micro ch 6

  1. what are some characteristics of ideal antimicrobial drug?
    • microbicidal and not microbistatic
    • soluble, penetrate through
    • potent long enough
    • not subject to antimicrobial resistance
    • assists activities of host defense
    • remains active in tissues
    • not costly
  2. some antibacterials that inhibit cell wall synthesis
    • glycopeptides
    • amoxcillin
    • Beta-lactams
    • vancomycin
    • bacitracin
    • fosfomycin
    • cycloserine
  3. types of Beta-lactams
    • penicillins
    • cephalosporins
    • carbapenems
    • monobactams
    • cephamycins
  4. Beta-lactamase inhibitors
    • clavulanic acid + amoxycillin
    • sulbactam + ampicillin
    • tazobactam + piperacillin
  5. some antibacterials that inhibit protein synthesis
    • aminoglycodies
    • tetracyclines
    • erythromycin
    • clindamycin
    • chloramphenicol
  6. types of aminoglycosides
    • gentamicin
    • tobramycin
    • amikacin
    • neomycin
    • streptomycin
  7. Beta-lactams are more active against gram pos or gram neg?
    gram pos
  8. How can inhibitors of protein synthesis not effect us?
    different ribosomes
  9. How do inhibitors of protein synthesis work?
    • mRNA is misread
    • peptide bond is blocked
    • anticodon on tRNA is blocked (prevents initiation of protein synthesis)
  10. What are the mechanisms of drug resistance?
    • drug inactivation
    • decreased permeability
    • activation of drug pumps
    • use of alternate metabolic pathways
  11. choosing which drug to take:
    • health status of patient
    • receptor site & binding proteins
    • mixture of IV
  12. how would an antimicrobial reach the site of infection?
    at inhibitory concentratoins
  13. the antimicrobial penetrates and binds to target, avoiding what?
    inactivation and extrusion
  14. what are the for possible target sites for antibacterials?
    • cell wall synthesis
    • protein synthesis
    • nucleic acid synthesis
    • cell membrane function
  15. dissemination related to mutant selection
    chromosomally-mediated resistance
  16. dissemination related to spread of resistance plasmid
    plasmid-mediated resistance
  17. what is dissemination of resistance genes?
    how resistance genes spread out throughout the area
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micro ch 6
micro ch 6