Mental Health

  1. What is older adulthood?
    period in life from 65yrs of age until death.
  2. What is gerontophobia?
    The fear of aging and refusal to accept the elderly into the mainstream of society.
  3. What is ageism?
    a practice of stereotyping older persons as feeble, dependent, and nonproductive.

    Nurse = important 4 the nurse 2 look @ their attitudes and values about aging.
  4. When are physical changes of aging noticeable?
    By late 30s, and by 50s peeps can't deny the effects of aging and signs of aging continue to show until 85yrs.
  5. The physical aging process varies bcuz?
    genetics, early physical and mental health care, current lifestyle practices, and attitude.
  6. According to Erikson, older adults develop what in this stage?
    A sense of personal integrity accept the worth and uniqueness of their lifestyles. They are able to find order and meaning in their lives.
  7. What decreases and increases @ age 40?
    short-term memory and speed decline but mental capabilities, such as judgment and wisdom, continue to improve as you get older
  8. What are common problems with older adults?
    They have to learn to cope with losses through deaths of spouses, family, friends. Retirement brings loss of income and opportunities for socialization. Living arrangements may need to change and relationships with adult children are redifined.

    Nurse = are to assist many clients in coping with the changes of growing older.
  9. What physical changes do the elderly go through?
    • Loss of physical strength
    • Eating and sleeping patterns change
    • Sensory, dental, or digestive problems
    • Decrease in hormone levels

    Nurse = encourage physical activity in every client helps mind and body. Make sure they are eating due 2 not being able to cook or afford food or eating empty calories. Older adults usually have vague nospecific physical signs and symptoms and may mask a mental problem. REMEMBER EARLY ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENTION ARE KEY 4 KEEPING OLDER ADULTS' MINOR PROBLEMS FROM BECOMING MAJOR ONES.
  10. What challenges about healthcare do the elderly face?
    Usually on medicare or medicaid but require out-of-pocket expenses but some elderly can't afford or they can afford it but have no transportation or way 2 get to health services.
  11. Psychosocial adaptations
    Elderly peeps used 2 live with family but now are put in nursing homes and family is far away.

    Nurse = help with ADLs, help with filling the gap for missing family members by providing emotional and social support.
  12. Economic differences in elderly
    Peeps born during the depression usually hate wasting food and hoard stuff. Older peeps are usually to trusting which leaves them vulnerable to scams, deceptions, and threats from con artist and criminals.

    Nurse = Interventions relating 2 money are usually provided by social workers, Nurses can assess 4 indications of financial problems and refer clients 2 appropriate resource. Monitor client because worries about money can lead 2 mental problems like depression, anxiety, or paranoia. DEMONSTRATE RESPECT DURING QUESTIONING ON INCOME, HOUSING & FOOD COSTS, HOW THEY PAY FOR STUFF
  13. Loss and death problems
    When elderly peeps lose friends or spouse depression can set in. Usually couples who have been together for many years will die w/in the months of each other.

    nurse = provide compassion, understanding, and support help them reestablish the psychosocial connections that bind us 2gether.
  14. Substance abuse and elderly
    Misuse or abuse of medications, bcuz of decline of metabolize and excrete functions, problems with sight and memory about taking drugs, over the counter drugs mixing with prescription drugs, hoarding drugs or keeping outdated drugs.

    Nurses = have responsibility 2 ensure that older clients are using their medications correctly. Do a thorough assessment of client's drug history, current drugs prescritption and OTC and recreational and why taking them. OFTEN A HISTORY OF MINOR ACCIDENTS & INJURIES SIGNALS A PROBLEM WITH DRUGS
  15. Mental health problems of older adults
    same mental health disorders as adolescents and younger adults but also face problems of vulnerability, abuse, memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimers. Mental health problems can result from physical or biochemical disorders. MOST COMMON DISORDERS RELATE 2 LOSS, DEPRESSION, ABUSE, AND DEMENTIA
  16. What are the three types of Elder abuse?
    • Domestic abuse= where the abuser has a special relationship with the elder.
    • Institutional abuse = where caregivers who are legally obligated to provide protective care fail to do so.
    • Self-neglect or Self abuse =

    Nurse = be alert for the indications of abuse in every older client.
Card Set
Mental Health
Ch 16