
  1. Wagner
    • [ˈwægnə]
    • n.瓦格纳
    • German composer known especially for his romantic operas,often based on Germanic legends. (1853-1874).
  2. matinee
    • [Mætnˈei]
    • n.日场音乐会
    • An entertainment,such as a dramatic or musical performance,given in the daytime,usually in the afternoon.
  3. Nebraska
    • [niˈbræskə]
    • n.内布拉斯加州
  4. communication
    • [kəˌmjuːniˈkeiʃn]
    • n.邮件
    • A system,such as mail,telephone,or television,for sending and receiving messages.
  5. none too
    • [nʌn tuː]
    • 一点也不
  6. render
    • [ˈrendə]
    • v.给予
    • To give or make available; provide
  7. call up
    • [kɔːl ʌp]
    • 召唤,使想起
  8. at once .. and ..
    • [æt wʌns ænd]
    • 既...又...
  9. grotesque
    • [grəuˈtesk]
    • 奇形怪状的
    • Characterized by ludicrous or incongruous distortion,as of appearance or manner.
  10. ill at ease
    • [il æt iːz]
    • 局促不安的
    • Nervously uncomfortable.
  11. gangling
    • [ˈgæŋgliŋ]
    • (身体)瘦长的
    • Awkwardly tall or long-limbed; rangy
  12. scourge
    • [skəːdʒ]
    • v.使苦恼
    • To afflict with severe or widespread suffering and devastation; ravage.
    • To chastise severely; excoriate.
    • 严厉指责;责备
    • To flog.
    • 鞭打
  13. chilblain
    • [ˈtʃilblein]
    • n.冻疮
    • An inflammation followed by itchy irritation on the hands,feet,or ears,resulting from exposure to moist cold.
  14. bashfulness
    • [ˈbæʃful]
    • n.害羞
  15. crack
    • [kræk]
    • v.破裂,裂缝
    • To break without complete separation of parts; fissure
  16. sore
    • [sɔː]
    • v.弄伤
    • To mutilate the legs or feet of (a horse) in order to induce a particular gait in the animal.
  17. husking
    • [ˈhʌskiŋ]
    • <动名词>扒剥玉米
  18. tentatively
    • [ˈtentətivli]
    • 试验性地
  19. raw
    • [rɔː]
    • 擦掉皮的
    • Having subcutaneous tissue exposed
  20. fumble
    • [ˈfʌmbl]
    • v.摸索
    • To grope awkwardly to find or to accomplish something
  21. scale
    • [skeil]
    • n.音阶
    • 进位制
  22. canvas mitten
    • [ˈkænvəs ˈmitn]
    • 帆布手套
  23. landlady
    • [ˈlændleidi]
    • n.女房东
    • A woman who runs a rooming house or an inn; an innkeeper.
    • A woman who owns and rents land,buildings,or dwelling units.
    • 女地主
  24. somewhat
    • [ˈsʌmwɔt]
    • adv.稍微,有点,有些
  25. all the way
    • [ɔːl ðə wei]
    • 从远道,一路上
    • 自始至终
  26. linen
    • [ˈlinin]
    • 亚麻的
    • Made of flax or linen.
  27. duster
    • [ˈdʌstə]
    • n.宽松服
    • A woman's loose dress-length housecoat.
    • A smock worn to protect one's clothing from dust.
    • 防尘衣,罩衫
  28. bonnet
    • [ˈbɔnit]
    • n.围边女帽
    • A hat of cloth or straw,held in place by ribbons tied under the chin,that is worn by women and children.
  29. boardinghouse
    • [ˈbɔːdiŋhaus]
    • n.寄宿公寓
  30. misshapen
    • [misˈʃeipən]
    • 奇形怪状的
  31. Upper Congo
    • [ˈʌpə ˈkɔngəu]
    • n.刚果河
  32. conservatory
    • [kənˈsəːvətri]
    • n.音乐学院
    • A school of music or dramatic art.
    • A greenhouse,especially one in which plants are arranged aesthetically for display,as at a botanical garden.温室
  33. callow
    • [ˈkæləu]
    • 未长成的
    • Lacking adult maturity or experience; immature
  34. lad
    • [læd]
    • n.年轻人,小伙子
    • A young man; a youth.
  35. absurd
    • [əbˈsəːd]
    • 荒诞的,可笑的
    • Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable.See Synonyms at foolish
  36. extravagant
    • [iksˈtrævəgənt]
    • 过分的,放纵的
    • 奢侈的
  37. angular
    • [ˈæŋgjulə]
    • 棱角的,瘦削的
    • Bony and lean; gaunt
  38. spectacled
    • [ˈspektək(ə)ld]
    • 戴眼镜的
    • Wearing spectacles.
  39. upshot
    • [ˈʌpʃɔt]
    • n.结果
    • The final result; the outcome.See Synonyms at effect
  40. inexplicable
    • [inˈeksplikəbl]
    • 难以解释的
    • Difficult or impossible to explain or account for
  41. infatuation
    • [inˌfætjuˈeiʃən]
    • n.痴迷,醉心
    • A foolish,unreasoning,or extravagant passion or attraction.See Synonyms at love
  42. elude
    • [iˈluːd]
    • v.躲避
    • To evade or escape from,as by daring,cleverness,or skill
  43. reproach
    • [riˈprəutʃ]
    • n.责备;指摘
    • Blame; rebuke.
  44. homestead
    • [ˈhəumsted]
    • n.宅地
    • Property designated by a householder as the householder's home and protected by law from forced sale to meet debts.
    • 家园,田产
  45. measure off
    • [ˈmeʒə ɔːf]
    • v.划分
  46. quarter section
    • [ˈkwɔːrtə ˈsekʃən]
    • 1/4 section
  47. section
    • [ˈsekʃən]
    • n.一平方英里的面积
    • A land unit equal to one square mile (2.59 square kilometers),640 acres,or !/36 of a township.
  48. prairie
    • [ˈprɛəri]
    • n.大草原
    • An extensive area of flat or rolling,predominantly treeless grassland,especially the large tract or plain of central North America.
  49. revolution
    • [ˌrevəˈluːʃən]
    • n.旋转
    • Orbital motion about a point,especially as distinguished from axial rotation
    • A turning or rotational motion about an axis.
  50. dugout
    • [ˈdʌgaut]
    • n.山洞
    • A pit dug into the ground or on a hillside and used as a shelter.
  51. revert to
    • [riˈvəːt]
    • v.回复,归还
  52. lagoon
    • [ləˈguːn]
    • n.废水,污水池
    • A shallow body of liquid waste material,as one in a dump.
  53. stock
    • [stɔk]
    • n.贮藏
    • A supply accumulated for future use; a store.
  54. rove
    • [rəuv]
    • v.漫游;流浪
    • To wander about at random,especially over a wide area; roam.
  55. kinswoman
    • [ˈkinzˌwumən]
    • n.女亲戚
    • A relative who is a woman.
  56. soiled
    • [sɔild]
    • 弄脏的
  57. conspicuous
    • [kənˈspikjuəs]
    • 易见的;明显的
    • Easy to notice; obvious.
    • Attracting attention,as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable.See Synonyms at noticeable
    • 惹人注意的
  58. costume
    • [ˈkɔstjuːm]
    • v.服饰,服装
    • A style of dress characteristic of a particular country,period,or people,often worn in a play or at a masquerade.
    • A prevalent fashion of dress,including garments,accessories,and hairstyle.
  59. ornamentation
    • [ˌɔːnəmenˈteiʃən]
    • n.装饰
    • The act or process of decorating,adorning,or embellishing.
  60. dressmaker
    • [ˈdresmeikə(r)]
    • n.裁缝
    • One that makes women's clothing,especially dresses.
  61. stoop
    • [stuːp]
    • vi.弯腰,弯下上身,屈服
    • To walk or stand,especially habitually,with the head and upper back bent forward.
  62. stays
    • [steiz]
    • n.妇女紧身胸衣
  63. abdomen
    • [ˈæbdəmən]
    • n.腹部
    • The part of the body that lies between the thorax and the pelvis and encloses the stomach,intestines,liver,spleen,and pancreas.Also called belly
  64. false teeth
    • [fɔːs tiːθ]
    • (整副的)假牙
  65. alkaline
    • [ˈælkəlain]
    • 碱的
    • Of,relating to,or containing an alkali.
  66. cuticle
    • [ˈkjuːtikl]
    • n.表皮
  67. physiognomy
    • [ˌfiziˈɔnəmi]
    • n.面相,相貌
  68. incessant
    • [inˈsesnt]
    • 连续不断的
    • Continuing without interruption.See Synonyms at continual
  69. monotony
    • [məˈnɔtəni]
    • n.单调
    • Tedious sameness or repetitiousness
  70. fascination
    • [fæsiˈneiʃən]
    • n.魅力
    • The capability of eliciting intense interest or of being very attractive.
    • The state of being intensely interested or attracted
    • 神魂颠倒
  71. reverential
    • [ˌrevəˈrenʃəl]
    • 恭敬的,虔敬的
    • Expressing reverence; reverent.
  72. ironing board
    • [ˈaiəniŋ]
    • n.熨衣板
    • A long,narrow padded board,often with collapsible supporting legs,used as a working surface for ironing.
  73. recite
    • [riˈsait]
    • v.吟诵,背诵
    • To repeat or utter aloud (something rehearsed or memorized),especially before an audience.
  74. declension
    • [diˈklenʃən]
    • n.词形变化
    • In certain languages,the inflection of nouns,pronouns,and adjectives in categories such as case,number,and gender.
  75. conjugation
    • [ˌkɔndʒuˈgeiʃən]
    • n.特定动词的变形
    • The inflection of a particular verb.
  76. mythology
    • [miˈθɔlədʒi]
    • n.神话
    • A body of myths concerning an individual,event,or institution
  77. accordion
    • [əˈkɔːdjən]
    • n.手风琴
    • A portable instrument with a small keyboard and free metal reeds that sound when air is forced past them by pleated bellows operated by the player.
  78. farmhand
    • [faːm hænd]
    • n.农场工人;帮手
  79. darn
    • [daːn]
    • v.织补
    • To mend (a garment,for example) by weaving thread or yarn across a gap or hole.
  80. harmonious
    • [haːˈməunjəs]
    • 和谐的
    • Having component elements pleasingly or appropriately combined
    • Exhibiting accord in feeling or action.
    • 融洽的
    • Characterized by harmony of sound; melodious.
    • 悦耳的
  81. pious
    • [ˈpaiəs]
    • 虔诚的,笃信的,敬神的
  82. martyrdom
    • [ˈmaːtədəm]
    • n.殉教,殉身
    • The suffering of death by a martyr.
    • The state of being a martyr.
  83. sordid
    • [ˈsɔːdid]
    • 品德低下的
    • Filthy or dirty; foul.
    • 肮脏的或污秽的;污浊发臭的
    • Morally degraded
  84. doggedly
    • [ˈdɔgidli]
    • 固执地,顽强地
  85. beat out
    • [biːt aut]
    • v.敲平,搞清
  86. tremulously
    • [ˈtremjuləsli]
    • 发抖地,畏惧地
  87. somnambulant
    • [sɔmˈnæmbjulənt]
    • 梦游的,患梦游症的
  88. long for
    • [lɔŋ fɔː]
    • v.渴望
  89. train-sick
    • [̪treinsik]
    • 晕火车的
  90. study
    • [ˈstʌdi]
    • n.书房
    • A room intended or equipped for studying or writing.
  91. cowshed
    • [ˈkauʃed]
    • n.牛棚
    • A shed for housing cows.
  92. Huguenot
    • [ˈhjuːgənɔt]
    • n.胡根诺教派
    • A French Protestant of the 16th and 17th centuries.
  93. symphony
    • [ˈsimfəni]
    • n.交响乐
    • An extended piece in three or more movements for symphony orchestra,essentially a large-scale,complex sonata.
    • An instrumental passage in a vocal or choral composition.交响曲
    • An instrumental overture or interlude,as in early opera.
    • 序曲,插曲
  94. orchestra
    • [ˈɔːkistrə]
    • n.管弦乐团
    • A large group of musicians who play together on various instruments,usually including strings,woodwinds,brass instruments,and percussion instruments.
    • The instruments played by such a group.
    • 管弦乐器
  95. converse
    • [kənˈvəːs]
    • v.交谈
    • 对话,会话
  96. timid
    • [ˈtimid]
    • 胆怯的
    • Lacking self-confidence; shy.
    • 羞怯的
    • Fearful and hesitant
  97. absently
    • [ˈæbsəntli]
    • 心不在焉地,茫然地
  98. weakling
    • [ˈwiːkliŋ]
    • 虚弱的,懦弱的
  99. calf
    • [kaːf]
    • n.小牛
    • A young cow or bull.
  100. mackerel
    • [ˈmækrəl]
    • n.鲭鱼
  101. cellar
    • [ˈselə]
    • n.地窖,地下室
  102. score
    • [skɔːə]
    • n.乐谱
    • 配乐
  103. passive
    • [ˈpæsiv]
    • 不参与的
    • 顺从的
  104. inert
    • [iˈnəːt]
    • 无动力的
    • Unable to move or act.
    • Sluggish in action or motion; lethargic.See Synonyms at inactive
    • 迟缓的
  105. trepidation
    • [trepiˈdeiʃən]
    • n.战战兢兢
    • A state of alarm or dread; apprehension.See Synonyms at fear
    • 惊恐
    • An involuntary trembling or quivering.
    • 颤栗或颤抖
  106. absurdity
    • [əbˈsəːditi]
    • n.荒谬,谬论
  107. attire
    • [əˈtaiə]
    • n.服装,衣着
  108. superficially
    • [sjuːpəˈfiʃəlli]
    • 浅薄地
  109. granite
    • [ˈgrænit]
    • n.花岗岩
    • A common,coarse-grained,light-colored,hard igneous rock consisting chiefly of quartz,orthoclase or microcline,and mica,used in monuments and for building.
  110. Rameses
    • [ˈræmisiːz]
    • n.拉美西斯
    • One of Kings of Egypt
  111. froth
    • [frɔθ]
    • n.泡沫,不重要或无价值的事
    • Something unsubstantial or trivial.
    • A mass of bubbles in or on a liquid; foam.
    • Salivary foam released as a result of disease or exhaustion.口边白沫
  112. fret
    • [fret]
    • n.烦躁
    • The act or an instance of fretting.
    • 烦恼的行为或事例
    • Irritation of mind; agitation.恼怒;激怒
  113. pedestal
    • [ˈpedistl]
    • n.基座
    • An architectural support or base,as for a column or statue.
  114. aloofness
    • [əˈluːfnis]
    • n.远离,孤零,冷漠
  115. bullion
    • [ˈbuliən]
    • n.金银条
    • Gold or silver in the form of bars,ingots,or plates.
  116. haggard
    • [ˈhægəd]
    • 憔悴的
    • Appearing worn and exhausted; gaunt.
    • Wild and intractable. Used of a hawk in falconry.
    • 狂野的,不驯服的
  117. haberdasher
    • [ˈhæbədæʃər]
    • n.男性服饰用品商
    • A dealer in men's furnishings.
  118. veritable
    • [ˈveritəbl]
    • 名副其实的;真正的,确实的
    • Being truly so called; real or genuine
  119. contour
    • [ˈkɔntuə]
    • n.轮廓
    • The outline of a figure,body,or mass.
    • A contour line.
    • 等高线
  120. bodice
    • [ˈbɔdis]
    • n.女上衣的上部
    • The fitted part of a dress that extends from the waist to the shoulder.
    • Obsolete A corset.
    • 【废语】 妇女紧身胸衣
  121. shimmer
    • [ˈʃimə]
    • n.闪烁不定的光线,闪光
    • A flickering or tremulous light; a glimmer.
  122. sheer
    • [ʃiə]
    • 极薄的
    • Thin,fine,and transparent
  123. yield
    • [jiːld]
    • v.放弃,投降
    • To give over possession of,as in deference or defeat; surrender.
  124. mauve
    • [məuv]
    • 紫红色的
    • A moderate grayish violet to moderate reddish purple.
  125. lilac
    • [ˈlailæk]
    • 丁香色的
    • A pale to light or moderate purple.
    • 淡紫色
  126. ecru
    • [ˈeikruː]
    • 米色的
  127. impressionist
    • [imˈpreʃənist]
    • n.印象派艺术家
    • An artist,a composer,or a writer who practices or upholds the theories of impressionism.
  128. sunlit
    • [sʌnlit]
    • 阳光照亮的
    • Illuminated by the sun.
  129. frock coat
    • [frɔk]
    • n.男大衣
  130. daub
    • [dɔːb]
    • n.涂抹
    • The act or a stroke of daubing.
    • A soft,adhesive coating material,such as plaster,grease,or mud.
    • 涂料
  131. treadmill
    • [ˈtredmil]
    • n.踏车,枯燥的工作
    • A mechanism rotated by people treading on the moving steps of a wheel.
    • A monotonous task or set of tasks seeming to have no end.
  132. gloss
    • [glɔs]
    • n.光泽,光彩
    • A surface shininess or luster.
    • A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance.
    • 假象,虚饰
  133. dull
    • [dʌl]
    • 暗的
    • Not bright or vivid. Used of a color
  134. varnished
    • [ˈvaːniʃd]
    • 浸渍过的,涂漆的
  135. cello
    • [ˈtʃeləu]
    • n.大提琴
    • Short for violoncello:A four-stringed instrument of the violin family,pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass.
  136. viol
    • [ˈvaiəl]
    • n.古提琴
    • Any of a family of stringed instruments,chiefly of the 16th and 17th centuries,having a fretted fingerboard,usually six strings,and a flat back and played with a curved bow.
  137. wind-tossed
    • [wind tɔsd]
    • 风中摇荡的
  138. fiddle
    • [ˈfidl]
    • n.小提琴
    • A violin.
  139. conjurer
    • [ˈkʌndʒərər]
    • n.魔术师
    • One that performs magic tricks; a magician.
    • A sorcerer or sorceress.
    • 巫师或女巫
  140. reel out
    • [riːl aut]
    • v.抽出,拽出
    • To wind on or let out from a reel.
  141. ribbon
    • [ˈribən]
    • n.长、细的条带
    • A long,thin strip
  142. overture
    • [ˈəuvətʃuə]
    • n.前奏曲,序曲
    • An instrumental composition intended especially as an introduction to an extended work,such as an opera or oratorio.
    • 器乐
    • A similar orchestral work,such as one written as a concert piece or an introduction to a play.
  143. horn
    • [hɔːn]
    • n.长号或大号,号角
    • A wind instrument made of an animal horn.
    • A brass wind instrument,such as a trombone or tuba.
    • A wind instrument,such as a trumpet or saxophone,used in a jazz band.
    • 喇叭,萨克斯管
  144. frenzy
    • [ˈfrenzi]
    • n.狂乱
    • A state of violent mental agitation or wild excitement.
    • Temporary madness or delirium.
    • 疯狂
    • A mania; a craze.
    • 颠狂
  145. ripping
    • [ˈripiŋ]
    • 撕的,劈的,折的
  146. gully
    • [ˈgʌli]
    • v.形成沟槽
    • To form a deep ditch or channel.
  147. clay
    • [klei]
    • n.粘土,泥土
    • A fine-grained,firm earthy material that is plastic when wet and hardens when heated,consisting primarily of hydrated silicates of aluminum and widely used in making bricks,tiles,and pottery.
  148. ash
    • [æʃ]
    • n.岑树
    • 灰,灰烬
  149. seedling
    • [ˈsiːdliŋ]
    • n.秧苗,树苗
  150. corral
    • [kəˈræl]
    • n.畜栏
    • An enclosure for confining livestock.
  151. cot
    • [kɔt]
    • n.小床
    • A narrow bed,especially one made of canvas on a collapsible frame.
  152. mosquito netting
    • [məsˈkiːtəu netiŋ]
    • n.蚊帐
  153. tack
    • [tæk]
    • v.(用大头钉)钉住
    • To fasten or attach with or as if with a tack
  154. prelude
    • [ˈpreiljuːd]
    • n.序曲
    • An independent piece written for piano and usually based on a single,short thematic motif.
  155. seething
    • [ˈsiːðiŋ]
    • 沸腾的,火热的
  156. turmoil
    • [ˈtəːmɔil]
    • n.混乱,骚动
    • 动乱
    • A state of extreme confusion or agitation; commotion or tumult
  157. winds
    • [windz]
    • n.管乐器
    • The brass and woodwinds sections of a band or an orchestra.
    • Wind instruments or their players considered as a group.
    • 管乐器部
  158. ken
    • [ken]
    • n.知识领域;视野
    • Perception; understanding
    • Range of vision.视野、眼界
    • View; sight.
    • 景色;眼光
  159. utter
    • [ˈʌtə]
    • 完全的;彻底的;十足的
    • Complete; absolute; entire
    • To send forth with the voice
    • 发出声音,说
  160. tentacle
    • [ˈtentəkl]
    • n.触手
    • Zoology An elongated,flexible,unsegmented extension,as one of those surrounding the mouth or oral cavity of the squid,used for feeling,grasping,or locomotion.
  161. knead
    • [niːd]
    • v.揉成,捏制
    • To mix and work into a uniform mass,as by folding,pressing,and stretching with the hands
  162. palm
    • [paːm]
    • n.手掌
    • The inner surface of the hand that extends from the wrist to the base of the fingers.
  163. unduly
    • [ˈʌnˈdjuːli]
    • 过度地;不适当地
    • Excessively; immoderately
  164. swollen
    • [ˈswəulən]
    • 肿胀的
    • Expanded by or as if by internal pressure; distended
  165. groping
    • [grəupiŋ]
    • 探索的,暗中摸索的
  166. tenor
    • [ˈtenə]
    • n.男高音
    • A continuous,unwavering course.See Synonyms at tendency
    • 一般趋向
    • The highest natural adult male voice.
    • 要旨,大意
    • 誊本
  167. glistening
    • [ˈgliːsniŋ]
    • 闪耀的,反光的
  168. excruciatingly
    • [iksˈkruːʃieitiŋ]
    • 极痛苦地,折磨人地
  169. interminably
    • [inˈtəːminəbli]
    • 无限地,冗长地
  170. wither
    • [ˈwiðə]
    • v.干枯,枯萎
    • To dry up or shrivel from or as if from loss of moisture.
  171. outward
    • [ˈautwəd]
    • 外表的,外面的
  172. shelf
    • [ʃelf]
    • n.架子,搁板
    • A flat,usually rectangular structure composed of a rigid material,such as wood,glass,or metal,fixed at right angles to a wall or other vertical surface and used to hold or store objects.
    • Something,such as a projecting ledge of rock or a balcony,that resembles such a structure.
  173. elaboration
    • [iˌlæbəˈreiʃən]
    • n.精心制作或刻画
    • 详尽的细节
  174. tramp
    • [træmp]
    • n.流浪汉
    • One who travels aimlessly about on foot,doing odd jobs or begging for a living; a vagrant.
    • A heavy footfall.
    • 沉重的脚步声
    • A walking trip; a hike.
    • 徒步旅行;远足
  175. cowpuncher
    • [ˈkauˌpʌntʃə]
    • n.牛仔
    • cowboy
  176. gingham
    • [ˈgiŋəm]
    • n.条格平布
    • A yarn-dyed cotton fabric woven in stripes,checks,plaids,or solid colors.
  177. hover
    • [ˈhɔvə]
    • v.滑翔,悬浮,盘旋
  178. prevail
    • [priˈveil]
    • v.成功,奏效
    • To be or become effective; win out
  179. faro
    • [ˈfɛərəu]
    • n.法罗(一种牌戏)
    • A card game in which the players lay wagers on the top card of the dealer's pack.
  180. fractured
    • [ˈfræktʃəd]
    • 断裂的
  181. collarbone
    • [ˈkɔləbəun]
    • n.锁骨
  182. jocularity
    • [ˌdʒɔkjuˈlæriti]
    • n.滑稽,戏谑,打趣
  183. stud
    • [stʌd]
    • vt.钉嵌,点缀
    • To set with studs or a stud
    • To be scattered over
  184. perplex
    • [pəˈpleks]
    • v.使困惑
    • To confuse or trouble with uncertainty or doubt.See Synonyms at puzzle
  185. gospel
    • [ˈgɔspəl]
    • n.<圣经·新约>福音书
  186. hymn
    • [him]
    • n.赞美诗,赞歌
    • A song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity.
    • A song of praise or joy; a paean.颂歌
  187. gauge
    • [geidʒ]
    • v.精确地测量
    • To measure precisely.
    • To determine the capacity,volume,or contents of.
    • 测定
    • To evaluate or judge
    • 评估;判断
  188. soapsuds
    • [ˈsəupsʌdz]
    • n.肥皂水的泡沫
    • Suds from soapy water.
  189. pail
    • [peil]
    • n.桶
    • A watertight cylindrical vessel,open at the top and fitted with a handle; a bucket.
  190. deluge
    • [ˈdeljuːdʒ]
    • n.泛滥,洪水
    • A great flood.
    • A heavy downpour.
    • 暴雨
  191. bore
    • [bɔː]
    • P of bear,亲自携带;运输
    • To carry on one's person; convey.
  192. myriad
    • [ˈmiriəd]
    • 无数的;数不清的
    • Constituting a very large,indefinite number; innumerable
  193. renounce
    • [riˈnauns]
    • v.放弃,放弃
    • To give up (a title,for example),especially by formal announcement.See Synonyms at relinquish
    • To reject; disown.拒绝;否认
  194. harpist
    • [ˈhaːpist]
    • n.弹竖琴者,竖琴师
  195. felt
    • [felt]
    • n.毡
    • A fabric of matted,compressed animal fibers,such as wool or fur,sometimes mixed with vegetable or synthetic fibers.
  196. flute
    • [fluːt]
    • n.笛
  197. stand
    • [stænd]
    • n.支架
    • A small rack,prop,or table for holding any of various articles
  198. sob
    • [sɔb]
    • v.呜咽
    • To weep aloud with convulsive gasping; cry uncontrollably.See Synonyms at cry
  199. bluff
    • [blʌf]
    • n.峭壁
    • A steep headland,promontory,riverbank,or cliff.
    • 悬崖,,陡岸,绝壁
  200. crook-backed
    • [kruk bækd]
    • 弓腰驼背的
  201. gaunt
    • [gɔːnt]
    • 瘦弱的
    • Thin and bony; angular.See Synonyms at lean 2
  202. molting
    • [ˈməultiŋ]
    • 蜕皮的
  203. turkey
    • [ˈtəki]
    • n.火鸡
    • A large North American bird (Meleagris gallopavo) that has brownish plumage and a bare,wattled head and neck and is widely domesticated for food.
  204. refuse
    • [riˈfjuːz]
    • n.废物
    • Items or material discarded or rejected as useless or worthless; trash or rubbish.
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Textbook Vocabulary