initial dose.

    Total max dose = 200mcg/kg.
  9. Dosage of Morphine - Child IV (1 year to 12 y/o)
    100mcg/kg IV as the initial dose up to a maximum bolus dose of 2.5mg.

    Further incremental doses of up to 50mcg/kg (up to a max bolus dose of 2.5mg) every 5 minutes until significant reduction of pain or onset of undesirable side effects. Total max dose = 200mcg
  10. Dosage of Morphine - Child under 1 year
    Medical consultation required
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Drug Protocol