mental health

  1. adult growth & development
    • developental tasks of young adults:
    • establish self a functional & capable of living independantly
    • choose career
    • establish long term goals
    • commit to relationships
  2. adult growth & development
    • physical growth 4 men is by 21yr, women by 17yr
    • begin to show aging by 30yr, but if live in healthy way will have good health later
  3. emotional development
    • learning 2 function when under stress, stress could help some to achieve goals
    • caregivers should be able 2 explore inappropiate feelings w/ them
    • assessments: include pt perception of how their emotions affect their ability to have good relationships or ahieve their goals
    • when they have coped w/ life's problems they also adjust well to aging
    • fear of bad health, death, financial problems lead anxiety which them leads 2 illness or behavior problems
    • 15% are depressed but <1/3 get help
  4. intellectual development
    • focus on ability 2 solve intellectual or abstract problems
    • learn new skills
    • flexablitiy
    • broaden horizons
    • willingness to take risks
    • ppl who exercise intellects have few losses of mental ability

  5. social development
    • commitments- focuses on interactions & relatioships w/ others, careers
    • communications- srong impact on employment, relationships, goals
    • habits learned in childhood become life long
    • establishing intemacy, when strong sense of personal identity have long relationships, when struggleing w/ identity seek relatioship that fill their unmet psychosocial needs
  6. parenting
    • forces women to focus on others
    • creates anxiety, feeling inadequacy, isolation & helplessness, women that work & parent more vulnerable, once kids grow they find themselves
    • they have to redirect themselves from parent to partner, redefine marriage, they explore commiment, communication, & compromise (no one wins or losses) to each other, the marriage has a strong foundation, they have effective communication
    • build better spiritual dimension
    • adults that can'tfind meaning to their life become stagnant, slef-absorbed, isolated
    • they devolope ability to solve problems, have reasonable expectations, set priorities
  7. common problems of adulthood
    • internal problems- stressful situations or anxious situations
    • external problems- important role in determining opportunities (lack of education, poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, HIV, AIDS, lack of social support
  8. personal identity
    (internal problems)
    • starts @ childhood, can lead to mental health problems
    • problems of personal indentity affects: how they solve problems, makes decisions, & interprets stress

    nurses offer emotional support & encouragement to solve problems, act as valued source, directing to support groups

    • theraputic intervention: ASSIST
    • define life dream
    • making choices or making goals
    • health determine own spiritual needs
    • determine relationship choices, marriage, single
    • assess how their emotions influence ability to acheive goals, & have relationships
  9. intrapersonal relationship
    (internal problems)
    • when discovering unique nature they still search 4 relationship that meets their needs & fill personal growth
    • usually look 4 relatioship that will make them escape unhappy situations
    • some choose marriage, cohabitat either opposites gender or same gender which then cause mental health problems b/c of stigma & discrimination
    • violant relationships can happen to all genders especially women
    • caring 4 parents & children they are called "sandwich generation''
    • gender roles conflict- when b/c of stereotyping one can' do or work as what they want b/c of critisism
    • ppl that dont see how their attitudes or behaviors affe others have trouble in relationships

    • nursing care:
    • role of preventing mental illness by identifying those w/ intrapersonal problems by educating, support, & giveing resources
  10. Guiding next generation
    (internal problems)
    • having kids is like a package deal comes w/ responsibility, fatique, self-doubt, love, & joy
    • making choice of terminating preg. single parenting, or marrying b/c of child
    • most base their parenting on how they were raised,

    • factors of child-rearing practices:
    • family relationship
    • financial status
    • health practices
    • housing, living arrangements, safety
    • socialization of other
    • spiritual beleifs
    • type of discipline
  11. economics
    (internal problems)
    • when they loss their jobs, they also loss sel-esteem, & self-worth
    • downward spiral include: poverty, physical illness, phychosocial disorders,
    • children get negleted, abused, maltreated

    nurses help by support & retraining services

    inner strength- b/c of hard changes many adults grow & learn to cope
  12. educations
    (external problems)
    • training & education is linked w/ economics
    • ppl w/ an education leads to more money & they can deal w/ stressful situations better
    • lack of education limits abitlity & fosters disabilities
    • result of unemplyment is poverty leadin 2 unstable home, poor education, higher risk 4 becoming a victim, & have kids that suffer 2 & have bad education 2
    • homeless are usually men
  13. lack of support
    (external problems)
    • social isolation
    • no meaningful interactions w/ other

    • friends help w/ all aspects of life, makes it less hard to deal w/ problems
    • makes differance between mental health & illness
    • nurses need to assess pt social support systems
  14. AIDS
    • S/S- could take long to show, but some are cough, fever, nightsweats, wt loss, others are ear, nose, throat, or stomach complaints, & skin changes
    • some get depression, anxiety, lapses of memory
    • more likely got get at this age
    • Dr. have to educates pt bout AIDS
    • has many physical consequences but psychosocial & emotional effects can b equally devestating
  15. interventions
    • therapeutic interventions:
    • prevention & asissting to cope

    • Health care interventions:
    • nurses use assessment skills to uncover pt descriptions & their difficulties, work w/i pt reality, learn pt conitions, cultural differances, give written instructions

    • preventing mental illness:
    • remember itz the whole person who recieves our care
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mental health
ch 15